Chapter 130 Naruto’s Plan!!

“Iwakuma Village is in front of you.”

“Let’s develop a tactic first.”

After approaching Iwakuma Village, there were obviously a lot of patrolling sentries in the shadows.


To be on the safe side,

The Red Sand Scorpion still stopped the crowd.

“What kind of plan does this need, wouldn’t it be better to go straight in and grab the five-tailed human pillar force?”

“I can give you the position of the five-tailed man’s pillar force.”

Hearing the words of the Red Sand Scorpion, Naruto Uzumaki said without concern.

Through the Kagura Heart Eye,

He could easily perceive the position of the five-tailed human pillar force.

When the time comes,

Rush directly into the village of Iwakuma,

Wouldn’t it be enough to catch the five-tailed human pillar force back? But

After Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, no one agreed.


Naruto’s idea was too hasty.

Rush directly into the village of Iwakuma and then capture the five-tailed human pillar force.


It’s no different than sending you to death.

As a five-(big) ninja village, Iwakuma is very powerful.

The number of ninjas in the village is the largest in the entire ninja world.

I’m afraid there are tens of thousands of ninjas.

Plus the earth shadow Ohnogi, as well as a group of elite Shangnin.

With the power of the four of them alone.

Once the grass startles,

Wanting to take away the five-tailed human pillar force from Iwakuma Village is simply a fool’s dream.

“This… This method is a bit lacking, let’s plan it again. ”

The Red Sand Scorpion was silent for a moment.

“Is it?”

“Then let’s have a good discussion.”

“However, I always feel that if I engage in sneak attacks, I will look very uncourageous.”

“We’re all S-class rebels!”

Naruto Uzumaki muttered disapprovingly.

The expression on his face was also disappointed.

Through today’s battle with Lao Zi, Naruto Uzumaki experienced a pleasure that he had never felt before.

He enjoyed the fun that fighting brought him.

Coming to the world of Naruto, he has such a powerful power.

If you can’t participate in some more high-intensity fighting, it will undoubtedly be a pity.

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the Scorpion of Akasa and Deidara, as well as Uchiha Obito Earth, were speechless.


Engaging in sneak attacks without momentum? Listen to what you mean,

I really want to face Iwakuma Village Gang! You think everyone is the same as you pervert! Speed, strength, endurance.

Incredible strong in every way.

When making a plan, also consider the strength of your teammates! Compared to the momentum,

Shouldn’t life be the most important thing? And

Their goal is the five-tailed human pillar force,

Being able to abduct the five-tailed human pillar force without attracting attention is the most correct way to do it!

“We’ll definitely fight Iwakuma.”

“However, it is absolutely impossible for Iwakuma Village to discover our true intentions.”

The Red Sand Scorpion finished speaking, and then Wangshi slowly made a plan.

“Tonight, Deidara, you will use your familiarity with Iwakuma Village and your ability to fly at high altitude to wreak havoc around Iwakuma Village.”

“In order to attract the attention of the ninjas of Iwakumura.”

After listening to the scorpion’s words, Deidara nodded excitedly.

“No problem.”

“Exactly, I want these ignorant guys to have a good look at my art!”

“Leave this matter to me, I will definitely blow up the village of Iwakuma to the sky!”


Although Deidara is from Iwakuma Village, Ohnoki is his former teacher.


Deidara did not have much affection for Iwakuma Village.

The people of the village,

No one identified with his exploding art.

This is one of the reasons why Deidara defected to Iwakuma in the first place.

He had long wanted to perform his art in the village.

“After Deidara caused chaos, we took the opportunity to sneak into the village of Iwakuma.”

“Catching the five-tailed pillar force is the task of our squad, so I am responsible for dealing with the five-tailed human pillar force.”

“As for Ah Fei and Mian Ma…… You two will try to create some chaos in Iwakuma Village as much as possible, and just give me some pressure. ”


The Red Sand Scorpion had arranged everyone’s tasks.

As a puppeteer, Scorpion’s brain is still very flexible.

“No problem, senior!”

Uchiha also agreed with the plan of the Red Sand Scorpion.


It was the ninjas of Iwakuma Village who kidnapped Rin.

This account,

Today he was going to let the ninjas of Iwakuma Village come back.

“Then listen to you.”

Seeing that everyone had no opinion, Naruto Uzumaki didn’t say anything more.


Tonight he must turn the village of Iwakuma upside down.


His goal is to unify the entire ninja world.

Only the strength of other ninja villages will be infinitely weakened,

Then the other party will willingly surrender to Konoha……… And

That way it’s easier for him to control.

Other than that

He could also throw the pot at AkatsukiOrganization’s head. No one would suspect him, suspect Konoha.

No one is an idiot.

If you miss this opportunity,

If you want to sabotage other ninja villages after that,

The other party can easily associate with the wooden leaf behind the ghost.


Other ninja villages were frustrated,

Konoha is the biggest beneficiary.

No evidence is needed.

“Since this is the case, then after dark, we will act in unison.”

“Face hemp, then it will be up to you to determine the position of the five-tailed human pillar force.”

Seeing that Naruto had no opinion, the Red Sand Scorpion breathed a sigh of relief.

Tonight is destined to be a big battle!

After arranging the task, the crowd began to prepare.

The Red Sand Scorpion intently inspected its puppet.


I also began to prepare the detonating clay to be used at night.

Uchiha Obito soil,

He was quietly staring at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

Only Naruto Uzumaki actually lay directly on the ground and began to fall asleep.

“This guy… It’s really heartfelt. ”

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki’s appearance, a bitter smile appeared on Scorpion’s face.

Tonight’s action is extremely dangerous.

Even a ninja of his stature could not guarantee that he would survive today’s attack.


Naruto Uzumaki actually fell asleep with a big grin!

“When you have the perverted strength of his, you can also fall asleep.”

As if seeing through the scorpion’s inner thoughts, Deidara snorted softly.

Thinking that I might have to face Ohnoki tonight,

His heart was also a little calm.


Hearing Deidara’s words, the scorpion sneered a few times.

Have the strength of Naruto Uzumaki?

Don’t think about it in this life.

He had transformed himself into a puppet, and his body was not as good as Naruto Uzumhir’s resistance to beating, let alone other aspects.

Finally, in the long wait, late at night, it came.

The four of Naruto also slowly stood up from the ground.

Four ninjas dressed in red clouds and black robes,

Taking advantage of the night,

Hurry towards Iwakuma Village!

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