Chapter 151 Immortal Law Ray Chakra Mode!!



As Naruto and Ai attack at the same time.

The two were instantly entangled.

The two people who mastered the Thunderbolt Chakra mode were all frighteningly fast and powerful.

The crowd could barely see two rays of sky-blue electric light constantly colliding everywhere.

However, he couldn’t catch the figures of Naruto Vortex and the four generations of Thunder Shadow Ai.

“So fast… You can’t see the figures of Lord Shadow and enemies at all. ”

“This… It really is the Thunder Chakra mode! That guy’s speed is definitely mastered by the Thunder Chakra mode! ”

“I have seen a ninja who can keep up with the speed of Lord Rayshadow, and this is the first time I have seen it.”

“Damn, this is obviously the ninjutsu of our village!” If that bastard hadn’t stolen his lessons, he wouldn’t have been the opponent of Lord Ray Shadow! ”

“Hmm, even if that’s the case, Lord Lei Ying won’t fail!”

“But… This time, the enemy is really stronger than ever! ”

The ninjas of Yunyin Village all sweated in their hearts.

After all

The strength that Naruto had originally displayed was already perverted enough.

Now the Thunderbolt Chakra mode is used again.


The speed that Lord Lei Ying had always been proud of had no advantage at all.

“The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow is this?”

Looking at Ai, who was frantically attacking him, Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth and taunted Ai’s attack now, completely making him feel no pressure.

“Bastard, don’t underestimate the thunder shadow!”

“Thunder Thunder Hot Knife!”

Naruto Uzumaki’s words,

Once again, Ai was plunged into rage.

With a roar,

Ai’s speed was once again increased to the extreme.

The thick arms attacked Naruto’s neck towards the vortex.


Seeing this scene, Naruto Uzumaki snorted coldly.

And then

The same is to raise their own arms.

In the same posture, he rushed towards Ai. The confrontation of the flesh, he has not been afraid of anyone.

Even the tailed beast was not his opponent.

Not to mention a human being.

With a loud Madarag,

Ai’s body flew out like a kite with a broken line.

And Naruto Uzumaki,

Not even taking a step back in place.

Seeing this scene,

Everyone in Yunyin Village was shocked beyond belief.

The battle just now, it turned out that Lord Akatsukiying had lost?!

“How can it be…… Lord Thunder Shadow was actually shot away?! ”

“Isn’t it true that even Lord Lei Ying is not the opponent of the guy in front of him?”

“Damn, why is that? When did the ninja world emerge with such a guy? ”

“Despicable bastard, if it weren’t for the fact that he stole the Thunder Chakra Pattern, Lord Thunder Shadow wouldn’t have failed!”

“So… How did the other person learn this ninjutsu? Seeing Ai being knocked out,”

The ninjas of Yunyin Village were all furious.

If it weren’t for the fact that the enemy had secretly learned the Thunder Chakra Mode, how could Lord Thunder Shadow have fallen into the ascendant?!

“I said, can’t you recognize reality now?”

“Lei Sui Chakra Mode, you Yunyin Village stole from me!”

Seeing the angry look of the ninja in Unakura Village, Naruto Uzumaki spoke again.

“Why do you say that?!”

“That is, we will not believe it!”

“The purpose of saying this is nothing more than to disturb the hearts and minds of our troops, so that we will not be deceived!”

Hearing the rebuttal of the crowd, Naruto Uzumaki no longer argued.

Instead, he silently mobilized the strength of his body.

“Senfa Ray Chakra Mode!”

With a soft drink, Naruto entered Perfect Immortal Mode.

And then

The blue arc of electricity that surrounded him instantly turned into purple lightning!

Wrapped in purple lightning, Naruto’s momentum was once again raised a notch.

A powerful sense of oppression with the breath of destruction instantly pressed on everyone’s heart!

“This… What’s going on? Why did the lightning on his body turn purple?! ”

“This breath… It’s so terrible, the body can’t help but tremble! ”

“Isn’t it… This is an advanced version of the Thunderbolt Chakra mode?! ”

“Our Thunder Chakra Mode was really stolen from the other side?!”

“No, I don’t believe it!”

“Is it time to dwell on this kind of thing?” Opposite this guy, who can stop it?! ”

“End… Totally unable to raise morale……”

After entering the Perfect Immortal Mode, the Thunderbolt Chakra used by Naruto Vortex also became the Celestial Thunderbolt Chakra Mode.

Whether it’s strength, speed or momentum,

Compared to before,

All are several times stronger.

Under such powerful oppression,

The ninjas of Yunyin Village all felt a sense of despair from the bottom of their hearts!

“This power… Never seen it before! ”

“It seems a little familiar, but I forgot where I felt it.”

“Could it be that the ancestors of the Face Ma were really the creators of the Raiden Chakra model?” Was it the Thunder Shadow of Yunyin Village that stole the Thunder Chakra Mode? ”

“If you say that, then everything will make sense.”

Naruto didn’t know yet.

The nonsense he had just made had Uchiha and the others start some fantastic ideas about his life in their hearts.

“Bastard, Hell Spur has a hand!”

With a roar.

Ai rushed towards Naruto from a distance with great speed.

Just the confrontation of the body,

Let one of his arms be completely broken.

So, Ai is also very clear,

The strength of Naruto Uzumaki,

I’m afraid it’s far above him.


He could only pin all his hopes on his strongest attack.

This trick is his father’s mastery, known as the strongest spear, able to break through all defenses.

Right now

Ai wants to use this trick to solve this tricky enemy in front of him!

“It’s too slow.”

Looking at Ai, who was rushing over with all his might, Naruto Uzumaki snorted softly.

And then

The figure disappeared in an instant.

This scene,

Makes Ai’s eyes widen for an instant.

Because even if it’s him,

Nor did it catch any of Naruto’s figures.

How fast was Naruto vortex so fast that he couldn’t even catch the figure?!

But before Ado could think about it,

A strong sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart.

For the first time,

Ai smelled the breath of death.

Someone……… Behind him!

Ai struggled with all his strength and twisted his head with difficulty.

And then

Then he saw Naruto Uzumaki’s expressionless figure.


Ai hadn’t finished thinking about it yet, Naruto’s attack had already landed on him.


With a loud roar.

Ai’s body slammed into the ground, smashing out a huge pit.

Inside the pit, Ai’s life is completely gone!

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