Chapter 169 Kakashi, Uchiha is not dead!!

“Lord Naruto, good morning!”

“Good morning!”

“Lord Naruto, come to my shop and do it?”

“Next time by sure.”

“Brother Naruto, can you sign a name for us?”

“No problem.”

Walk above the streets of Konoha Village.

Every villager who saw Naruto Uzumaki would stop what was going on in their hands and say hello to Naruto Uzumaki.

Especially some girls who are in their youth.

That fierce passion,

It almost left Naruto in the middle of nowhere.

“Master, you are really welcome.”

Konan followed behind Naruto Uzumaki and covered his mouth with a few chuckles.


Naruto Uzumaki looked embarrassed, but she could see it clearly.


This man who stands at the apex of the entire ninja world,

It was actually surrounded by a group of little girls, and they couldn’t walk for half a day.

“I find that you are a lot bolder to go first?”

“How dare you laugh at me?”

“Do you still want to taste the power of tongue pulling?!”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, AkatsukiNan’s face turned red.

The host really is,

How to think about these things in the daytime, how embarrassing.

I have to say that it has to be at night.

“Okay, Konoha, I’ve almost led you around again.”

“Go buy some ingredients and prepare dinner.”

“I still have things to do, so I’ll go first.”

Naruto looked at AkatsukiNan’s face full of spring and quickly diverted the topic.

He still has something serious to do today, but he can’t indulge in femininity.

“Got it.”

“Master, go and get busy, leave me alone.”

Hearing Akatsukinan’s words, Naruto Uzumaki nodded.

Then he unleashed the Flying Thunder God Technique and disappeared.

Inside a training ground in Konoha.

Hinata Hinata, Harunno Sakura, and Uchiha Sasuke were sitting bored on the ground suddenly,

Kiki Kakashi appeared in front of the three of them.

“Yo, I’m sorry.”

“Because there was a black cat in front of me on the way here…”

“Mr. Kakashi, we’re used to it, and we don’t have to make excuses for being late.”

Before Kakashi could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Sakura Haruno.

“Is it?”

“What a shame.”

“It’s a reason that pained me for a long time.”

Hearing Kiki Kakashi’s words, Sakura Haruno and Hinata were all speechless about this kind of thing,

There’s no need to say it at all!

“Well… Because there have been so many things going on in the ninja world lately. ”

“So there’s no suitable task for us to perform.”

“In the past few days, let’s cultivate on our own.”

Kiki Kakashi finally remembered the purpose of his coming today.

Since Naruto Uzumaki left,

The seventh class is dead in name.

The strength of Naruto Uzumaki,

It is not suitable to stay in the seventh class anymore.


Hyuga Hata, who had mastered the Thunderbolt Chakra Mode and had grown by leaps and bounds, was transferred to the seventh class by Tsunade Tsunade.

And Kimu Kakashi,

He still serves as the guide of the seventh class.

“Alas… I don’t know what happened to Naruto. ”

“Speaking of which, I haven’t seen Naruto in a long time.”

Hearing Kiki Kakashi’s words, Haruno’s Sakura sighed.

Ever since Naruto Uzumaki last infiltrated the AkatsukiOrganization, everyone hadn’t seen Naruto for a long time.

“Sakura, when Naruto finishes his business, he will definitely come to us.”

“Don’t worry.”

Hinata said comfortingly.

Although in her heart, he missed Naruto Uzumaki very much.

“Well, that guy, if we meet again, I’ll be amazed at my strength.”

Sasuke Uchiha snorted coldly.

Now he,

The three gouges have been opened.

Even his older brother, Uchiha Mustela, is no longer his opponent!

Sasuke Uchiha was already a little impatient to show off with Naruto Uzumaki.


Kiki Kakashi sighed.

He also wanted to meet Naruto Uzumaki.

The last time Naruto Uzumaki gave him the villain book, he had turned it over dozens of times and could say,

It’s almost like opening the door to a new world.

Now Kakashi for the kind of book of Intimate Paradise,

I don’t feel it at all.

“It seems that everyone misses me a lot…”

Behind the multitudes,

There was a hearty laugh.


Hearing the voice, several people all raised their heads in joy.

After seeing Naruto Uzumaki’s figure again, all four of them became excited.

Hinata and Haruno Sakura.

Quickly rushed into Naruto’s arms.

Seeing this scene,

Sasuke Uchiha paused with some embarrassment.


He almost couldn’t help but hug Naruto Uzumaki too.

“You two, did you miss me?”

Naruto touched the heads of Hinata and Sakura.

Speaking of which, he hadn’t seen Hinata and Sakura for a long time.


Feeling the warm embrace of Naruto Uzumaki,

Sakura and Hinata both buried their heads deep into Naruto’s arms.

“Yo, isn’t this the second pillar?”

“I haven’t seen it for a few days, and I’ve become stupid again.”

Naruto Uzumaki looked up at Sasuke Uchiha and felt a little better again.

“Well, I’ve said it all, don’t say something that people don’t understand.”

“And, you don’t know, I’m already on…”

“Shut up, I’m not interested.”

Sasuke Uchiha wants to show off to Naruto Uzumaki that he has opened the Migoku Writing Wheel Eye,

He was ruthlessly interrupted by Naruto Uzumaki.

This made Sasuke Uchiha almost catch his breath.

“Naruto, you bastard!”

Looking at the bad smile on Naruto’s face, Uchiha Sasuke instantly understood.

This bastard,

Definitely on purpose!

“Okay, what were you just trying to say?”

Looking at Uchiha Sasuke’s depressed look, Naruto Uzumaki was in a good mood.

“Nothing, ahem.”

Sasuke Uchiha snorted coldly, then stepped aside and stood.

This bastard,

When we don’t meet, I always think about it.

Once we met,

Without saying a few words, I could kill him.


Sasuke Uchiha didn’t know how to describe it.

“Naruto, Sakura and Hinata haven’t had a mission lately, so you can go play with confidence.”

“I’ll go first.”

Kiki Kakashi finished speaking and prepared to leave.

He was not the same as Sasuke Uchiha.

Having read countless “love” novels, he doesn’t want to continue to be a light bulb here.

“Kakashi, wait a minute, I have something to tell you.”


“Uchiha took the soil and is not dead yet.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kiki Kakashi’s pupils shrank suddenly.

With soil………

He wasn’t dead?!!! Three.

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