Chapter 177 I declare that the Blood Mist Policy is officially abolished!!

“This… This……?!!! ”

Looking at the ruins in front of her, Terumi unconsciously opened her mouth and muttered to herself.

She had thought that Naruto Uzumaki would be able to defeat the other side.


But I never thought about it.

Naruto Uzumaki would triumph in this way.

Just one trick,

Hundreds of ninjas from the dark part of the Kirisame Village were wiped out.

This strength,

Can’t be called a human anymore, right?

“Now the biggest obstacle has been solved.”

“Do you still need us to help you with the rest?”

After solving all the enemies, Naruto walked over to Terumi Meditation.

“No, sir.”

“I’ll be able to handle the rest myself.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Terumi shook her head slightly.

In the village of Misty Hide,

Her prestige is high.


It has long been circulated,

She is the best ninja to be the next Aqua Shadow.

Now Goji Yakura is dead,

All of Yakura’s cronies were also dead.

Although almost all of her subordinates died this evening.


As long as it works properly,

Terumi was still very confident of becoming the next Water Shadow.

“My lord, please have a good time in Wuyin Village in the next few days.”

Hearing Terumi meditate’s words, Naruto Uzumaki did not refuse.

Although Wuyin Village is located in the middle of nowhere, it is far less prosperous than Konoha.


Every place has its own character.


Naruto Uzumaki also wanted to take a good look at the customs and customs of Kirito Village.

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki nodding, Terumi breathed a sigh of relief.

After seeing Naruto’s strength,

Terumi was very afraid of Naruto Uzumaki.

If one accidentally annoys Naruto Uzumaki.

That’s a lot of trouble.

A strong man like Naruto Uzumaki,

Even if you want to destroy the entire Misty Hidden Village, I’m afraid it’s not a difficult thing, right?

Naruto Uzumaki left no longer by Terumi Mitsu’s side, and then left alone.

Although Terumi had chosen to surrender to him,

But I think there must be a lot of questions in my mind.

Will not be cut off any longer,

It can also help Terumi to better understand herself.


After Naruto had just left, Terumi couldn’t help but wonder in her heart,

He asked, “No more chopping, who is this Naruto Uzumaki?” ”

“You tell me everything you know.”

Hearing Terumi meditative’s words, he no longer showed a proud smile on his face.

Follow Naruto Uzumaki,

It was the wisest decision he had ever made in his life.

“Then you can listen to it.”

Without saying anything more, he began to explain everything he knew to Terumi in detail.

After listening to the story of not chopping,

Terumi was surprised that she didn’t close her mouth for half a day.

She didn’t think of anything.

A teenager so young,

It is amazing to be able to do so many amazing things.


Terumi was also even more dissatisfied with the policy of Kirisame Village.

So many major changes have taken place in the ninja world.

They didn’t get any news from the Misty Hidden Village.

And so it goes.

Sooner or later, Kirito Village will be annexed by other ninja villages!

“After I become a water shadow, I must abolish the blood mist policy of Wuyin Village!”

“The Misty Hidden Village will definitely become stronger under my hands.”

Looking at Terumi with her clenched fists, she smiled slightly.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Don’t you think I can’t do it?”

Looking at the look of not chopping again, Terumi asked incomprehensibly.

“I just don’t think there’s any need to go to such lengths.”

“Curry favor with Lord Naruto Uzumaki, is there any problem in Kirito Village that can’t be solved?”

Hearing the words of no more chopping, Terumi was stunned.

Followed by

He reacted.

To please the great man,

What could be safer than becoming a woman with Naruto Uzumaki?

Thinking of this, Terumi Mu’s face turned red.

Naruto Uzumaki is powerful and handsome,

Exactly what she had in her mind about men.

Terumi is a very active woman.


Her heart had decided.

There is a chance,

Be sure to dedicate yourself to Lord Naruto Uzumaki.

And seeing the appearance of Terumi meditation,

No more chopping and no more words.

Some words,

That’s it.


The two began to prepare for the next plan.

“What? Lord Water Shadow is dead?! ”

“Last night, all the elites of the Dark Ministry were killed?!”

“And dozens of Shangnin, all of whom also died on the battlefield?” Only Terumi survived alone?! ”

“What kind of enemy can do such a thing?”

“It couldn’t be Konohaor the other ninja villages that joined forces to attack our Kirisame Village, right?”

The next morning, at the behest of Terumi Meditation,

The ninjas who were still in the village were all assembled.

When everyone has arrived,

Terumi said everything that happened last night.

In the description of Terumi Meditation,

Last night

There is a strong enemy secretly invading the village of Wuyin,

The fourth generation of Mizuki Goji Yakura led the Dark Ministry to desperately resist, but,

But he was still killed by the enemy. Terumi led the people to support, and almost the entire army was destroyed.

In the end,

Only Terumi survived.


The enemy’s purpose seems to be only Mitsuo Isofu.


The other party left the Kirisame Village after withdrawing the tailed beast inside Goji Yakura’s body.

The consequences are unimaginable.

When I first heard the news,

Almost all of the Kirisame ninjas didn’t believe it.


Even if it is a shadow-level strongman,

It is impossible to do such an outrageous thing.


When Terumi puts the bodies of Goji Yakura and a group of dark ninjas in front of everyone,

Everyone became silent.

It was only then that they discovered that it turned out that

What Terumi said is true!

“You see? This is the enemy we are facing! ”

“They are so powerful that even Lord Water Shadow is far from being an opponent.”

“Long ago, this enemy had already killed four generations of Eye Thunder Shadow and three generations of Eye Shadow, and almost destroyed the two villages of Yunyin Village and Iwakuma Village.”

“But in the face of such an enemy, we know nothing about it.”

“This is the consequence of a closed village that has not been able to communicate with the outside world!”

“If we had known the news earlier, there was a good chance that last night’s tragedy could have been avoided.”

Terumi’s words are very inflammatory.


What she said was basically all the truth.

Coupled with the “To” she had long arranged in the ninja of Kirisame Village. soon

At the instigation of these people,

Most of the ninjas who had been dissatisfied with the blood mist policy of Kirisame Village became indignant.

They were clamoring to abolish the blood mist policy of the Misty Village.

In wave after wave,

Terumi was also successfully elected by everyone as the fifth generation of water shadows.

Looking at the cheering crowd in the audience,

Terumi shook her arm.

“I declare that the Blood Mist Policy, from today onwards, will be completely abolished!”

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