Chapter 179 Ten Tails, Resurrection!!

“Hey, you guys… Shouldn’t we first thank your saviors? ”

Looking at the tailed beast in front of him, Naruto Uzumaki said expressionlessly.

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words,

Only then did the six-tailed beast notice the human in front of them. Setting his gaze on Naruto Uzumaki’s body, all the tailed beasts inhaled a cold breath.

This guy,

Why do you have eyes like this?

Seems to be much more powerful than the old man’s eyes? Is this a power that humans can have?

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki,

The tailed beasts all fell silent.

They know that in front of the eyes of samsara,

They simply do not have any ability to resist.


From past experience, human beings,

It is impossible to have any good thoughts about the tailed beast.

The guy in front of him though released them from the ten-tailed shell.


Maybe what the idea is!

“Well, an idiot is an idiot.”

Looking at the expressions of the tailed beasts, Naruto Whirlpool snorted coldly.

He was kind enough to release them,

The result is good,

This group of guys was unsympathetic and looked at themselves with a defensive face.

It is really a dog’s tooth Lu Dongbin, who does not know the hearts of the people.

“One tail, three tails, nine tails, come out.”

After Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, Shou Tsuru, Isofu, and the Nine Lamas emerged from his body.


The nine tailed beasts were all gathered together.

“Huh? How did you get caught? ”

“It’s over, it’s over, this guy, must use us to resurrect the Ten Tails, right?”

“Ninth Lama, don’t you say you are the strongest in a hundred?” Why were they caught? ”

“However, I didn’t expect that after all these years, we would still be able to get together.”

“Stupid, is it time to say these words?” We’re about to be killed! ”

The moment he saw Shou He, the Ninth Lama, all the tailed beasts were no longer calm.

Right now

As long as Naruto Uzumaki wanted to, they were all dead.

“Well, be quiet.”

“The boss won’t do that to us.”

Seeing the twittering looks of the other tailed beasts, Shou Crane snorted disdainfully at these guys,

The guts are so small.

“Shou He, what are you talking about?”

“That is, what boss?” He’s a human! ”

“Shou He, you have actually rebelled, where is your dignity as a tailed beast?”

Hearing that the crane had actually called a human boss, the tailed beasts all exploded.

For humans,

The tailed beasts were still very disgusted.

Because of humans,

Bring to them,

Most of them are bad memories.

“Really, since Naruto has pulled you out of the ten-tailed shell, naturally he has his thoughts.”

“You guys are so ignorant.”

The Ninth Lama also shook his head helplessly.

It already had a rough idea of what Naruto Uzumaki wanted to do.

“So you’re going to be clear, bastard!”

Seeing the expressions of Shou He and the Ninth Lama, the rest of the tailed beasts were also anxious.

What is this all about?

Can’t you just make it clear at once?

“All right.”

“I’m going to resurrect the Ten Tails.”

Naruto Uzumaki interrupted the chatter of the tailed beasts.

“Look, what am I talking about? Human beings really don’t have a good thing! ”

“Is this day still here after all?” Woohoo! ”

“I don’t want to die yet, I was sealed by humans not long after I was born, and I haven’t taken a good look at this world.”

“What to cry, it really doesn’t work, everyone will do a fight with him, and die violently!”

Looking at the appearance of the tailed beasts, Naruto Uzumaki couldn’t laugh a little.

These guys,

How come all of them are acute? You can’t listen to him finish speaking!

“Let’s be quiet.”

“Listen to me first.”

Naruto Uzumaki shouted.

After all the tailed beasts had quieted down again, he continued to speak.

“Although I am ready to resurrect the Ten Tails, I do not need to erase your consciousness.”

“It’s just to strip away most of your power.”

Although he intends to resurrect the Ten Tails.


But he didn’t think of simply sealing all nine tailed beasts into the ten-tailed body.

Naruto wanted to strip a small part of the tailed beast’s chakra out.

And then

Attach the consciousness of the tailed beasts to this small part of the chakra.

The rest of the chakra,

Naruto Uzumaki is used to resurrect the Ten Tails.

In this case,

It will be able to resurrect the Ten Tails,

It was able to retain the autonomous consciousness of the nine-tailed beast again.


It’s just the loss of most of its chakra.

“Huh? Can this still be so? But isn’t our strength very weak and weak? ”

“Yes, in that case, in the face of mankind in the future, we may not even have the strength to resist.”

“Stupid, you don’t have the strength anymore, how can humans still shoot at you!”

“That said, it doesn’t seem to be bad, at least it won’t be sealed into the human pillar force again, right?”

“You guys, I don’t know how fun the human world is, do you?” As long as you recognize me as a big brother, I will cover you from now on. ”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the tailed beasts discussed it for a while and then readily agreed.

Force is more of a burden to them.

It’s because it’s too powerful.

That’s why they’ve always been coveted by humans.

Loss of power.

It doesn’t seem like a big deal either.

Tailed beasts are not the same as humans,

They just want to live quietly where they like.


The strength of the force,

Instead, they care the least.

Of course

Except for Shou Tsuru, who is bent on becoming the strongest boss of the tailed beasts.

“First of all, I will only keep a hundred calories of chakra for each tailed beast.

Each tailed beast leaves behind a hundred calories of chakra, not a lot.

For the resurrection of the Ten Tails, the impact is almost negligible.

These chakras, for the most part,

It’s also enough to walk sideways in the ninja world.


“No problem!”

“Let’s get started, I can’t wait.”

“I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel a little nervous.”

Hearing the self-talk of the nine-tailed beast, Naruto Uzumaki lost his smile.

And then

The two Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eyes began to emit terrifying pupil power.

Followed by

Under the operation of Naruto Uzumaki,

The power of the tailed beasts began to be slowly withdrawn.

Then converged towards the shell of the Ten Tails.


The chakra of the nine-tailed beast was finally sealed into the shell of the ten-tailed body by Naruto the vortex.

The next second,

The eyes on the head of the ten tails were all open.

Followed by

A loud roar sounded.

An indescribably powerful force soared into the sky.

Ten tails possessing the power to destroy heaven and earth.


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