Chapter 194 Transplant a New Eye!!

“Where am I?”

Looking at the bright lights above the ceiling, Kiki Kakashi slowly rolled his eyes.


It also began to recover gradually.

Followed by

Kimu Kakashi sat up from his bed.

Wasn’t he brought into the Shenwei Space by Uchiha? Why is it here?

“Wake up?”


A gentle voice came.

Kimu Kakashi smelled the prestige,

I found Kabuto looking at herself with a smile on her face.

“The amount…… I am this…? ”

Seeing Kabuto, Kimu Kakashi probably knew where he was.

This should be the experimental base of the Great Snake Maru.

But he still doesn’t understand.

Why yourself in this place.

“It was Lord Naruto Uzumaki who brought you back.”

As if aware of the doubts in Kimu Kakashi’s mind, Kabuto explained gently.

“That’s the way it is.”

If it was Naruto Uzumaki, it would be able to rescue him from the Kamui Space

Nor is it a strange thing.


Now that he’s back safely, what about Uchiha’s Obito soil? How is he?

At the thought of Uchiha taking the soil, Kiki Kakashi was a little anxious in his heart. The Hou Shang Palace summoned Yi Yi to solve the blood mouth of the subject matter which was named Wen, some things.


Kiki Kakashi stood directly on the ground from the bed.

“Pocket, is Naruto still here?”

“Rest assured, Lord Naruto Uzumaki is still inside the base.”

“Now, let’s see if there is anything abnormal about your newly transplanted eyes.”

“By the way, this transplant was done by me alone.”

After listening to Kabuto’s words, Kiki Kakashi noticed the abnormality of his body.

I quickly took out a small mirror that I carried with me.

In the mirror,

Inside his originally hollow left eye socket, he already had a new eye.

“No problem, I’m feeling good now.”

Kiki Kakashi felt it for a moment and found that there was nothing unusual.


Because he usually stays up late reading with his right eye, his vision has decreased somewhat.

Now it’s good, with new eyes, you can see things more clearly.

“Ah, that’s really great.”

“Cloning is really a great technology.”

“Through the cloned organs, there was no rejection after the transplant.”

“Now we can move on to the next step.”

Watching Kabuto excitedly write and draw on his notebook, the corners of Kiki Kakashi’s mouth twitched.


Is this using him as an experimental mouse? Does he have no human rights?

After a few words, Kimu Kakashi didn’t bother to argue with Kabuto.

What he wants to do most now,

Or find Naruto Uzumaki,

Ask him what happened after he fell unconscious.

“The words of Lord Naruto Uzumaki, in the room diagonally opposite.”

Hearing Kabuto’s words,

Kimu Kakashi walked quickly to the other room.

Open the door

The whirlpool Naruto and the Great Snake Maru were there.

“Yo, Kakashi, you’ve finally woken up.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s greeting, Kiki Kakashi barely had a smile on his face.

Then he couldn’t wait to ask.

“Naruto, what happened after I fell unconscious?”

Looking at Kiki Kakashi’s eager look, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly.

“Actually, it’s nothing, as soon as I went in, I saw that Uchiha was trying to do something wrong with you.”

“Especially when you were in a coma.”

“That scene, sigh…”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking and shook his head slightly.

It’s like seeing something you shouldn’t see.

This time,

Put Kiki Kakashi said stunned.

Plotting against your unconscious self? Thinking of a possible situation,

Kiki Kakashi covered his ass with his hand.

Cold sweat also began to appear on his body.

I lean on, don’t I? No way?

It wouldn’t really happen like I thought, would it?

Looking at Kiki Kakashi’s frightened look, Uzumaki Naruto laughed a few times.

“Lie to you.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kiki Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.



He really didn’t know what to do.

“Naruto, what about bringing him to earth…?”

“He’s dead.”

Naruto’s words caused Kiki Kakashi to fall silent.

Uchiha Obito soil,

He’s dead? Although at that time when he was fighting with Uchiha Daito, he had the mentality of having to kill the other party.


Suddenly heard the news of Uchiha’s death,

Kiki Kakashi’s mood was mixed for a while.

My former best friend,

This time, it was really dead.

“I see.”

Kiki Kakashi finished speaking, then turned and left.

He didn’t doubt Naruto’s words.

Since Naruto said that Uchiha was dead with the soil, the Obito soil must be dead.

Looking at Kakashi who had lost his soul and left, the whirlpool sighed slightly.

O sins!

“Naruto-kun, are you sorry for the guy Uchiha brought the soil to?”

Seeing Naruto sigh, the Great Snake Maru smiled.

“Not really.”

He just sighed, just because he felt that the world, because of him,

It’s completely different from the original.

This feeling,

It made Naruto Uzumaki feel a little emotional in his heart.

“Say something that makes Naruto happy.”

“The trail of Belyuhu, we have found.”

Hearing the words of the Great Snake Maru, Naruto Uzumaki’s eyes lit up.

He had previously asked the Great Snake Maru and Tsunade to find out the whereabouts of Beiliuhu.

Found it now?

“If the time is not miscalculated, after a day, Belyuhu should be brought with wooden leaves.”

After the Great Snake Pill finished speaking, there was also some curious look on his face.

My former friend,

He actually developed ninjutsu that could seize the Blood Inheritance Limit of others.

This technique has the same magic as his non-corpse rebirth.


He can pass through Belyuhu,

The rebirth of the immortal corpse will become more perfect again.

“It was good.”

Naruto nodded with satisfaction.

He was also very interested in the art of the Ghost Buds of Beluhu.

As long as you get the art of Ghost Bud Luo,

With the upper cloning technology, the entire ninja world,

The strength of the per capita film level will no longer be a dream.

If it can be combined with the immortal rebirth of the Great Snake Pill.

Then when he enters the depths of the universe like the Great Barrel Wood Clan in the future, there will be no shortage of cannon fodder……… Oh no, it’s the men.

Naruto Uzumaki was looking forward to it now.

If after a few years,

After the guys of the Otogi clan came to the ninja world, they looked at the shadow-level strong people of the whole ninja world.

I don’t know how I will feel.


Their expressions must be wonderful, right?… Big.

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