Chapter 222 Hyuga Fireworks!!

“Lord Naruto, good morning!”

“Wow, Lord Naruto, it’s been a long time coming.”

“Adult, come and play in our shop, it’s free!”

Walking through the streets of Konoha all the villagers looked respectful when they saw Naruto Uzumaki.

They all bowed to Naruto Uzumaki.

“Wow, Naruto… You are so popular in the village! ”

Seeing this, Sarah opened her mouth wide in surprise.

This status,

Compared to her status in Lou Lan Guo, it was not bad at all.

Come to think of it,

Sarah also had some joy in her heart.

She was also very happy that her man was so prestigious in the village.

“It’s nothing.”

Naruto smiled indifferently.

Right now

He was the ruler of the entire ninja world.

Don’t say in Konoha Village,

Even if he goes to any village, he will be treated the same.

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki’s triumphant look, Sarah skimmed off Naruto.

And then

The eyes were quickly attracted by the goods on both sides of the street.

“Like what?”

“I’ll buy it for you.”

Seeing Sarah’s glowing eyes, Naruto Uzumaki touched Sarah’s head, “Really? ”

“Then you’re welcome.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Sara happily kissed Naruto Uzumaki on the face and took a look at this scene,

She also succeeded in harvesting a (large) wave of white eyes from the wooden leaf maiden.

However, Sarah doesn’t care about that.

The world more than twenty years later, for her, is full of novelty everywhere.


Sarah bought many, many things.

“Okay, buy these this time, or you won’t be able to take them.”

Seeing Sarah who was still a little confused, Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth to stop it.


“Hee-hee, I’ll help you hold it.”

Hearing Naruto’s words, Sarah leaf the leaf pink tongue.

As a woman,

Once the desire to shop arises, it is simply impossible to stop.

“Let’s go, it’s time to go home.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, took Sarah’s hand, and walked towards the house.

Not much time,

The two men came to a luxurious courtyard.

“Naruto…… This……… Is this your home? ”

Looking at the luxurious palace house in front of her, Sarah secretly swallowed a mouthful

Even her palace in the Loulan Kingdom was much inferior to Naruto’s house in front of her.

“That’s right.”

Seeing Sarah’s shocked expression, Naruto Uzumaki had already anticipated it.

After all

His house,

It can be said that it is extremely luxurious.

Even the entire ninja world,

No house could be more luxurious than his house.

Unlike the indigenous people of this world.

As a crosser,

Naruto Uzumaki naturally wouldn’t have wronged himself.

Since you have that ability,

In this material aspect, it is natural to do whatever you want.

“Let’s go.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking and pushed open the door.

After entering the courtyard, Sarah was even more shocked and couldn’t close her mouth.

She had never seen such a beautiful house before.

“Naruto, are you back?”


From the depths of the courtyard came a cry of surprise.

Followed by

A girl with white eyes ran out.

Behind her,

There is also a girl who is a little younger.

It looks very cute and beautiful.


“This is?”

Seeing Sara next to Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata had a puzzled expression.

“Ahh… Hello, my name is Sarah. ”

“It is the remnant of the Loulan Kingdom who was rescued by Naruto.”

“My name is Sarah.”

Sarah hastened to explain.

Before you come,

She already knew the situation in Naruto’s house.


After seeing Hinata, Sarah hurried to perform a salute.

“Oh… Hello. ”

“My name is Hinata Hinata, please give me more advice.”

Hinata also bowed politely to Sarah.

Then the two fell silent.

“Hinata, don’t you have a mission today?”

Looking at the atmosphere somewhat awkwardly, Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth vividly.

“Well, we’re all at home today.”

“Hanabi, hello.”

Hinata pulled out the little Lolita behind her.

“Hello Naruto brother, my name is Hinata Hanabi fire.”

“When you meet for the first time, please advise me.”

Unlike Hyuga, Hyuga’s personality is not introverted at all.


Although it was the first time he had seen Naruto Uzumaki, he was not cramped at all.

“Haha, it’s so cute.”

Naruto Uzumaki pinched Hyuga Hanabi and some of the baby’s fat face.

Hyuga Hanabi is a beauty embryo.

Even though he is still young, he is already very cute.

“Brother Naruto, can you teach me ninjutsu?”

“It’s ninjutsu like my sister’s.”

Hinata Hanabi looked at Naruto in the vortex and his eyes glowed.

It was also the first time she had seen Naruto Uzumaki herself.

Such a handsome brother,

No wonder my sister was fascinated.

“Of course not.”

Naruto Uzumaki touched Hyuga’s head.

For one’s own people,

Naruto Uzumaki was never stingy.

“Yay, great!”

Hinata Hanabi saw Naruto Uzumaki agree and jumped up in excitement.

But she learned from her father,

Sister’s Thunder Chakra Mode, but a very powerful forbidden art!

“Okay, let’s go inside.”

“Everybody is waiting in the room.”

Hyuga finished speaking and walked in with Naruto Uzumaki.


A few people came to a spacious hall.

In the room,

Tsunade Hand, Sakura, and Konana are all there.


Seeing Naruto come in,

There was a smile of surprise on his face.


After seeing Sara behind Naruto Uzumaki, the expressions of the crowd became much flatter.

“That… My name is Sarah, please advise! ”

Seeing several of them, Sarah bowed nervously.

That look,

It was like a side concubine meeting the lady of the main palace.

“Unsurprisingly, we have another sister?”

Looking at the sweet-looking Sarah, Tsunade asked.

“Oh, everyone will be a family in the future.”

Naruto scratched his head.

Alas, no way,

Although he is a single-minded infatuated man, he has a fatal flaw.

That’s too much love.


The Tsunade and the others all rolled their eyes at Naruto Uzumaki.

This bastard,

So many sisters are not satisfied!

“Cough… I don’t blame you. ”

“For a man as good as I am, it’s perfectly normal to like me a little more woman.”

“If this is also a sin, then I may really be guilty of unforgivable sins, and the girls couldn’t help but laugh when they heard Naruto Uzumaki’s words.”

Who boasts so much? What a cheeky face!

“Okay, tell us about what happened during this time.”

“We want to hear it.”

After the women broke the feat, the atmosphere became harmonious again.

For Sarah,

Nature also accepted.

In the hearts of everyone, such a good man as Naruto Uzumaki.

Even if women all over the world love Naruto Uzumaki, that’s not surprising. If they have to fight for the wind and jealousy, then they have to be angry to death.

As long as Naruto Uzumaki has them in his heart, they are satisfied…

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