Chapter 225 Whoever dares to move me will be punished from afar!!



Hearing the shouts, Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hanabi looked up and looked forward.

Then I saw an anxious Hinata hata.


“Great, you’re all right.”

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki and Hyugata Hanabi fireworks, Hyuga patted her chest because she was worried about the safety of the two, so she rushed all the way over.

Now seeing that the two were all right, she was finally relieved.

“Hinata, what’s wrong?”

Seeing Hyuga’s appearance, Naruto Uzumaki’s brow frowned slightly.


Hinata had just experienced a battle.

Moreover, judging from Hyugata’s expression, the enemy’s strength is probably still very strong.

“Sister, what happened?”

“Why are you so messed up?”

Hinata Hanabi also walked over to Hinata and asked with a concerned face.

“Hanabi, no one has shot at you all this time, right?”

Hinata looked at Hinata Hanabi and asked.

“No, I’ve been practicing with Naruto’s brother lately.”

“Sister, what the hell is going on?”

Hearing Hyuga’s urging of Hanabi, Hyugata’s voice organized a language.

And then

He told Naruto Uzumaki word for word about his encounter with the Great Wooden House.

After listening to Hyuga’s description, Hyuga Hanabi opened his mouth in shock on the moon,

There is even a large barrel wood family with white eyes? And that guy is going to gouge out his own eyes?

“Brother Naruto, I’m afraid…”

Hinata Hanabi was still young, and when he heard about this, he threw himself into Naruto Uzumaki’s arms.

If her eyes were really gouged out, she wouldn’t know what to do.

“It’s okay, with me here, no one can hurt you.”

Naruto Uzumaki touched Hyuga’s head, and his tone was not hurried.

“Well, I believe in Brother Naruto.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Hyuga Hanabi was much relieved.

Although he didn’t have much contact with Naruto Uzumaki.


At Naruto Uzumaki’s side,

Hyuga Hanabi always has a complete sense of security.

“Naruto, what are you going to do?”

Hinata looked at Naruto Uzumaki and asked.

“What else can I do?”

“Of course I solved that guy.”

Naruto Uzumaki shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Although the Great Barrel Wooden House Man is strong, even if he enters the Rebirth Eye Chakra Mode, it is only able to reach the level of six Dao at most.

Such a guy,

He could crush to death with one hand.

“But the other side seems to be on the moon.”

Looking at Naruto’s confident expression, Hinata was much calmer in his heart.

With Naruto’s strength,

It seems that there is really no need to worry too much about anything.

“What about the moon?”

“Those who dare to move me have no use escaping anywhere.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Hinata’s face turned a little blushing.

Naruto really is,

His sister is still here, how shameful it is to say such a thing.


Hinata’s heart was beautiful.

This is the husMadarad in his mind.

The one who was called the big barrel of the wooden house, she didn’t bother to deal with it.

“Okay, look at the dirty things on you.”

“Let’s take a shower.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, and then pulled Hinata towards the room.

Solve the big barrel wooden house people, a small matter.

“Hanabi, you stay here and continue exercising.”

“If you dare to be lazy, be careful that I turn around and clean you up.”

Watching Hyuga Hanabi follow behind his ass, Naruto Uzumaki said with a straight face.

“Oh, got it.”

Hinata Hanabi spat out his tongue and ran away.

After Naruto and Hyuga had gone, Hyuga Hanabi pouted.

“Hmm, I’m going to let Naruto’s brother bathe me in the future!”

“Lord Naruto, the urgent report of each village!”

Tsunade took the scroll and his eyes froze.

Then he sealed his hands and launched the Magic of the Slide Show.


Tsunade Tsunade’s spiritual consciousness was projected into a room.

It was given to her by Naruto Uzumaki.

Through this technique, she was able to quickly contact the shadows of the other villages and hold emergency meetings.

Not much time,

After Tsunade entered the room, the other four shadows joined in.

“Lei Ying, is this true?”

When everyone arrived, Tsunade took the lead in asking.

“That’s right, Lord Tsunade, by observation, the moon is indeed approaching the Earth.”

Hearing Tsunade say, Azabu Yi helped his glasses and said.

“I thought there was something big going on, and that’s it?”

Hearing the news, Black Earth dragged his chin somewhat boredly.

“Earth Shadow, this is not a trivial matter.”

“According to the law, when the distance between the moon and the earth exceeds a certain limit, the moon will disintegrate under the gravity of the earth.”

“The decomposed fragments will crash into the ninja world at great speed.”

“At that point, there’s a good chance that the entire ninja world will be destroyed.”

Seeing that Black Earth didn’t think so, Ma Buyi said solemnly.

Right now

There were already a lot of debris on the moon that were starting to hit the ninja world.

Although it has not caused much impact.


As the Moon gets closer to Earth, the frequency and power of impacts will increase.

“There is such a thing……”

Hearing Azabuyi’s words, Kuroto, Temari, and Terumi were all taken aback.

No one expected that this time things would have such serious consequences.

“Why is the moon suddenly moving closer to Earth?”

Tsunade looked at Mabui and asked.

The ninja world has existed for thousands of years, the moon and the earth have been at peace with each other for thousands of years, why did they suddenly crash into the earth this time?

“The cause of the matter has not yet been investigated.”

“However, we have a device in Yunyin Village that can destroy the moon.”

“It’s just that you need a huge chakra to start this device.”

“These chakras can’t be done by our ninjas in Yunyin Village alone.”

“So I need everyone’s help.”

Mabuyi said his purpose.


“Yunyin Village actually has such a weapon?”

Hearing Ma Buyi’s words, Tsunade raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“Rest assured that we will never use this weapon to wage war.”

Mabuyi smiled with some embarrassment.

If the Tsunade misunderstands it, then the trouble is great.

“No explanation.”

“Such a big thing, I need to discuss it with Naruto.”

“How much time is left for us?”

Tsunade didn’t care.

There were Naruto vortexes, and Yun Yin Village was impatient unless it was alive.

Otherwise there would never be a problem.

“One day!”

“Enough is enough.”

“Prepare first, and wait for my orders at any time.”


After Tsunade finished speaking, he withdrew from the Slide Body Technique.

Such an important thing has happened in the ninja world,

She had to go to Naruto Uzumaki to explain the situation…

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