Chapter 229 Very Good, You’ve Succeeded in Pleasing Me!!

Looking at Naruto who was standing in front of him, smiling and smiling, the big barrel wooden house almost fell to the ground on the Madara.

He exhausted all his might, and even the moon split in two under his powerful attack.

But even so,

It didn’t hurt Naruto Uzumaki!

“Yes, that blow just now, it was really amazing.”

“You’ve succeeded in pleasing me.”

Looking at the moon that had been split in two, Naruto Uzumaki had a smile on his face

Ever since his strength reached the Blood Snare Snare Collection, Naruto Uzumaki had never felt any sense of crisis again.


The all-out blow of the big barrel wooden house person just now actually made him feel that he would be hurt.

And because of this,

Only then would he use Qiudao Jade to block the blow just now.

“You… How strong is it? ”

The eyes of the people of the big barrel wooden house have no radiance at all at this moment,

He felt like Naruto was standing in front of him like a god.

No matter how he struggled, he couldn’t make any waves.

“Do you know the night of the big barrel wood?”

Naruto asked rhetorically.

“Nature knows that the ancestor of our lineage, Ōtsuki Hamura, was the child of Lord Huiye.”

“I’m stronger than the big barrel Mu Hui Night!”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the big wooden house man stayed for a moment.

According to the records of the clan, the Great Barrel Muhui Ye is revered as the goddess of 卯.

It is a god-like being.

“No way, you’re just an indigenous, how can you be comparable to a god?”

Even if he had already seen the power of Naruto Uzumaki, the Great Barrel Wooden House did not believe that the Vortex Naruto could be compared to the Great Barrel Wood Night.

If that were the case, wouldn’t the Datumu clan have fallen to the point where they are not even as good as the natives?

“This is the reward you get for pleasing me.”

“As for believe it or not, that’s your business.”

Naruto Uzumaki saw the look of the Great Barrel Wooden House Man and snorted disdainfully.

Not even the courage to admit that others are strong.

Such a person will not have any future when he is alive.

Naruto Uzumaki wasn’t lying.

Although he had not fought against the heyday of the Great Barrel Mu Huiye.


In the original book, even Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha can’t defeat it.

Naturally, it is even more impossible to defeat him!

“Well, I almost understand the power of the rebirth eye, and you should be damned.”

Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth coldly.

Through the battle he had just fought, he had already known the power of the rebirth eye.

Compared to the Samsara Eye, the Rebirth Eye is more focused on attack.

With the strength of the big barrel wooden house who had just entered the six-way level, he was able to split the moon in half with one blow.

The power of the rebirth eye is evident.

Although for Naruto the whirlpool, this power is dispensable.


If Hyugata’s strength is obtained, it is also a good choice.

“No… I can’t die yet…”

“I have not fulfilled the last wish of my ancestors, I cannot die!”

“You want to kill me, it’s not that easy!”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki’s indifferent expression, the Great Barrel Wooden House was very panicked in his heart.

Originally, he was determined to die.

But when death was about to really come, he found himself unable to face it calmly.


The people of the big wooden house still had a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

He has a giant rebirth eye,

Whether it is chakra or resilience, it is ridiculously strong.

Naruto Uzumaki wanted to kill him, and it wasn’t an easy task!

“Is this the self-proclaimed superior Barrel Wood Clan?”

“It’s really ugly.”

Naruto Uzumaki looked at the posture of the Great Barrel Wooden House Man with a look of disdain in his eyes.

Such a guy, still delusional about destroying the ninja world?

It’s ridiculous.

“Wheel Tomb!”

Naruto Uzumaki thought about it, and a shadow that only he could see instantly appeared beside him.

The next second, the shadow attacked the Ōtsuki Hut.

The shadow quickly approached the big barrel wooden house person, and in the blink of an eye, it had come behind him, but the big barrel wooden house person did not find anything at all.

“Kill the ashes!”

On Shadow’s hand, an equally transparent bone spur appeared.

Without any hesitation, Shadow stabbed the bone spur into the heart of the Great Barrel Wooden House Man and pouted!

With a muffled sound, the pupils of the large wooden house people shrank suddenly.

Feeling the pain of the drill heart coming from his body, the big wooden house man lowered his head in disbelief.

At the location of his heart, he clearly felt a foreign body piercing.


He has the eye of rebirth, but he can’t see anything.


The big barrel wooden house man looked at Naruto Uzumaki……… When did the other party shoot at him? Why didn’t he notice it at all?

“Dead people, you don’t have to know so much.”

Naruto said coldly.

The first time I used the Wheel Tomb Shadow against the enemy, I didn’t expect to be unexpectedly easy to use even if it was a large wooden house with a rebirth eye.

They couldn’t detect the shadow’s attack at all.


Under the power of killing the ashes together,

The body of the big barrel hut person began to collapse from the heart, but in just a few breaths,

This collapse spread throughout the whole body of the Great Barrel Wooden She.

“No… Impossible! ”

“Why doesn’t my power work?”

“The power of the giant rebirth eye can bring the dead back to life, why is my body still deteriorating!!!”


Before he could finish speaking, his entire body was completely reduced to ashes and scattered in the universe.

“The annoying flies are solved, and then it’s time to look for the booty.”

Naruto looked up and soon found traces of the giant rebirth eye inside the moon.

With a single thought, Naruto came to the giant reincarnated eye.

Looking closely, the giant rebirth eye is actually composed of countless white eyes.

“Such a huge amount of energy, helping Hatta awaken the rebirth eye should not be a problem Whirlpool Naruto finished speaking, reached out and held the giant rebirth eye in the air.”

The moment he grasped the giant rebirth eye, the chakra in his body was actually pulled by the giant rebirth eye.

“Hmm, do you dare to absorb my chakra?”

Naruto snorted coldly, and instantly sealed the giant rebirth eye with a powerful sealing technique.

“It seems that the decline of the large wooden family on the moon is inseparable from this thing.”

Naruto looked at the giant rebirth eye and snorted softly.

According to the reason, the Great Barrel Wooden House was still very powerful after the entire clan had been wiped out.

But now there was only one living person left.

It’s outrageous.

It should be this giant rebirth eye, constantly absorbing the power of the Great Barrel Wood Clan.

“When Hinata awakens the rebirth eye, this thing must be destroyed.”

Naruto had a plan in mind.

The mind moves,

He took the giant rebirth eye and headed towards the ninja world across time and space…

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