Hokage Building.

“Fugaku, what the hell is going on?” The third generation of Hokage Ape Hibiki slammed a document on the table, looking angrily at Uchiha Fugaku in front of him.

“Respond to Naruto-sama’s call and send family ninjas to battle.” Uchiha Fugaku glanced at it casually, raised his head and said lightly.

Sarutobi stared angrily at Uchiha Fugaku, pointed to the document and said, “Are you blinded by me, I’m for the people above you.” ”

That document is a person’s identity file, and the person in the photo is Uchiha Wataru, but the name registered on the side is Uchiha Ryu.

Speaking of which, Uchiha Ryu and Uchiha Wataru are still brothers in the end, so there is a nine-point imagination in appearance, just looking at the appearance, if you are not familiar with it, you really can’t recognize it.

But what kind of vision is Ape Fei Richo, one is Uchiha’s genius, the other is Uchiha’s waste, and he is still blind, if he can still admit that he is wrong, then it is really hell.

“This matter is our Uchiha’s family affair, please don’t ask Naruto-sama to ask.” Uchiha Fugaku also knew that it was impossible to hide this matter at all, so he simply had a direct showdown.

“No, since we are all members of Konoha, I have the responsibility to protect him.” Sarutobi flatly refused.

It’s a ninja’s thing to go to war, Uchiha Wataru is not even a ninja at all, at most he can only be regarded as an ordinary villager, how can Sarutobi watch an ordinary villager go to die.

“If Naruto-sama still needs our Uchiha’s power, then please don’t ask about it.” Uchiha Fugaku said firmly.

“You…” Sarutobi Richo was really angry, this Uchiha Fugaku actually dared to threaten him, and he had no way.

Uchiha, as the first family of Konoha, although it has declined, and there is no top powerhouse in the clan, its strength is still very strong.

Now that the third ninja war is about to begin, Konoha is really indispensable to the power of Uchiha.

“If Naruto-sama has nothing to do, I’ll leave first.” Seeing that Sarutobi Hinata stopped talking, Uchiha Fugaku turned around and left the Hokage Building.

“Hey!” Sarutobi sat down a little tiredly, looked at Uchiha Wataru’s file on the table, and sighed helplessly.

Although he really can’t bear to watch Uchiha go to die, for the stability of the entire Konoha, he can only sacrifice Uchiha Wataru.

“Hinata, I have long said that the Uchiha family is too rampant, and they should not be so indulged at all.” At this moment, a low and hoarse voice came from the shadows on the side.

Sarutobi Hinata beheaded and said without replying: “Danzo, Uchiha is still a member of our Konoha in the end, they are all their own people, and they haven’t done anything excessive, how can I do anything wrong with them.” ”

“Hmph, you are just too kind to make Uchiha so arrogant, and when they do something, it will be too late, and I want to say…”

“Okay, Danzo, now the battlefield still needs Uchiha’s power, let’s talk about other things later.” Without waiting for Tuan Zang to finish speaking, Ape Flying Sun Chopper directly interrupted him.

“You’ll regret it…” Tuan Zang’s voice faded away.

Ape Fei Ri couldn’t help but smile bitterly, regret it, maybe.

Three days later, outside Konoha Village, Uchiha arrived at the agreed time.

Jiraiya, who has one of the titles of the Three Shinobi, has already led the ninja army to the border, and I am afraid that he has already begun to fight with the Sand Shinobu at this moment.

Uchiha Obito, that is, the Watergate class, had already been led by Bofeng Shuimen, and rushed to the battlefield with Jiraiya.

And Uchiha Fugaku’s order to himself was to let himself wait here, saying that when the time came, someone would form a squad and go to the front line in the mode of a squad.

“I didn’t expect that someone would come earlier than the two of us!” At this moment, two figures appeared in front of Uchiha Wataru.

“Hello, are you our new teammate, my name is Yuchi Tabayashi, I am twelve years old, I am a medical ninja, and my wish is to become a medical ninja like Tsunade-sama.” A girl who looked to be around twelve years old and a little thin greeted Uchiha warmly.

“My name is Kazama, the future number one ninja in the world.” Another twelve-year-old boy, wearing a pair of glasses and a face full of the word ox X written on it, said with his head held high.

Tian Lin Xiango, in the wind, it is the name of the dragon set, and it is estimated that he has just graduated from the ninja school and was sent out as cannon fodder, which is really pitiful enough.

“Uchiha Wataru! Ten years old! Uchiha said.

“What, you are that Uchiha family’s waste Uchiha Wataru, why are you here!” The wind cried out in shock.

The name Uchiha Wataru is too loud, not only in the Uchiha family, there are really not many people who don’t know him.

“Hey!” Tian Lin Xiangcheng looked at the wind with some doubt, obviously he was one of those who did not know.

“Yuzu, you don’t know, this Uchiha Wataru is blind, a waste, not even a ninja, how can we be so unlucky and be in a group with him.” The wind shouted a little brokenly.

“Ouch!” At this time, Tian Lin Xiangcheng found that Uchiha had never opened his eyes, as if he was really blind.

Kaze Li suddenly rushed to Uchiha Wataru and said angrily: “Waste, you are not even a ninja, don’t hurry up and go back, don’t drag us down here!” ”

“Don’t do this!” Tian Lin Xiangcheng hurriedly dissuaded, but a look of embarrassment also appeared on his face when he looked at Uchiha Du.

The two of them are indeed ninjas who have just graduated this year, and they have previously formed a team with another ninja of the same age, led by a Naka ninja sensei.

But on the way to a mission, an accident occurred, and not only his companion died, but even Naka Shinobi-sensei died.

And this time they were notified to go to the battlefield, and there would be new companions and teachers at that time, but what they didn’t expect was that this teammate was actually Uchiha Wataru, not even a ninja, isn’t this a drag on the strength of their squad!

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