“Jiraiya-sama! There was movement on the side of Sha Shinobu. At this moment, a detective ninja from Konoha walked in.

“What’s going on? Could it be that Sha Shinobu called, shouldn’t it! Nara Shikahisa said with a frown.

“No, there is no big movement in the direction of the sand ninja, but there seems to be a small range of changes, and there are also some ninjas who left the sand ninja camp and went in the direction of the country of fire!”

“What, the Land of Fire? Did it fly towards the ape? Zi Lai also doubted: “Can you find out who there are?” ”

“It seems, it seems…”

“It seems to be something!”

“It seems that Chiyo from Sand Shinobi Village is also in the ranks!”

“What, how could Chiyo personally come out!” Zi Lai was also shocked, as a commander on the front line, he did not sit in the base camp, but went deep into the enemy camp, which was really strange.

Nara Shikaku held his chin and muttered, “This is not reasonable!” ”

“Teacher, Senior Ape Fei may be in danger, let me go to the rescue!” Bofeng Shuimen doesn’t care about any common sense and unreasonable, and asks for it.

“Okay, Watergate, you can go with your squad. No matter what, you can’t let the ape fly into danger. Jiraiya said without hesitation, not to mention that he also had a good relationship with Sarutobi Shinnosuke, and Sarutobi Shinnosuke was a third-generation Hokage, that is, the son of his teacher, and Jiraiya naturally could not let him get into danger.

If he hadn’t been able to leave the camp as a commander, he would have wanted to personally go to the rescue of Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

“I’ll go too, that old woman Chiyo is not easy to deal with!” Red Sunset echoed.

“It’s okay, it’s safer to have one more person!” Jiraiya said.

Bofeng Shui Gate and Red Sunset left the camp together.

“Jiraiya-sama, since Chiyo left the Sand Shinobi camp, then we might as well try to sneak up on their camp.” Akimichi Dingza suggested.

Jiraiya’s eyes lit up, if the Sand Shinobi Camp did not have Chiyo, this would definitely be a godsend for them Konoha.

“No, that old woman in Chiyo is also a master of old calculation, since he took the initiative to leave the camp, it is impossible not to leave any arrangements, if we rush in so rashly, we will definitely suffer losses!” Nara Shikahisa, the wise man, said.

“What Lu Jiu said makes sense, but it’s really a pity to give up this opportunity like this!” Zi Lai also touched his chin and said, “In this way, I will personally bring some ninjas to attack Sand Shinobi, if there is really an ambush, Shikaku you will bring people to support!” ”

“Good!” Looking at Jiraiya’s enthusiastic appearance, Nara Shikaku also agreed.

The intersection of the Land of Fire and the Land of Rivers.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke, Uchiha Wataru, and Tabayashi Yucheng moved rapidly.

After several days of hurrying, the group was almost at the Konoha Camp in Kawanokuni.

In these days, the group also encountered Sha Nin many times, but fortunately, they did not encounter a situation as dangerous as the previous one.

Since Uchiha Wataru was able to easily detect Shinobu’s ambush before, even Sarutobi Shinnosuke now trusts Uchiha Wataru’s judgment very much.

If you encounter a large number of sand ninja squads, then the three of them will go directly to the detour, if they only encounter a squad of sand ninja, it is natural to kill them easily, with Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Uchiha Wataru, the two existences beyond ordinary Shinobi, it is simply easy for the general sand ninja team.

“These two days are really thanks to Du Jun, otherwise we would have been discovered by the enemy long ago!” Tian Lin Xiangcheng said adoringly while walking.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke looked at Tianlin Yuzu with a wry smile, this girl actually thinks about these things in such a dangerous place, she is really not a qualified ninja, if it is not worried that Tabayashi Xiangcheng will encounter danger when walking alone, he wants to let Tabayashi Xiangcheng return to Konoha by himself, following the two of them, it is too dangerous.

For Tian Lin Xiangcheng’s words, Uchiha Du turned a deaf ear and asked, “Lord Green Miao, how long will it take to reach the frontline camp?” ”

Uchiha Wataru had never been out of Konoha Village and didn’t know anything about these things.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke silently calculated in his heart and said, “At our current speed, there is probably one more day left. ”

“There is still one more day, I hope there will be no trouble!” Uchiha thought to himself.

“Not good, retreat!” Suddenly, Uchiha drank loudly, and his body quickly disappeared in place.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke’s speed was not slow, and he took Tian Lin Yu Orange and quickly retreated.


As soon as the three of them left, a violent explosion sounded instantly, and countless detonation charms exploded directly in the place where the three of them were standing before, bringing billowing smoke.

A moment later, the smoke cleared, and a large pit with a diameter of several meters was directly blown out of the originally empty flat bottom, and there was a scorched black everywhere.

Hiss! Sarutobi Shinnosuke couldn’t help but gasp, such a violent explosion, if they hadn’t run fast, I’m afraid even he would have been injured.

“I really didn’t expect ah, Konoha actually produced another genius ninja, when Makan told the old body before, he still didn’t believe it, and now you are a little better than Makan said!”

Brush brush brush! As soon as the words fell, several figures appeared in front of the three of Uchiha Wataru, and the leader was Chiyo’s mother-in-law from Sand Shinobi Village, and in addition, there was only Makan who had just seen before.

“Shhh! Chiyo! Sarutobi Shinnosuke couldn’t help but gasp, this time there is a big trouble, although there are only two enemies this time, but just one Chiyo is enough to top countless ninjas.

“Chiyo!” Uchiha Wataru was also shocked, he didn’t expect that Chiyo’s mother-in-law from Sand Ninja Village would actually go out in person, and what he said before was obviously aimed at himself.

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