“Zilaiye, you are a little bastard, you actually dare to send someone to sneak up on my camp!” Chiyo’s mother-in-law immediately pointed at Jiraiya and scolded.

Isn’t that direction the direction of their Sand Shinobi camp, now that the fire is bursting into the sky, there is only one possibility, that is, their camp was burned by someone who came and sent someone, she said, why did she never see Uchiha Wataru, the feelings were sent by him to attack the camp.

After Jiraiya and Chiyo’s mother-in-law repelled, they were also a little confused, what is this, when did he send someone to attack the Sand Ninja camp, there are so many ninjas, and where is it so easy to sneak attack.

As for Uchiha Du, didn’t he go with the Wave Feng Shui Gate to attack the materials sent from the rear of the Shayin Village that had just been sent, did he still have the ability to even serve a pot to the Sand Shinobi Camp.

However, although it is not clear what the situation is, how can such a good opportunity be given up, when even laughed: “Hahaha, Chiyo, you lost, I am not afraid to tell you, not only your Sand Shinobi camp has been destroyed, even those materials transported by Kai Laozang have been destroyed nine times out of ten, I think you better surrender!” ”

“What!” Chiyo’s mother-in-law was shocked, just like Jiraiya said, if the camp is destroyed, then it’s good to say, after all, there are not too many materials inside, but if even the materials of Kai Laozang are destroyed, then they are really going to lose this war.

Ninjas are also people, there is no food where to eat the strength to fight, when the time comes, one by one limbs are weak and soft, and they are not pressed and beaten by Konoha.

However, the next moment, a relieved smile appeared on Chiyo’s mother-in-law’s face, and she said in a retorted voice: “You little bastard don’t need to be proud, it’s not so easy to ruin the batch of materials transported by my brother!” ”

Chiyo is so confident, naturally because there is Ichio following, as the front-line commander of Shinobu, how can she not know about Ichio, with Ichio and Kaizo escorting the materials, how else can anyone ~ enough to destroy ah.

Kindness! Looking at Chiyo’s mother-in-law so confident, Jiraiya also frowned, did he have something to omission, shouldn’t ah, with the strength of the two people of Wave Feng Shuimen and Uchiha Wataru, it is enough for those people in Hai Laozang, unless Sand Ninja Village sends some other shadow-level experts to escort – Hai Laozang.

But today’s Shinobu, in addition to Chiyo and Kaizang, there is only one fourth generation of wind shadows that are shadow-level, but wind shadows as a shadow of a village, generally speaking, are sitting in the village, unless it is a last resort, it is impossible to shoot casually, where will it easily run – come out to escort supplies?

No, Jiraiya’s heart was shocked, and he looked at Chiyo’s mother-in-law in shock and shouted: “Old lady Chiyo, you sand ninja actually dare to violate the agreement and drop the tailed beast on the battlefield.” ”

He really forgot that in addition to those three shadows, Shinobu also had a war machine, which was a more destructive existence than a shadow-level powerhouse.

A smile hung at the corner of Chiyo’s mother-in-law’s mouth, “You are not stupid from here, that’s right, I just sent Ichigo Shouzuru out, can you help me, now do you still think you can destroy the materials!” ”

“You…” Jiraiya was also speechless for a while, if it was really as Chiyo said, with Kai Laozo and Ichio there, even if there were Wave Feng Shui Men and Uchiha Wataru, it would be good.

But…… What is the situation in the camp behind Shinobu, and he doesn’t have such a good brain as Nara Shikaku, and he suddenly felt a little dizzy.

“Chiyo-sama!” At this moment, a sand ninja hurried to Chiyo’s mother-in-law, and a little flustered leaned into her ear to say something.

“What do you say!” Chiyo’s mother-in-law’s face instantly turned pale, and her face was full of disbelief.

“It’s true, it’s true, Chiyo-sama!” That Shinobu confirmed again and again.

Chiyo’s mother-in-law’s face suddenly became gloomy, and finally gritted her teeth and said viciously to Jiraiya: “Jiraiya, you wait for me, this time I will let you go first, we will retreat!” ”

0······· Ask for flowers… 0

“Where to go!” Although I don’t know what happened to make Chiyo’s mother-in-law so nervous, but she also knows very well that something big must have happened that needs to be handled by Chiyo’s mother-in-law, then she can’t let her get out, and she has to be dragged here.

“Get out of my way!” Chiyo’s mother-in-law was also angry, Shouhe, it was actually their rear camp that Shouzuru Shouzuru of their Sand Ninja Village sneaked in, even if Chiyo’s mother-in-law didn’t want to believe it, there was no way.


In this case, where does she still have time and poor mushrooms, if she doesn’t seal Ichigo as soon as possible, then it will be really a big trouble.

“Hahaha, old lady Chiyo, looking at your dark face, it shouldn’t be Shouzuru running away!” Jiraiya was grappling with Chiyo’s mother-in-law while putting a mouth cannon, his face was full of triumph, how to see how to be unflat.

“Since you come to death!” Chiyo’s mother-in-law immediately flew, and even Ji Lai didn’t expect that his casual mouth cannon was really hit by mistake and poked straight into Chiyo’s mother-in-law’s sore spot.

“Wow, whoa, the old woman is furious!” Jiraiya was screaming strangely, stirring up the last trace of sanity of Chiyo’s mother-in-law.

Rumble! A loud noise came, and the mountain was immediately shaken, so that many of the Sand Shinobi and Konoha ninja who were still fighting did not stand firm, and almost did not fall to the ground, even Chiyo’s mother-in-law and Jiraiya had to separate, and looked in the direction of the movement in unison.

“This is … One tail! Jiraiya’s face suddenly became ugly, because it was the tailed beast of the Sand Ninja Village, Ichitail Shouzuru, who was in trouble.

What he didn’t see, however, was that Chiyo’s mother-in-law’s face was even uglier than his, because she knew very well that the current Shouzuru was not a scarf on their side. _

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