“Than, what about that Konoha’s accomplice!” Seeing Chirabi running over, he knew that the accomplices of Wave Feng Shuimen must have been solved by him, and he was quite confident in Chirabi’s strength, and now with Konoha’s people as hostages, he didn’t believe that Wave Feng Shui Men was not obediently captured.

“Here you are, you stupid bastard!” Kirabi directly put that Yun Shinobu on the ground and said in a strange tone.

“Bastard, don’t say stupid to me!” The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow subconsciously roared out at Kirabi, but looking at the shinobi on the ground, he froze again, and then roared again: “I asked that accomplice of Konoha, how did you bring our own people here.” ”

Kirabi said, “That’s that Konoha’s accomplice, stupid. ”

“Than, what the hell are you talking nonsense!” The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow was angry, and he really wanted to give Kirabi, an unreliable guy, an iron fist again, and teach him a good lesson.

Kirabi jumped back, dodged the fourth generation of thunder shadows in the rage, and said: “The cow oni said that the guy in Konoha is a dead man, he can’t kill him, he can only use a seal, and then he became like this.” ”

“Are you saying that after you let that guy from Konoha be sealed, he became 687 of our people?” After all, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow is Kirabi’s righteous brother, and he still understands her words.

“That’s it, stupid, bastard.” Kirabi said.

“Wave Feng Shuimen!” The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow angrily waited for Uchiha Wataru, he somewhat figured out what was going on, that Konoha’s accomplice, nine times out of ten, was summoned by what secret technique Uchiha Wataru used, and it was also a sacrifice with their Yunnin, which was really abominable.

“Lord Lei Ying, are you satisfied with my gift?” Uchiha asked with a smile.

“You bastard, I don’t want to leave us today Yun Ren!” The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow roared angrily and shouted at Chirabi next to him: “Bi, come with me to take down this bastard.” ”

“It’s you, I still remember you, I beat my eldest brother down before!” Chirabi recognized the appearance of the Wave Feng Shui Gate at a glance, when the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow lost in the hands of Wave Feng Shuimen, he was also present, and he was defeated by Wave Feng Shui Gate together with the four major Thunder Shadows.

“You idiot, shut up for me!” The fourth generation of Lei Ying really couldn’t bear it, and an iron fist smashed on Chirabi’s head, this idiot, although he said the truth, humiliating things, how could he just say it.

Chirabi held his head, shrunk his neck, and muttered to himself. But how can the cow ghost seem to say that you are a little different from before. ”

Uchiha was shocked in his heart, the tailed beast is a tailed beast, the perception is indeed very sensitive, his witch’s transformation ability is already so perfect, and the eight tails can actually find themselves so strange.

But fortunately, the fourth generation of Lei Ying has always been a rough guy, and he didn’t care about Kirabi’s words at all, and rushed out directly towards Uchiha Wataru, while shouting: “Than, don’t hurry up”

For his eldest brother’s words, Kirabi naturally did not listen, nor did he pull out his knife, and the four generations of Thunder Shadow two left and right, rushed towards Uchiha Wataru.

“Shock, open!” Uchiha Du did not hesitate to directly open the seventh door, facing the combination of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow and Kirabi, he did not dare to be careless, otherwise it would definitely be himself who suffered.

“Oh, oh, it’s the same move as that green-clad one!” Kirabi recognized at a glance that Uchiha Du used the same move as the one used by Materday, especially for Materdai’s last move, he still remembers it, if he hadn’t turned on the (AIEA) tail beast in time, it is estimated that he would have been injured.

“Than, do you know what trick this is?” The fourth generation of Lei Ying subconsciously asked.

“Soon, great power!” Kirabi only had time to say this, and then he couldn’t say anything else, Uchiha Du rushed out in an instant, and with one punch, he blasted out the somewhat distracted fourth-generation Thunder Shadow, smashing into a mountain peak, leaving a large humanoid crater.

Kirabi didn’t care about attacking Uchiha, and quickly rushed to the mountain peak, shouting at the humanoid pit: “Big brother, are you okay.” ”

A thunder flashed, and the human-shaped pit at the peak was instantly spread even bigger, and the fourth generation of thunder shadows came out of it with flashing electric light, gritting their teeth and looking at the wave feng shui gate.

Although he lost to Bofeng Shuimen in terms of speed, at least he did not suffer a loss, how can it be like today, he was actually beaten into the mountain in front of so many people, which made his face where to put it.

“Big brother, you seem to have lost again!” Kirabi said which pot did not mention which pot, not caring at all that the face of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow was already darker than the bottom of the pot, although his own skin color was also black.

“Than, you idiot, shut up for me!” The fourth generation of Lei Ying roared angrily: “This time we will strike together, with that move, you yourself are a little more careful, this guy is stronger than before.” ”

“Received!” Kirabi rarely answered seriously, no one has more say in how fast his eldest brother is, and now Uchihado’s speed is even more than his eldest brother’s injury, let alone himself.

At the beginning, when the wave feng shui gate used the flying thunder god technique to sneak up on itself, because of the lack of shooting speed, Chirabi could also use both defeats to stop the wave feng shui gate, but now Uchiha Duyong is completely physical speed, there is no problem of insufficient shot speed, and if you want to use this way, it is already impossible, you can only be careful and careful.

“Come on, than!” The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow drank loudly, and the two of them rushed out from two directions at the same time, punching Uchiha Wataru in the head, and this move is the secret ninja technique of Yunnin Village, which requires the strongest ninja technique that can be used by the cooperation of Lei Ying Ai and Lei Ying’s guards, and the Thunder Dragon Thunder Plough Hot Knife can instantly screw off a person’s head. _

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