“Who the hell are you!” Bofeng Shuimen looked at the person in front of him wearing a mask and covered in a black robe with a guarded face.

Kushina and Naruto had been moved to a safe place by him, but there was still this suspicious figure in front of him, especially the three-hook jade chakra eye under his mask, which made him feel very dangerous.

Those who can have the Sharingan must be people from the Uchiha clan, and it is still easy to distinguish the existence of transplanting the Sharingan like Kakashi.

But in his impression, the Uchiha family did not have such a character at all.

Except for Uchiha Du, who has left Konoha, there is no one who can have shadow-level strength, not even Uchiha Fugaku, the current patriarch of Uchiha, and the current Great Elder Uchiha do not have this strength.

But this mask man in front of him definitely has shadow-level strength, and he really can’t guess who this person is. 08

“It doesn’t matter who I am, you just need to know that I’m here to kill you!” Obito said calmly.

Bofeng Shuimen’s eyes froze, turned his head to look in the direction of the Nine Tails, and his face was full of worry: “Uchiha Du took the Nine Tails to the village!” ”

“Hehe, that’s right, if you want to stop it, then let me see your strength!” Obito said, taking out a chain out of nowhere and putting it on his hand.

“Then there is no way, only to defeat you first!” Saying that, the wave feng shui gate threw his own flying thunder god bitterness towards Obito.

On this side, Uchiha Obito and Wave Feng Shuimon are fighting, and Konoha is also engaged in a completely unequal battle.

Uchiha Wataru floated in the sky, watching those dark parts of Konoha being slapped by the Nine Tails like dumplings, and couldn’t help shaking his head.

The dark part of Konoha is quite famous to say, but in fact they are all scum, generally the strength of the middle ninja, and the upper ninja are elite.

Since the death of the former dark army commander Ki Sumo, a shadow-level powerhouse, the shadow-level powerhouse has not been brilliant, even the current head of the dark department is just the strength of the quasi-shadow, it may be okay to deal with ordinary people, but against the strongest tailed beast like the Nine Tails, the quasi-shadow can protect itself at most, and the strength below the elite is basically cannon fodder, and only the strength of the shadow level can cause some damage to the Nine Tails, and now Konoha’s shadow-level powerhouse, the big snake pill and Danzo will not shoot, The wave feng shui gate was dragged by Obito, and only three generations of Hokage were able to do it.

“Resist me, be sure to last until three generations and come!” One by one, the dark part of Konoha and the Shinobi of Konoha used their own attacks to attract the attention of the Nine Tails, hoping to bring the Nine Tails to the village, but it was all useless.

Today’s Nine-Tails are in Uchiha Wataru, not to mention that their attacks are not much different from tickling the Nine-Tails, even if the Nine-Tails are really injured and angered, they will not be led away, and the only thing these Shinobi can do is to send their own lives to delay the evacuation of the villagers of Konoha for some time.

“Get longer, Ape Demon!” At this moment, Uchiha heard an angry shout, turned his head and looked over, and saw that the three generations of Hokage were holding the golden hoop rod that the ape demon turned into, wanting to minimize the harm to Konoha out of Konoha.

Where can Uchiha let the three generations succeed, a teleportation appeared in front of the golden hoop rod, grabbed the golden hoop rod with both hands, and abruptly took the trend of the golden hoop rod.

“Great, three generations of adults are here!” The ninjas of Konoha saw that the three generations of Hokage made a move, and they were all excited, in their hearts, the three generations are the most powerful existence, and they have blind confidence in the three generations, not to mention a small nine-tailed, even if the six immortals are reborn, the three generations of adults can defeat him.

However, they were only halfway through the shout, and the next words stopped abruptly, and I saw a figure appear on the route of the golden hoop rod without knowing how, and stopped him abruptly.

“Uchiha Wataru!” The three generations were shocked, and he naturally recognized Uchiha Wataru, a character he admired, hated and felt guilty about, but he could never have imagined that Uchiha Wataru would actually appear here.

“Three generations of old men, long time no see!” Uchiha Du punched the ape demon, and immediately the golden hoop rod transformed by the ape demon instantly retracted, became a normal length, and returned to the hands of the three generations.

“Uchiha Wataru!”

“It’s that demon!”

“God, how could he be here!”

Suddenly, those ninjas in Konoha were all chaotic, and the appearance of Uchiha Wataru brought them no less deterrent than the Nine Tails, after all, many people have only heard of the reputation of the Nine Tails, and now they are only seeing the power of the Nine Tails for the first time.

But Uchiha Wataru’s destruction in Konoha, now they still have it in their minds, I don’t know how many ninjas died at his hands, can 687 say that Uchiha Wataru in Konoha, is completely able to stop children crying.

“Why are you here!” Sandai subconsciously asked, but then he regretted asking this question, looking at Uchiha Wataru who was standing with the Nine-Tails, it was clear that the appearance of the Nine-Tails today was inseparable from him.

“Where are Watergate and Jousinnai?” Miyo asked again.

“Who knows, there are naturally people there to greet him!” Uchiha said casually.

“Wataru, why did you come to hurt Konoha again, have you forgotten…” the three generations began to preach with a heartache.

“Enough!” Without waiting for the third generation to say something, Uchiha Wataru directly interrupted him and shouted angrily: “You don’t need so much nonsense for the third generation old man, you know how you treated me, the hero of Konoha, and now you still want to play the emotional card, it’s too late!” ”

“Then there is no way, today I just fought my old bone, and I must stop you!” Miyo shouted through gritted teeth.

“Hehe, I’ll let you take a good look today, how your beloved Konoha was destroyed by the Nine Tails!” Uchiha Wataru waved his hand, the nine tails opened their mouths, and a tailed beast jade instantly condensed. _

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