Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 121: Flights without captain

Is    really attacking the wrong target?

   Certainly not.

  Zhang Lan can't believe it. After the wrong attack, can he be wrong three times?

   And accurate attack on the back of his "teammate"?

   Don't make a joke, will you?

   Hydra was reborn from S.H.I.E.L.D., most of its members were recruited according to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s standards, how could there be an agent to perform field service so badly!

  No amount of thinking is useless.

   "Who are you? Why attack your companion?" Zhang Lan asked casually, without any sense of vigilance.

  No matter who the strong man is, he is just an ordinary person and will not threaten him at all.

"A few months ago, I was instructed by Director Frey to sneak into Hydra. The name and other information required ten levels of authority to know, so I am sorry, there is no way to tell you." Zhuang Shuo Nan responded enthusiastically .

   "I am so happy to see you. I was performing the Hydra mission when you were in Manhattan a few days ago, and I was very lucky to be able to see you on the spot.

   or your own fan?

months ago? Wasn't it just Zhang Lan admonished Fury that there were Hydra spies in SHIELD?

   wanted to come to Furui himself, he was already doubtful. After Zhang Lan confirmed, he finally grabbed the Hydra's tail and made corresponding arrangements.

  As for whether he is worried about the strong man deceiving himself, Zhang Lan does not worry at all, because the current strong man is already in his illusion, so he is telling the truth.

  As for the so-called ten-level authority, the strong man's consciousness of resistance is very strong. E-level illusion can't dig out this information, but Zhang Lan does not matter, as long as it proves to be an friendly army.

   Later, Zhang Lan asked a few questions. From the answer of the strong man, he gradually understood the beginning and the end.

   All the reasons are very close to the previous conversation between Nathan and Edie, but there is some Qu Ze in the middle.

It was not just a coincidence that the beard and the strong man first met at the Monaco airport, but it was originally planned to secretly hijack the plane this time, then cut off the signal, and the strong man flew the aircraft to the nearest Hydra base. Base guard weapons control Zhang Lan.

   Exposing a base, and even exposing the existence of the Hydra's resurgence, was doing everything he could.

   Zhang Lan deserves this price.

However, Zhang Lan's abrupt greetings made the cheeks suspicious. In addition, he didn't trust the strong men who had just joined the Hydra. Luo Qihu canceled the original plan. After getting out of the plane safely, the second set was urgently designated. plan.

  Because of possible exposure factors, the participating members are brand new.

   The first warm white on the plane and the second hot cocoa are all potent enthralling potions and are unique to Hydra. Currently, only Hydra has an antidote.

   It's just a pity that the first Wen Baikai was blocked by Eddie, and the second hot cocoa failed because of Zhang Lan's taste problem, and was also exposed because of a horrendous change.

   Previously Zhang Lan, but no doubt.

   Fortunately, the plan is not just relying on a drug, but also the right place.

  At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, Hydra bet that Zhang Lan could not resist and rescue the time bomb that covered the entire plane.

   Based on Zhang Lan's rescue operation, his heart is very easy to let people know that he is a Madonna.

   Hydra bet on the right, transferred Zhang Lan to the fighter plane driven by a strong man in the air, and began to move towards his destination.

   The whole plan is perfect, but unfortunately, Zhang Lan's resistance to drugs and the small actions he has done in the system space are ignored.


   The strong man who had secretly talked to Fury had received Fury's latest instructions. At all costs, even if his identity was revealed, Zhang Lan should be prevented from being brought into the Hydra.

  Furi said: "Even if you die, Zhang Lan must be safely delivered to Los Angeles. In addition, as far as possible, protect Agent Edie's safety."

  The message ends here.

  After listening to the whole news, Yidi on the side finally understood why he would hit the big goods in plain.

   and Zhang Lan frowned and thought about more important things, his face became more dignified,

  During his thinking, the control of the illusion was much weakened, plus the bonus of not writing the eye of the wheel, the strong man finally broke free from the illusion.

   The sturdy man who recovered his senses, the enthusiasm on his face subsided, and he didn't dare to look at Zhang Lan again, and he was driving a fighter plane.

  Not to mention the strong man, Zhang Lan can't help but ask.

   "That Nathan was the captain of the passenger plane this time, and the deputy captain was again unconscious because of the medicine, so who is driving the current passenger plane?"

   "I am only in charge of pick-up." The strong man turned his head, and did not answer directly.

  Zhang Lan sees this, and the unclear feeling in his heart becomes more and more serious.

He hurried towards Kris lying in the back, released the transformation into Nathan, Ergou Yu climbed his eyes, grabbed Kris’ collar, the quality of the clothes was very good, stay Kris, pull There is a long gap, from Zhang Lan's perspective, you can see a deep gully, and a black lace bra.

   A great spring.

  Zhang Lan didn't care about appreciating the great spring light, and slapped **** her delicate face.


   There was a crisp sound, and there was a five-finger print immediately on Chris's left face. Her long eyelashes twitched a few times, and she did not wake up.


Zhang Lan, who was in a hurry, slaps unknowingly for a long time, and finally opens her eyes in confusion.

   Christie opened her eyes when she saw the expressionless Nathan grabbing her Looking down, she could see that she was almost naked and was very angry.

   "What do you do with an iron man? Want a woman herself..."

   During the talk, Kris subconsciously looked into the eyes of the person in front of her, only to see that round of eyes with double hook jade was particularly charming, and she lost consciousness again.

   Nathan's appearance was very confusing to Chris, making her slightly lowered his vigilance, and was confused by Zhang Lan's use of illusion.

   Zhang Lan went straight to the theme: "Is there any spare captain on the plane to land the plane?"

   Kris struggled a little, and answered truthfully: "No."

   "What is the arrangement?"

   "Set automatic navigation to Los Angeles Airport. When it crashes at the airport later, it will detonate the time bomb on the plane, and Zhang Lan will be removed from the world."

   "Who arranged you to perform the task?"

"Yes Yes......"


   "Ahhh... vomit..."

  Kris hadn't finished speaking yet, a sudden muffled sound rang from her body, a spit of blood spit out, mixed with large pieces of debris, Zhang Lan was very familiar, it was internal organ fragments.

   hadn't waited for him to do anything. Kris vomited a few more sips of blood and stopped moving, even the chest ups and downs disappeared.

  Zhang Lan quickly used the system identification: the five internal organs shattered and died.

   Kris does not have Zhang Lan's regeneration ability, it is undoubtedly dead!



  【Meeting, Picturesque】Reward 100 starting coins.

  【Doubly Ice】Reward one hundred starting coins.

   Two other book friends didn't have a starting point name, Libo couldn't come up with a name, thank you~

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