“Mr. Lei Yin, thank you so much.”

“If it weren’t for you, we would be a Sea King lunch.”

Rescued female warrior We all thanked Lei Yin, and the empress was looking thoughtful…

“It’s nothing, I just happened to be a little favor. Then, I’m leaving…”


Lei Yin was about to leave, the national defender Captain Kikyo stopped him, “You saved us. How embarrassed if we don’t express it?”

The national defender Everlander Pull: “That is, we are going to prepare a dinner for you, thank you for life-saving grace!”

Lei Yin scratched his head: “This… don’t have to…”

“No way, no way, if we don’t thank you for such a great kindness, then we would be too rude.”

“Yes, Snake Princess Lord will never agree with you to go!”


After hearing this, the female emperor folded her hands on her chest and closed her eyes slightly sorry: “Yes…Yes…Although you had a lot of rudeness before, but…but this time. .. I am also Kuja’s Emperor after all…this…this time I am also very grateful to you…”

When the female warriors saw the female emperor’s approval, they surrounded Lei Yin one after another. , Drag him to the Imperial Palace inner hall…

Lei Yin is a typical personable to coaxing but not coercion. If people treat him well, he will be at a loss and don’t know what to do. Up. Besides, for saving so many people and such a great kindness, people also want to express that Lei Yin is difficult but kind, so he had to half-push half-heartedly and promised to have a dinner here.

When the empress saw Lei Yin not leaving for the time being, she felt unfathomable mystery sighed in relief.

The royal chefs of Kuja got busy in a frenzy, Lei Yin sat in the VIP table, and the female soldiers looked at him.

Margaret, the defender of the country: “Do men have such a powerful Kenjutsu?”

“Also, do men summoned giants like that?”


The women on the daughter island overwhelming majority for a lifetime have never seen a man, and they are infinitely curious about Lei Yin.

“This…” Lei Yin didn’t know how to answer their weird question for a while.

“He is so cute…”

The female warrior Bella Donna observes Lei Yin, like studying some strange animal, holding a pen and a notebook, and remembering Note:

“Man, he blushes shyly when he can’t answer the question, um, it should be like this…”

The kind “mockery” to the female fighters , Lei Yin was at a loss for a while.

“Don’t make it difficult for him.”

At this time, Granny Za has been dismissed from petrify, walking slowly with a snake-shaped cane.

“Zai… Granny…”

The female fighters automatically step aside a road, and Granny Zha sat opposite Lei Yin.

“Mr. Lei Yin, you saved the lives of so many warriors of our Kuja clan, and the old man represents Kuja. Thank you.”

“Mr. Jae, you are kind, just no effort at all That’s it.”

At this time, the food and drinks have been served, and there is a happy laughter and cheerful voices in the palace banquet hall. Everyone praised Lei Yin and thanked him.

Grandma: “Mr. Lei Yin, a digression, why is Marine going to war with big-mom?”

Lei Yin took a sip of wine and muttered a little:” Frankly, we caught the tenth son of big-mom [Senju] Koala. In order to prevent her from leading a large army to attack, we have to recruit Oka Shichibukai to help.”

“Marine… caught Koala frame?” Granny Za is a little unbelievable.

“Yes, because we need some preparation time, the news of the execution of Koala has not been announced to the whole world.”

Looking at Lei Yin, it definitely does not seem to be lying . Granny Zai couldn’t help being shocked: Who can Koala stand for? She can capture it alive. Can Marine’s strength be as strong as this level?

If this happens then, Granny Za has strengthened her determination to “never let Hancock abandon the position of Shichibukai and fight against the political talisman”.

“I will definitely persuade Hancock to go and help.” Granny Za in deadly earnest said.

Lei Yin said while drinking, “If you go or not, let’s see what she means. I don’t like to force others. Moreover, Yonko is definitely different from ordinary Pirate. I’m afraid she will be a woman. I can’t handle it…”

At this time, Lei Yin also drank a lot, telling the truth about some of his inner workings.

“Are you underestimating the strength of your concubine?!” Halfway through the dinner, Hancock had just arrived.

It turns out that the empress dressed herself up in the back just now, and she always quarreled with Lei Yin when they met. This became their big benefactor. She didn’t know what kind of attitude she would face He…thought for a while, then walked to the banquet hall.

“wa! Snake Princess Lord!”

The female emperor is dressed more glamorously than usual. All the female fighters have peach-hearted eyes, and they are confused as starry-eyed. . When Lei Yin saw the female emperor, he swallowed a mouthful of wine in his throat and made an obvious swallowing action.

In this life, he has never seen such a beautiful woman…

The empress sits next to Lei Yin and looked at him with questioning eyes: “Hey, you What did that just now mean…what is a female stream…”

It turned out that when the empress came in, she just heard that sentence, her strength was underestimated, and she was very upset.

“It’s nothing, I just speak frankly.” Lei Yin pretended to be calm and the peerless beauty was next to her.

“Hey, don’t think that you saved so many of us, so you can talk to your concubine so proudly! Where is the concubine’s body weak?”

(Hey , Two people, you really have to pinch as soon as they meet…)

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