Actually, baby-5 also knows that the two of them are going to a dangerous place to save people instead of going to play.

The territory of big-mom, it is really no different from dragon’s pool and tiger’s den, it makes people easy does not raise.

“Anyway, it’s still too dangerous , You can’t take your life for personal affection, right?” baby-5 yelled, firstly because she didn’t want her husband to take such a big risk. Secondly, the appearance of the empress made her feel threatened instinctively.

Lei Yin smiled and touched baby-5’s head: “Hit your life? It seems that you still don’t believe in my strength? Tell you, I have mastered a big trick recently. Not to mention big-mom, maybe even Whitebeard is not an opponent…”

Big trick? Even Whitebeard is not an opponent?

cracking a joke, right?

I don’t know if Lei Yin is to make baby-5 feel at ease, or it is true. Anyway, looking at her ignorant expression, most of them believed.

Baby-5 can be regarded as a woman who has experienced many things. She may not believe other people, but for her husband Lei Yin, who loves her in every possible way, she always chooses to believe unconditionally.

This is her silly and sweet side.

Looked Lei Yin and baby-5 are so intimate, the empress is extremely uncomfortable, she pulls Lei Yin and urges him to go with her.

Before leaving, Lei Yin said: “Liuma, Kleven, and Feng Kelei, the base will be handed over to you after I leave. After I leave, I must be good at defending.”

Liu Ma, Kleven, and Feng Kelei: “Don’t worry, Captain.”

“Girl, you have to take good care of yourself. When I come back, I will bring you delicious snacks. There is a big-mom. There is no shortage of these things.”


After Lei Yin finished explaining, the empress couldn’t wait to drag him away. (I don’t want to see him and baby-5 sticky again)

Many people at Lei Yin Pirates know that Lei Yin is an extremely independent person, if he decides the average person absolutely cannot change , So there is no too much dissuasion, even if they are very nervous…that is Yonko territory…

It is useless to say more, the empress and Lei Yin took a small boat to Totto Land.

On the way, the female emperor has been looking at Lei Yin with a pair of beautiful eyes. Lei Yin feels a little uncomfortable when she sees it: “Hey, what have you been watching me doing?”

The female emperor: “You If you don’t look at your concubine, how can you know if your concubine is looking at you?”

“Che, make trouble unreasonably.”

After Lei Yin finished speaking, the empress walked directly over, instead of facing her face to face, The face is only two fist away from the face.

Lei Yin was taken aback and hurriedly jumped away: “Hey, what are you doing so close suddenly? Mental illness.”

The female emperor Yin-Yang said strangely. “Che, didn’t expect, you little demon are married.”

Lei Yin: “What little demon, how old you are.”

“hmph, I am twenty-two this year, and you are only twenty. What is a little demon?”

“It’s only two years older, what’s to be proud of?”

Then the empress cleared her throat, her face flushed a little: “Hey, I ask you, is that girl fucking and so on?”

Of course, she asked Lei Yin’s wife baby-5 Up.

“Just like you, it is Pirate.” Lei Yin said bluntly.

“Then, how did you meet?” the female emperor asked softly.

Lei Yin looked at her: “Hey, we are here to save people with you. You always ask me what is my private life?”

The empress also gave birth to said: “No If you tell me, why are you so fierce? Cut, don’t tell me, I still need to know, hmph! “

The empress said so, but she actually cares very much in her heart.

The disease that the empress suffered before was lovesickness. That’s why when Lei Yin appeared, she was more than half healed.

The lovesick person is right in front of you. Although he is already a husband, the empress feels that as long as she can see him every day, her heart is satisfied…

“Hey! What is that stuff!”

Two While the person was sailing, only the voice of the empress was shouted.

When the two looked at a giant red crab carrying a green tortoise shell, it was more than sixty meters long and was suddenly intercepted on the surface of the sea.

Compared with Grand Line, New World’s Sea Territory has more difficult and dangerous sea routes, and more bizarre and powerful creatures.

Later, Lei Yin learned that the rare beast he encountered in front of him, called a turtle crab, was a giant sea beast.

“Mero Mero Merrow!”

When the empress saw this, she took the lead in trouble, and gestured a heart to the tortoise and crab, and a pink heart light wave suddenly launched away. This light wave almost exactly covers the giant beast.


The reaction of the tortoise and crab attacked by the light wave, let alone petrify, did not even take any damage.

“Ha, it seems that your charm doesn’t work, Hancock.” Lei Yin said jokingly.

“When is it all, do you still have the thoughts to laugh? Wow, it’s over!” The empress rushed into Lei Yin’s arms in shock.

Lei Yin didn’t pay attention to this at first, but stared at the tortoise and crab coming from the impact, gathering the white energy on the index finger and middle finger, and then suddenly stroked:

“The blade of white!”

The energy of white has great ripples, as if to cut through the sky. When it receives a blow that looks like a magnificent sword aura, the body of the tortoise and crab is directly chopped into pieces. Two sections, sprayed out a lot of viscous blood, dyeing the nearby sea water into another color.

When the empress in Lei Yin’s arms turned to look around, it was already dumbstruck.

Can a giant beast be split in half with just a casually swipe?

What kind of power is this?!

Just as the empress was secretly shocked, Lei Yin pushed it away from her arms: “What are you doing?”


The female emperor: “Can I just rely on it? Cheapskate!”

Seeing her appearance, Lei Yin couldn’t help but feel amused: “Hey, you dignified Kuja Emperor, how dare you are so courageous? . If you are afraid of even a Sea Beast, don’t you have to pee your pants in fear when you see big-mom?”

“I…I am not afraid, just a little fear. …”

In the past, the reason why the female emperor sailed so smoothly was because her pet Salome (non-venomous python with excellent water quality) opened the way in front, making the Sea King or the giant Sea Beast didn’t dare to get close to her ship, and now Salome was not by her side, the empress had no inner support, so she naturally seemed a little timid.

However, fortunately, there is a strong and bottomless Lei Yin beside him.

“It’s so affectionate with that woman (baby-5), it won’t work for me to lean on it… Cut, don’t let me lean on it, I don’t even bother to rely on it…” The things opened are brooding.

It didn’t take long for them to finally arrive at their destination-Totto Land.

Totto Land is centered on Whole Cake Island and consists of 34 islands. These 34 islands are managed by 34 Ministers.

Lei Yin, the empress came here, the first thing is to consider how to get in.

Every port in Totto Land is guarded by guards. If an enemy comes, it will be suppressed immediately…

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