Seeing Mary Godrew transformed into an animal form, Bill couldn’t help but stare at him.

He did not expect that Lei Yin’s team is also hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

“The person who beat Lei Yin Pirates, but you don’t have any good fruit!”

Mary Godrew almost yelled and raised her tail behind her, like The thick black lance stabbed towards Bill:

“Snake burst!”

looked like a dark streamer, Bill put his arms on his chest and attached Busoshoku Haki, Mary Godrew’s snaketail stabbed Bill’s arms, and Bill retreated involuntarily, both feet plowing the ground into two deep marks.

When Bill saw this, he flew back dozens of steps away, avoiding the lance-like tail of Mary Godrew.

After that, the earth was shaken by the “dong dong”, and Bill the black bear’s strong and sturdy body hit him.

It seems that the black bear came to play with her this time.

Zoan Fruit Ability User is inherently strong in physique. Bear fruit is not only powerful, but skin is rough, flesh is thick, and has a certain defensive power.

Seeing the impact of the black bear, Mary Godrew knew that she could not be ambiguous, so the hair stands up in anger, the orange-yellow’s hair stood up like orange lightning, and she seemed to have it all over her body. A faint flame floats all around:

“Snake Hair Possessed-Flame Serpent God!”

Suddenly, Marie Godrew’s erected orange red hair gradually changed. The crimson color was burning like a blaze. Suddenly, a wave of aura like a flame demon pounced on Bill. Bill Bill was hit by the aura head-on, and the fur on his body gradually burned.

In the beating flames, Bill’s screams became smaller and smaller until he finally lost his voice.

Mary Goethe sighed in relief, changed to the original form, feeling a little tired. After being defeated, von Krei and Galdino saw the situation here, and they were secretly grateful in their hearts.

But then, seeing the scene in front of me, the people of the Lei Yin regiment on the west side of the battlefield here were stretched taut again.

This time, hundreds of unexpected guests came to Battlefield to the west.

These people, roaring and shouting, rushed into the crowd of Lei Yin Pirates, like a hard rock hitting a group of eggs, the people of Lei Yin group are like cutting melons and vegetables The same was beaten, everything broken and in disorder, Feng Kelei and Galdino were injured again. Mary Godrew, who had just been tired of fighting, was also knocked to the ground with a few punches by a “standing yak”, and the Lei Yin regiment was almost useless.

Many cadres and soldiers of the Lei Yin regiment in the west were beaten unrecognizable and bruised under the face of lose one’s head out of fear.

The hundreds of people in the beasts group are of different shapes, including elephants, lions, tigers, leopards, Crocodile, yaks, and hippos. Some are all beasts, and some are half beasts. The battlefield to the west is more like a live zoo at this time.

This is exactly the 500 orcs of Kaido who ate the man-made Zoan Devil Fruit! It is said that there are more than 300 people who bounty over 50 million Beli, and the bounty is over 100 million. There are more than one hundred and ten people.

This is probably the most terrifying force among Yonko!

From a distance, the scene is very spectacular, a group of violent birds and beasts wantonly bombard the Lei Yin regiment. People, like a hot knife through butter!

“Hundred…Hundred Beasts! This is the real Hundred Beasts!”

I don’t know which soldier of Lei Yin group He roared fiercely, as if his spirit was a little broken. looked The beast army that is getting closer and closer to the Lei Yin Pirates interior, everyone in the Lei Yin regiment is panicked.

A Bill of the Five Hundred Beasts Legion made Marie Godrew so hard to fight. These battle strengths add up, it’s hard to imagine…

This is even better than The situation is even worse when encountering the three major disasters!

Seeing the beasts Legion gradually attacking, some people in the Lei Yin regiment even had their legs trembling a little, and even scared even their weapons directly Throw it away and prepare to escape, but was slapped to death by a bear paw or tiger claw.

“Hundred beasts, don’t allow you to act recklessly!”

A woman with green hair and a head and feet twice as big as her body is spitting out Snake Xinzi, her face is already very Not good-looking.

【Baqi Demon Snake】Boya-Sundasonia, one of the three sisters of Gore Gong, the second sister of the original Kuja Emperor, now the Captain of the sixth team of Lei Yin Pirates, bounty gold 200 million 2000 Wan Beli !

Once it came up without the slightest hesitation, Sonda Sonia was also like her younger sister just now, with her hair erected like a sword and twisted into eight python-like snakes, like [Seimei Kikan] Same.

“Snake Hair Possessed-Yaki Orochi!”

Faced with fiends’ beast Legion, Sanda Sonia did not dare to be sloppy, and used himself as soon as he came up. The strongest trick, his eight strands of hair are like real snakes, meeting the violent beasts…

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