Although Slieny Island is a barren’s saline land, its area is comparable with Marine Headquarters Marineford.

At this time, the island is almost full of people, and most experts of this World are fighting each other here.


The wind disaster queen flapped its wings and issued one after another wind blade. These blades, sharper than a knife, scattered ruthlessly towards the Marine, with a scream and bursts of scarlet blood light , Some of Marine were cut into two sections directly, while others were cut off.

“Haha…Blood, blood, let me be more excited!”

Seeing that the blood and water are almost gathering into the creek, it鈥檚 a bit horrible piece of Marine. At the position, the wind disaster queen showed a twisted expression of excitement.

This bloodthirsty excitement seems to make her forget the exhaustion of fighting for three days.

Seeing the blood constantly pouring out of that field, the wind disaster queen flapped its wings more desperately, and the more intense and dense wind blade dispersed into the Marine…

“You give us enough! The wind disaster!”

The virtual in the sky stopped drinking for a while, and two sword auras followed, cancelling all the wind blades.

A man and a woman appeared in front of the Marine position.

Marine Vice Admiral Mole and Marine Vice Admiral Momousagi, the two sword auras just now came from them.

Vice Admiral Mole put his hand on the sword hilt and reprimanded loudly: “queen, I advise you to figure out the current situation. If you don’t obediently surrender, I’m afraid you will die and it’s ugly!”

The typhoon queen made a sharp sound of birds and changed from Archaeopteryx to a half-human, half-bird form, because after three days of fighting, her charming face was a little haggard, “hmph, thanks to you two Vice Admiral. Want to make my old lady surrender? Let鈥檚 see how capable you are!”


When Mole heard this, he suddenly pulled out the sword on his waist and jumped up, sword edge Come straight to the typhoon queen. The typhoon queen wrapped Busoshoku Haki’s wings around her wings like layers of steel blades, patted fiercely at the coming mole, “Dang” made a clear and sweet sound, and the mole was slapped again from low altitude. Coming down…

“No…it’s not good…Um!”

First, the sense suddenly reached the silhouette of the unkind person behind, and then the queen sent out because of the wind disaster. Painful groan, a deep sword mark on the back, blood light splashing, but flames are still on the wound…

Needless to say, Momousagi was the one who caused her harm. It has the [Sexy Gunpowder Bucket] Marine Headquarter candidate, Vice Admiral Momousagi, and has brought Kenjutsu to the point of perfection.

In order to prevent the wind from being noticed when the mole attacked, she first hid her aura, and quickly used [Geppo] to go around behind the wind disaster. When the mole dangled a shot in front, she was behind the wind disaster. Cut the sword quickly.

Why is there flame on the wound?

This is also Kenjutsu developed by Momousagi. She has practiced to wave the sword edge at a very fast speed, causing the sword blade to form violent friction with the air. In the split second, it can create high temperature and ignite the air. Oxygen, thus forming a flame attack.

The queen was swung by Mole and Momousagi. She quickly rotated her body like a top, forming a strong wind pressure, and soon extinguished the flame behind her.

After extinguishing, her wounds gradually healed…

West of battlefield.

The giant Vice Admiral’s troops are armed with giant sticks, giant axe, giant sword, and big spears, and Greatsword dashes towards the Pirate group.

Giant axe and giant blade swept through, just like cutting wheat. The Zoan Pirates with bounty below 100 million almost all fell in pieces.

The blue orangutan army of Lei Yin regiment hand-held tomahawks attacked the giant one by one, but when the fist with a diameter of seven or eight meters fell down, the blue orangutan army was all smashed.

Kaido鈥檚 Hundred Man Group is almost the same. A giant holding a giant spear pulled the trigger. A bullet larger than a heavy cannon shell was shot out and exploded in the Pirate group. Blew up and flew a piece.

Like cutting melons and vegetables, another giant holding a giant sword swept towards the crowd…

“You damned scoundrel, give Laozi a little restraint Come on!”

In Zoan Legion, a person suddenly jumped out, attached Busoshoku Haki with one hand and caught the giant sword, making it impossible for the giant sword to be one step further.

“Thyssen Lord, great!”

“Thyssen Lord! Just defeat these damned giants Marine!”

Just use The name of the person who blocked the giant sword with one hand is Thyssen, who is the leader of the five-hundred-member Zoan of the Kaido group of beasts, the ancient crocodile crocodile fruit form Ability User, and the bounty gold 680 million Beli!

“don’t underestimate us, scoundrel!”

Thyssen said, his body was all beasts, his body quickly swelled and enlarged, and his body was full of sturdy Crocodile scales, and his body was sixteen or seventeen. More than meters, two heads lower than Giant Race.

The huge fist of Thyssen Crocodile, who is all animalized, punched the giant sword into the sea…

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