“What’s wrong? Are you planning to do it?” The fairy smiled in the rain full of playfulness.

Tsunade didn’t say anything else, a fist smashed over and smashed the gaming table to pieces.

Immortal Spirit cleverly avoided it in the rain.

But at this time Tsunade found that all the money on the table was gone.

In the process of evading, Immortal Rain didn’t know what method he used to get all the money into his own pocket.

“Okay! Very good!”

Tsunade said “very good” in his mouth, but he looked even more angrily in the beautiful eyes of the hateful man in front of him. The fist was on the flow. The obvious blue Chakra, ruthlessly smashed towards the rain fairy.

With a loud noise of “rumble”, not only the entire casino collapsed, but also a huge crack appeared on the ground, which stretched for more than ten meters before slowly stopping.

This is Tsunade鈥檚 [Chakra Enhanced Strength technique], which can concentrate Chakra on any part of the body, quickly burn Chakra and release it instantly, simple ordinary punch can split mountains and open rivers.

When the two face each other again, they have already stood on an open ground.

“Lady Tsunade, I think you have the wrong birth? Even a man does not have such a Chakra Enhanced Strength. Also, you are all getting older and take care of it… indeed. Yes, if you are so angry, the president will look up and get tattoos.” When he said these words, Yu Zhongxian had a calm tone and a smile on his face.

“You damned scoundrel, dare to entertain my old lady!”

In sharp contrast, Tsunade was already angry and couldn’t help herself.

next moment, Tsunade is like a furious little lion, holding a fist full of Chakra and hitting him fiercely with another punch.

With a deafening sound of “rumble”, the whole street was shaken three times. Most residents ran out of the street. Some thought it was an earthquake. They all panicked and fled like birds and beasts. go with.

Tsunade can achieve this effect with almost every punch.

At this time, she noticed that the pair of scarlet Sharingan was turning in the rain.

“Lady Tsunade, I have mastered your style. I want to hit so many punches, you should be tired, so next, let me show you it!”

The fairy in the rain said lightly, but it didn’t seem to be cracking a joke, next moment. With the extremely rich Chakra attached to his hand, he slammed his fist to the ground. This fist is like a dozen battleship main guns exploding at the same time. A few kilometers in radius is deeply sunken into a huge pit with its fist as the center. This terrifying sound even spread throughout the entire Konoha!

This fist, Yu Zhongxian attached Busoshoku Haki.

Tsunade is already in place, dumbstruck!

Half a while, when she slowly recovered, the fairy in the rain was gone.

She also saw that in her underfoot, I don’t know when 120,000 taels have been released…

At this time, Naruto is training Rasengan with Jiraiya. Orochi Maru of Hidden Villages heard that Tsunade had come to Hidden Leaf Village. In order to heal his hands that were abolished by Third Hokage’s [Dead Demon Consuming Seal], he took Yakushi-Kabuto and found Tsunade.

“Long time no see…Orochi Maru…” Seeing Orochi Maru, Tsunade’s face was indifferent.

While Shizune looked Orochi Maru and Yakushi-Kabuto beside Tsunade are vigilant.

Orochi Maru Xie Xie Issho: “You really caused us to find it hard, Tsunade.”

Tsunade also looks like harbored evil intents: “You find me What’s the matter? Isn’t it to relive the old?”

Orochi Maru: “Then I’ll just tell you, I have something to ask you.”

Tsunade took a look at him. With the abolished hands, you understand what they mean.

Yakushi-Kabuto next to him said again: “Presumably, you know what’s going on, right?”

Tsunade waved his hand indifferently: “You should ask another brilliant. I don鈥檛 care about this kind of thing anymore.”

Yakushi-Kabuto pushed his glasses: “That鈥檚 not good, you should also know how heavy the hand injury is, but we have no good way…only You can do it with brilliant medical skills…”

And Tsunade didn鈥檛 know that Orochi Maru鈥檚 discarded hands were given by Third Hokage, and solemnly said: “It looks like this It’s not like an ordinary trauma, what did you do?”

Orochi Maru’s face is still gloomy: “It’s nothing, it’s just a small injury when killing Third Hokage…”


Tsunade and Shizune heard that they were both startled!

This crazy guy actually killed Sensei? !

Seeing the expressions of the two, Orochi Maru was even more sneered: “Don鈥檛 look at me with such terrifying eyes. People are dying. You should be the clearest. After all, you are the most The two people you love… are both killed by you!”

Orochi Maru bluntly exposed Tsunade’s scars, which made Tsunade’s face even more anger.

At this time, Jiraiya and Naruto are also looking for Tsunade…

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