Back to the present.

Morse mountain range, under the death waterfall.

After blocking several rounds of great waves, another huge boulder fell.

This huge rock almost covered the entire sky, and a huge shadow under the waterfall.

“Well, what a big rock!” Natalie’s mouth opened wide, a little unbelievable.

Sani said: “This is not a boulder, but a mountain.”


“Yes, the huge impact on waterfall will The mountain top broke through and fell.”

“Whatever it is.” Lei Yin said, pulling out the Kusanaru sword behind him, and between the swings, there was a strong sword wave condensing a lot of Chakra. Outstandingly.

“Kusana·Raccoon Sword Wave!”

The majestic chopper galloped out, whizzing away. With the loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry throughout the mountain range, the mountain top boulder was instantly divided into two, falling to both sides, and two high water jets sprang up.

The three people were all splashed with water, and Sani was almost washed into the lake by the water.

Fortunately, the effort was not in vain. The three people have passed the death waterfall and saw the cave on the rock wall.

The shiny silkfoot fish they were looking for is in this cave!

Because the queen’s figure is so huge that even the waterfall did not come in, Lei Yin carried Natalie on his back, Sani grabbed the cave entrance with his hair, and the three people went in like this.

This cave is very large, with twenty-thirty meters wide and high, and it is not at all as dark as everyone thinks, because this end of the cave is very bright because of the waterfall. Not only that, but in the depths of this cave, there is also shining light, so it is not dark inside.

Natalie said: “There is light in there too? Putting it that way, there is a way out there too?”

Sani said: “Isn’t it understood if you look at it in the past?”

When the three people were about to leave, Lei Yin suddenly stopped and signaled everyone to stop moving forward.

“What’s the matter? Thunder…”

Before Natalie’s voice fell, she heard a burst of shrill calls from the cave.

These calls are very harsh, and even the sound of Kinoe scratching across the blackboard eraser is very uncomfortable.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a group of black shadows flying towards them.

When these dark shadows got closer, everyone could see clearly that it was a bat with sharp beak and fangs and eyes like evil spirits.

Bloodthirsty bats, flying mammals, capture Rank lv.23.

They are frequent visitors of this within cave. They are not only fierce in personality but also strong in sense. They smell the outsider and come out all over the place.

The number is more than a few hundred.

“hmph! A group of mice with wings, dare to provoke us?”

This number of bloodthirsty bats is enough to gnaw ordinary food hunters into bones Nothing left, but Sani dismissed it, and the hair was standing up.

“Swallows return!”

When these bloodthirsty bats come, hiding the sky and covering the earth, thousands of hairs whizz away like thousands of sharp blades. , Thousands of blood light burst into the cave in an instant, the bats were cut one after another, and everything broken and in disorder fell to pieces.

However, there are a few’a fish that escaped the net’ that were not hit by him. Seeing the strong strength displayed by this person, I know that I am not their opponent, but are facing the cave. Flew back deeper and deeper.

“That’s it? It’s really boring.” Sani retracted his hair and saw almost incomplete bloodthirsty bats lying in a pool of blood.

Lei Yin looked at him and said, “Don’t be careless, there are more powerful demonic beasts ahead of them, which are much stronger than these.”

Hearing this, Sani couldn’t help but I feel very puzzled: “Oh? Why do you know this kind of thing?”

Lei Yin smiled: “In your words, it should be intuition?”

“Intuition Could it be that you have also trained to the same level as the old fogey (Yu Weimen)?” Sani was even more surprised.

“Who knows?” Lei Yin gave him an ambiguous answer in a rhetorical tone.

To be precise, Lei Yin certainly does not rely on the “intuition” that Sani said before, but on his [Kenbunshoku Haki] in another world training.

It is very different from what he called “intuition.” As mentioned before, this “intuition” is the accumulation of long-term battles or training, resulting in a subconscious combat state. To put it bluntly, it is based on feelings.

Kenbunshoku Haki is completely different. It relies on long-term training “the power of listening”, consciously and actively to sense the surrounding things, training to a certain extent, and even predict the future!

Of course, Lei Yin, who has reached the [God Emperor] Rank, already has this ability. Needless to say, he can sense that there are more powerful creatures ahead, and he can even predict the next fifteen seconds. Things that happened.

However, Lei Yin is not too fond of exuding a more powerful Kenbunshoku aura to predict the future, because he prefers the “unknown”, and this life is more challenging. However, it cannot be said that he does not use it at all, unless it encounters a more dangerous situation and a stronger enemy, that is, when it is a last resort.

When the three people were talking while walking, they could only hear the call of “si si”, which was harsher and harsher than that of bloodthirsty bats.

“This, what is it this time?!” Natalie asked, closing her ears.

At this time, dozens of bats flew out in front of him.

It’s just that the bat is five or six times bigger than the bloodthirsty bat, and its face is even more hideous.

Cave Bat King, flying mammals, capture Rank lv.42.

The bosses of these things have long mouths. Their fangs and big mouths can even bite off the head of a python, like a group of demons running out of hell.

It is said that the lifespan of bloodthirsty bats has a 3% chance of transforming into the cave Bat King when they reach 120 years old. They can also be said to be the evolution type of bloodthirsty bats.

“You killed the group of bats last time? Then leave it to me this time.”

Lei Yin said, with lightning flashing on his hand, move within cave It shines brighter.

It seems that he intends to use Lightning-Style to solve these guys.

When Lei Yin was about to start his hands, another white light came from the depths of the cave, and in a instant he killed several Bat Kings in the cave.

This is a huge figure beast, because the speed is very fast, so the high speed movement is like light.

At least Natalie and Sani can’t see its figure at all.

The only thing that can be seen is Lei Yin. His skin is silver white, his body is seven or eight meters long, his head is like a lion, his body is like a tiger, and his claws are like a sharp knife.

Silver liger, a mammal, capture Rank lv.96!

It turned out that the strong aura I just felt was this guy.

The speed of this guy is like a gust of wind, wherever he passed, his claws instantly tore the Bat King cave and swallowed it into his stomach——

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