Hahahaha, now the problem is how can i stage them all?? : ???

If i truly manage to trap them in one place when mother is revived it will be over for them, mother can then take their chakra and lifeforce powering up her self... : ???

And when the Otsutsuki clan comes... Mother will be more powerful than her prime... : ???

But first, i need to create a new white Zetsu... That bitch Tsunade killed him with one kick... : ???

Now i need to prepare... I will also have to gather that scatter clan from around the world... It wouldn't be too hard... : ???

Back to where Linley was sleeping soon, the sun came out which waked him up as the window had been opened...

When he opened his eyes, he was almost blinded by it and fell off the bed which was then he realised that Tsunade was missing from the room...

He got up as he rubbed his eyes and went towards the bathroom which was free thank god for him and washed up his face and teeth...

After that, he wore the chakra clothes from his inventory and walked to the living room... There Serena with Pedro was grinning at him and so did Mito with Madara who was on a corner...

Before they could say something all of them froze including Madara from the pressure he was emitting, although Tsunade had warned them, this was unbelievable...

Ahh... sorry, sorry, i can't control my aura from yesterday since i wakened my 3 tomoe... : Linley

After he erased the pressure he looked around and saw that Tsunade, Natsuhi, Mikoto and Kushina were missing and not only them even his 2 little sisters were missing...

Well, Natsuhi and Tsunade went for a girls chat... Mikoto and Kushina went a bit for training... : Pedro

As for Irina and Izumi, it seems Izumi had found someone that looks handsome in her eyes... : Serena

Oh?? Who had the guts to tangle my little sister's mind!!! : Linley

Although he spoke with a loud voice none of them detected killing intent and knew that he was putting a brave front...

It's someone, who always train in the woods alone and actually had managed to catch her eye... : Serena

When she finished speaking she saw Linley with an ugly face as he remembered that the father of Mighty Guy is training there... Errmmmm he was called Might Duy right??

Don't tell me that eyebrows, isn't he 3 years younger than Tsunade?? That means he is 17 right???

There more he thought the more he started making an ugly face and eventually released killing intent...

What is his name??? Just in case i kill the wrong person.... : Linley

I think it was Namikaze Minato... Seven years old... We checked him when you two had gone to fetch Fuso... : Pedro

Oh?? That kid?? Interesting... : Linley

And by the way where is Fuso, Ise and Nagato?? : Linley

Well, they wanted to go for a morning walk here and there... : Serena

I see.... Then i will secretly go and watch the kid... even though i had noticed him back then i never had the time to see his talent... : Linley

Can i come?? : Madara

If it's someone that caught your eye then it's definitely worth seeing him.... Oh, wait... Feel his actions... : Madara

Sure, let's go.... : Linley

Both of them vanished from there leaving all the others praying for the safety of his wrath if he hurts Izumi...

Aahhh... We forgot to tell him that he is sparring with Izumi... : Mito

Now their faces were totally black from what will happen there, after 10 minutes with a simple walking in the park they reached the forest and both of them felt 6 people and frown...

They could tell that the 3 of them were too small belonging to the kids but for the other 3, they were sneaking up towards them...

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