A few days have passed since both Hashirama and Linley ditched Madara towards the girl and as good brothers as they are they told everyone causing him a headache...

Even when he was returning back home at night, he was getting teased by Serena and Pedro...

Wanting to do nothing with everything Madara went towards his room where he closed the door in order to meditate and calm his mind as he was on the edges these days..

Linley was hugging Tsunade, Natsuhi and Mikoto were sitting next to him as he was talking with his parents if they had made any progress with their sage training...

During these two years Pretty much all of them found their animals by performing Reverse Summoning Jutsu and after passing their respective tests they started training...

However, it turns out that only Serena, Tsunade and Natsuhi had high aptitudes for this kind of training...

Tsunade got the Slug Sage, Natsuhi and Serena got the Cat Sage, Pedro got the Dogs Sage, Hashirama and Mito chose the Toad Sage and even his sisters were chosen by sage animals...

Izumi and Irina got the snake sage which surprised a lot Linley as he knew those guys are way too stubborn, when he got the news of it and as he had marked his sisters with Hiraishin Marks he flew over to the cave...

When he appeared all hell breaked loose as they treated him as an intruder and broke scales with his bare hands...

His mission was simple, try anything funny about blood transfusion that will cause pain to his sisters and this clan will cease to exist...

Minato also got his sage animal and as Linley had given him the Chakra Superior Manual, Structure Bone Manual and Sage Sensing Manual he easily got accepted by the Sage Toad...

During those two years, Linley had also given Madara those three Manuals stunning him at first by the sheer power someone could contain when completed in the 100%.

He didn't know what type of Sage Animal chose Madara so it would be quite a surprise for all of them to see...

However, he didn't slack off either, since he had the body of the sage he didn't need specific a sage animal to train so he mostly focused on raising his skills...

Linley had managed to control all his bloodlines to acceptable levels and use them in times of needs, he also managed to Level up 3% each Skill of these Chakra Superior Manual EXP : 13% / Structure Bone Manual EXP 18% / Spiritual Mind Imprint Manual EXP : 11% / Sage Sensing Manual EXP : 13%

While the latter two didn't give him anything, the first two was a different story altogether...

Chakra Superior Manual gave him double the Chakra for each 1% he raised which means from his old capacity of Chakra : 32.217.850 it went to 257.742.800... He almost blew himself up from the excessive amount of Chakra he had but thanks to Sage Physique Leaf he solved that...

His newfound Chakra was Harmonised with the Natural Energy becoming, C : 128.871.400 and his Natural Energy the same...

His "Structure Bone Manual" though helped his body at a crucial time before he got blown to pieces and raised his stats by 50% stats on Power - Defence -Speed for each 1%

Making his stats reach frightening levels Power : 43.727 / Defence : 43.727 / Speed : 43.727 that he worked his ass to control before he could accidentally kill someone...

So any clues on how to go about it Linley?? : Pedro

None, dad, the best i could say is to practise the Sage Sensing Manual more and more... If it is needed then completely disregard every other training and solely focus on that... : Linley

Sigh... Sometimes i envy your talent... : Pedro

Talent i gained from almost dying as a mummified baby... : Linley

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