A few days later, Tsunade and Linley in their home along with Natsuhi were having happy smiles as they watched Ada Senju Uzumaki playing around with her little hands...

Due to the fact that the Senju clan officially got only six members and two if they were brought back to life...

They were, Hashirama, Tobirama, Tsunade, Nawaki and their parents who were close to their death from old age...

While the Uzumaki were, Serena, Pedro, Fuso, Nagato, Linley, Irina, Izumi, Sena and the Uzumaki that will migrate here soon...

Therefore the had decided that since Ada is an offspring of both sides to take both names with Senju in the middle...

However as she possessed a new pair of eyes, it was decided that Linley's children will be placed under a new Clan...

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It was decided that this Clan will be to the top of tops of secrets going by the name The All Eye...

There, there little Ada-chan... Look at daddy!!! : Linley

Pffftttt... Hahaha hahaha... : Tsunade

Giggle, giggle... : Natsuhi

Adadadda, dadadadada, adadadada... : Ada

See she is talking to me... : Linley


She is also ignoring you at the same time... Hahahahaha... : Tsunade

She just farted its normal to do so, it means she is healthy... : Linley

Giggle, giggle... : Ada

She, now she is happy... Come here little girl... : Linley

Adadadda, dadadadada, adadadada... : Ada

Just as Linley took Ada in his hands while she was smiling, he started shaking her up and down by slowly lifting her in the air...

Natsuhi and Tsunade were happy to see him acting like that until....


The little girl pooped on her as she released a relief expression along with a few farts that smelled like shit...

When she stopped like a baby she ignored everything around her and started waving her little hands again for the crumble Linley to continue what he was doing...

Sigh... It's time for little Ada to change diapers... : Natsuhi

Don't worry i will do it, you can rest as you are close to your 4-5th one... : Tsunade

As Tsunade took Ada from his hands, she started crying as if she was wronged for her life and looked at her with a full complaining gaze...

As life continued on for them, around the world many Flags of war started rising here and there...


What is going on!!! : ???

Haaahhh, hahhh, haaaaaff... Hoshikage-sama!!! : Guard

What is it?? Speak!!! Enemy attacks, they, they are dead shinobies... : Guard

We already have loses?? : Hoshikage

No, no us at least not yet... : Guard

Then what?? : Hoshikage

We are under attack from people that have officially died and have come back as puppets... : Guard

What!!! : Hoshikage

Somewhere far away from the Land Of Bears from the village Hidden Among The Stars...


Hurry up, use the chains!!! : Guard

Hurry up and seal their movements!!! Guard 2

Capture those traitors that have betrayed, to unknown forced our homeland... : Guard 3

Your homeland?? You are saying it like it's not mine as well... : ???

You... Y-you are... : Guard

Ai, i lot everything back then and at the same time i died while failing to protect Fuso and Serena... : ???

Who would have thought that i would have lived to see the day of being forced to attack the very home that exiled me... : ???


Sigh, unfortunately, i was ordered to take them before you run... : ???

As everyone saw him start performing signs with his hands, at first they were stunned by his sheer speed, but then they started running in panic...

He looked at them with sadness in his eyes as he finished his jutsu...

I hope many of you survive this and someone worthy will come to stop me... : ???

Fire Sealing Element!!! : ???


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