Everyone who had an important place in Konoha was called and no one was missing as they knew it was a grave situation...

The 3rd Hokage, Mito, Hashirama masked, Madara old man, Izuna masked, Tobirama masked, Danzo and Linley were looking at the left side where twelve people stood there...

Tsunade clone, Natsuhi clone, Serena, Pedro, Fuso, Mikoto, Kushina, Irina, Izumi, Minato, Ria and Tia...

On the right side, Nara Clan Leader, Aburame, Akimichi, Huuyga, Yamanaka, Uchiha, Uzumaki and Hoshi along with many other clan Leaders had solemn faces...

Hiruzen had decided to share a few confidential things on them so that they know what they were facing...

When they learned that Hashirama and Madara fought for nothing but trickery they were speechless...

They were then presented with evidence of a hidden Clan named Otsutsuki they wished to destroy the whole system they finally build after so much bloodshed...

Of course this was half truth half lies for the lower clan leaders while the high ranking ones knew everything...

They had decided that using this opportunity of the war they already destroyed two of their allied forces to force their hand upon all villages...

Five people then used hand signs and created 5 Shadow Clones...

They were Tobirama, Izuna, Madara, Hashirama and Linley...

These 30 people used Transformation Jutsu and became complete different people in front of everyone...

Both Fugaku and the Hyuuga Leader tried to distinguish who was who but were unable to do so...

For our cause not to be disturbed we need to pass top secret info to the other Villages through this war... : Hiruzen

For this purpose, many secrets you have will be slightly altered with your help... : Hiruzen

Doing so will keep your secrets confidential, pass them clues about our founding and then mislead them... : Hiruzen

Just as he wanted to continued a very bright light covered the front gate before a loud explosion was heard that shook the ground...

The moment the light was visible half the people there used their own methods to vanish instantly...

Aaaaarrrrggggg.... : Guard

Don't attack!!! Call Sealing Experts!!! : Guard 2

Sealing Experts??? Apart from Mito I don't remember someone else in Konoha... : ???

Just as he had given his order the Captain of the team responsible for the patrols was shocked as he heard the voice behind him...

He turned slowly and only saw a hand gripping his head...

W-who are you!!!! : C. Guard...

Someone who is feeling sorry for meeting you and is cutting away your future... : ???

Flames ignited around his arm as they formed runes that slowly rushed towards the poor Shinobi...

The moment they came in contact with his skin, the Captain started trembling as his whole body blazed before he burst into flames...

Sighed... Another one being unable to stop me... : ???

Just as hus body ignored his comment and started moving forward, it jumped backwards as a giant Firebalk came crushing down...

Three people landed on that particular spot and scanned the whole place...

Tia, Ria, control the area... : ???

Will we get a reward??? : Tia

No, just go... : Madara

Tsk... No fun is that how you treat your girls... : Ria

Now, that I think of this, you are right... : Madara

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Go or else hell is awaiting both of you... : Madara

Rembering the hell they went through numerous times in the past both of them shutted their mouths and run away towards their tasks...

Just as Madara tilted his head towards his right he backed away as a few runes fell on the ground creating lava out of it...

That's not how you treat two beautiful girls... : ???

I don't want to hear that from someone who only knows how to speak but missing self control... : Madara

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