Seeing the clouds growing and getting fatter at a rapid rate, Linley placed his hands at his waist as 5 lights flashed there before a chakra ball with 5 coloured rings appeared that kept growing...

As the clouds were growing they started at the same time dropping themselves forming a cone-like shape as it slowly tried to engulf Linley and show him chaos from within...

Unfortunately for both it and uncle Ben 15 seconds passed and the spiralling sphered was charged in his hands as ye pointed upwards and yelled leaving Uncle Ben with wide-open eyes...

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Elemental Element - Spiral Wave Cannon!!! : Linley

BoooM!!!! Like a thunderous roar, his cannon flew from his hands and while it was launching itself upwards the sphere absorbed the rings as it expanded into a huge purple one...

The moment it started touching the clouds they dispersed into nothingness as if they never existed in the sky...

Without further wasting time, Linley vanished from the sky and reappeared right in front of the Flame Sage Clone as he cut down with his palm...

Elemental Element - Void Knife!!! : Linley

His clone instantly got split in half as it didn't even realise a purple line passed by him right at the start of his slash downwards...

Unable to comprehend what just happened, Uncle Ben felt his other clones, closing into him and attacking with different runes...

Wind Sealing Element - Needles!!! : Ben

Earth Sealing Element - Weight!!! : Ben

Fire Sealing Element - Meltdown!!! : Ben

Lighting Sealing Element - Paralise!!! : Ben

Four different runes flew from the clones towards where Linley had appeared and just as he was about to be touched by the first one all of them heard a few murmurs of him...

Elemental Element - Burst-Step!!! : Linley

Instantly Linley vanished and appeared a few cms upwards avoid the first rune and kept using this style going in a zig zac line as he bypassed all runes that touched the trees behind him...

One tree was poked by countless invisible needles shredding the tree apart, the other was crashed towards the ground while the next one melted as it was lava...

As for the next one it simply did nothing as it needed a living target...

You!!! You have fused 5 elements as well?? : Ben

Furthermore you have developed more than one Jutsu?? : Ben

Linley didn't answer him with words but instead with actions as his legs flared up with purple foothold giving him a burst like the power to launch himself forward...

He didn't even saw him vanishing like that a least not before he lost both his earth clones and wind clones with two cleans cuts from his Void Knife...

Below him on the ground existed a thing line of cutting edge as his Jutsu cut through the ground as well...

Not wanting to let him off as the person controlling him was probably also shocked as he could tell he was lax in his job...

Linley clasped both hands together and started waving signs at inhuman speed while Ben could only see two, the first one and the last one...

Water Element : Domain Jutsu!!! : Linley

Lightning Element : Domain Jutsu : Linley

An unseen barrier of the said Element activated within 25 meters with Host at the center, when it did Uncle Ben felt something was off as if an energy type passed through his body...

And he was right as he was within the range of 25 meters, his Jutsus of sealing that had fused with him become Water and Lighting Sage crumbed and got erased leaving him with alone with one clone...

He was shocked even more when it became clear to him that in the area they were under them two rotating formations with the Kanjis of the said element could be seen...

Now, what else do you have for me, my dear Uncle?? : Linley

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