Uncle Ben was confused by what Linley said to him...

He was unable to comprehend as to why they wanted to instigate a war with every other country...

Sensing his doubts, Linley spoke up before he turned and leave from there with Ben slowly following behind...

As they were jumping from tree to tree, Linley started making some seals and a poof sound with smoke appeared next to him, as the new addition started running along with them...

Before Uncle Ben could ask what was wrong, he saw the wounded Linley going poof, leaving the new clone and Ben to keep going forward...

As the clone vanished, the Original who was with Tsunade, Ada-chan and Natsuki stood up and created a new clone which used Flying Thunder God and vanished from its place appearing in the Hokage office...

Hm?? Was everything finished?? : Madara

Well, all of you were undercover and Uncle Ben destroyed all your clones... : Linley

Well we didn't want to make an official appearance although on a few occasions he got us pretty good... : Hashirama

Everything has been finished neatly and i also saved him from Zetsu's control... : Linley

Right now he is coming here with one of my clones to meet Serena, Pedro, Fuso and the rest of the family... : Linley

Linley how exactly did you saved him?? : Tsunade

Mito, Serena, Pedro, Hashirama, Madara, Tia, Ria, Mikoto, Minato, Izumi, Irina, Kushina and Izuna along with Hiruzen and also the clones of Tsunade and Natsuhi looked at him as they waited for his answer...

He started telling them about what Uncle Ben had told him and how he came back to life, the experiments he went through while being in a reanimated state...

This caused his body with the various mixes of blood to break the shackled of Edo Tensei and restore his body to a living one...

But his soul was still trapped with the Edo Tensei talisman and as it was bounded in his body it ket regenerate as if he was healing normal wounds...

This?? He evolved Edo Tensei into a living one?? : Tobirama

How should i know?? : Linley

However, i used my eyes and rewrote the Talisman controlling his soul with a powerful Genjutsu, giving him back his freedom... : Linley

At the same time, i restored his body removing scars and other parts... : Linley

Wait, so that means... He can't die right?? : Hiruzen

I think so... : Linley

As he was partial revived, i have no clue what will happen when we remove his talisman to his soul... : Linley

Knock!! Knock!! Knock!! Knock!!

As they were lost in their conversations of what happened, the doors were heard been hit by someone and a few people tensed up...

Come In!! : Hiruzen

As the voice of the Hokage drifted to those outside, the door opened up and Linley came inside first before he smiled to everyone and vanished with a poof spreading smoke at the entrance...

When it slowly cleared it revealed a figure waiting there, an old man who was slowly staggering as he had recognised a few chakra signatures inside that were too familiar to him...

Soon the smoke completely dispersed and although the whole process seemed like minutes it only lasted 2 seconds for them...

The first thing, Uncle Ben saw in his clear vision was the beautiful sister of his and niece which made him slowly tears up...

He slowly approached them with staggering steps, as the two of them who were watching him were barely holding their tears in check...

None, said anything to them, as they finally burst in tears.

This was their own reunion and no one would be able to mess it up.

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However, unknown to them and everyone else in the room, someone was listening or actually reading their sobs through a scroll...

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