Luo Xiaoyu smiled awkwardly: "The little feather is indeed much more beautiful..." Then

Li Mingren found Ling Tian. Seeing that Li Mingren was coming, Ling Tian also stopped cultivating and asked, "Brother, what's the matter with looking for Brother this time?" Li Mingren smiled and said, "It's okay, I want to see Xiao Shiyu." Ten

minutes later, Ling Tian took Li Mingren to the dungeon of the Heaven and Earth Sect. I saw that at this moment, Xiao Shiyu's hands and feet were locked by steel chains thick in her forearm, and two steel needles were pierced on her body at her shoulders, blocking the flow of spiritual energy in her body. Looking at her, she looked very haggard. The white little face was also much thinner at this time.

Seeing that someone was coming, Xiao Shiyu raised his eyes slightly, and after seeing that it was Li Mingren, he turned his head sideways and did not look at him. "Xiao Shiyu, do you want to ask me about your organization?" Li Mingren found a chair and sat down. Xiao Shiyu replied: "Good fellow, that's called talk, and Suo Suo..." I remember hearing Ling Tian say that this Xiao Shiyu is not young. Li Mingren couldn't help but ask, "How old are you here?" So childish.

Li Mingren was speechless for a while. Didn't I just make a typo, bah, or a typo. And Xiao Shiyu pretended not to hear it. Seeing that she no longer spoke up, Li Mingren also ignored it. He continued to speak, "Talk about it casually, such as Si Jingyi, Qin Tang, these people's purpose in coming to the Tianduan Empire. Hearing Li Mingren say this, Xiao Shiyu was shocked, how did he know the teacher's name. Subconsciously glanced at Li Mingren. But she reacted quickly, and her reaction was too great. So he turned his head back and said, "Don't bother, I won't say what you want to know." Then, no matter what Li Mingren asked. Even if he finally cast a monthly reading on Xiao Shiyu, he used all kinds of tricks. That Xiao Shiyu gritted his teeth and stopped talking. Li Mingren sighed and said in his heart, although this Xiao Shiyu and himself were enemies. But faithfulness is admirable. After telling Ling Tian not to torture Xiao Shiyu in the future, Li Mingren returned home.

Three or four days later, Li Mingren arrived at the Tianwu Army barracks as usual and saw Xia Wan'er. At this time, Xia Wan'er was spinning in a circle with her head down. It's like thinking about something. "Wan'er, what's wrong with you?" Li Mingren asked. When Xia Wan'er saw Li Mingren coming, she immediately had the backbone of her heart. He said: "Brother Akihito, today I saw a token in this Imperial City on my way here. The owner of that token only has the strength to build the foundation. I told him about the token, but he said he wasn't interested in it. He also said that if he could answer his couplet correctly, he would give me the token. But this guy's uplink is too difficult. "

Oh? It's kind of interesting, isn't this the necessary literary fighting link for crossers. "You take me first, I'll meet him." Li Mingren said with a smile. Because it was a token found in Huangtian City, Li Mingren and Xia Wan'er were not afraid that that group of mysterious people would dare to appear. So the two are not worried.

Soon, Xia Wan'er took Li Mingren to meet the person holding the token. Seeing that Xia Wan'er couldn't deal with his Shanglian, the man even found a helper. I smiled and thought that not everyone in my pair could be right.

Li Mingren spoke, "I also ask Gongzi to come up with questions." The man nodded and spoke, "Lonely and cold windows are empty and widowed." Then looked at Li Mingren with a smug look.

Li Mingren replied almost without even thinking: "Handsome and beautiful." The man was a little surprised. Not only is the format the same, but the context is also very consistent. Unexpectedly, Li Mingren opened his mouth and answered the next link. He spoke: "No, I asked this girl just now, you must have come to me to answer the question just now by asking which Daru you were looking for."

Li Mingren also did not argue with him, and said: "Then ask Gongzi to come up with another topic." The man walked a few steps in place, rolled his eyes, and said: "The inch of soil is a temple, and the temple speaks poetry." Poetry: The bright moon sends the monks back to the ancient temple. "Double wood for the forest, forbidden under the forest, forbidden clouds: the axe jin enters the mountain forest in time." Li Mingren replied. Xia Wan'er was also very happy to see Li Mingren answer the couplet of the man so easily. He said to the man, "We have answered, give us the token."

The man shook his head and said, "Just now I meant to give you the token when I answered my couplet, but I didn't say a few couplets." Then, if you answer one more, I will give it to you. With that, he pulled out a token from his sleeve.

Seeing that the man repeatedly repented, Li Mingren was also slightly annoyed. However, he still said patiently: "If this is the case, then please come up with the question quickly." The man smiled slightly and said, "I, riding a strange horse, Zhang Longbow, Shan Ge for the Qi, Qin Se Pipa, the eight kings of the king, the king is on top." Li Mingren replied: "You, pretending to be a person, Qiu begged for clothes, closed hands, swollen bladder for four months, and uncomfortable every month." "

The man is a little stupid, how is this possible. But Li Mingren doesn't have the kung fu to talk to him here. Directly took the token in his hand and walked away with Xia Wan'er.

For more than twenty days, there was no news about the token.

On this day, two people who claimed to have tokens in their hands took the initiative to find the barracks of the Tianwu Army. According to this, the two said that they were Sect Master Chen Xing and Deputy Sect Master Di Huo of the Fengyun Sect. One strength is the late Yuan Infant period, and the other is the middle Yuan Infant period. This Fengyun Sect is located in a place called the Dongsha Islands. The nature is similar to that of the East Fence Islands.

At this point, Xia Wan'er and Li Mingren already have eight tokens here, respectively, Xia Wan'er has one in his hand and Li Mingren has one in his hand. Sui Qing had a piece from Shen Yanqing, a piece from Changwei in Lanjin City, a piece from Nan Wanrou in Yuetian City, and a piece won by Li Mingren. And two pieces in the hands of these two newcomers.

Xia Wan'er spoke: "That mysterious organization has two pieces in its hands, so if you calculate it, there are still two pieces left to open the Ancient Spirit Ruin." Li Mingren also nodded repeatedly, it seemed that the day of entering the Spirit Market was getting closer and closer.

In the secret room, Qin Tang smiled very happily. Because his junior brother brought back two more tokens, he knew that Xia Wan'er had already obtained eight pieces, and now the remaining four pieces were also in his hands. Watch as your plan can be implemented right away. He felt a burst of ecstasy in his heart, and he had been lying here for decades. It can be regarded as a quick success. Thinking of him, he called a subordinate with an excited expression and told him to go to the Chiyun Sect to inform Su Zhe. Hehe, that Xiahouchuan's plan is clear to himself. This time he is bound to win.

On this day, Li Mingren was chatting with Sui Qing and Xia Wan'er. Just listen to a soldier's report: "General Bao, Miss Xia, Li Gongzi." Outside the door, a man claiming to be from the Minghao Empire asked for a meeting. Sui Qing raised his eyebrows, secretly saying that this person was so daring that he dared to come to his military camp. Say to the soldier, "Call him in." The soldier led the way, and soon came up with a man in black.

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