After everyone stood in position, they saw that the formation in the middle of this stone platform gradually started to brighten, and it was getting stronger and stronger. Until they can't open their eyes. Then "boom" at once. The crowd disappeared where they were. As if it had never been.

Lingyun Plain, Shitai Formation. The token embedded in the groove flashed with a burst of golden light, and it actually floated up slowly. The token that had been put together into a circle was divided into twelve parts. With a strong light, it flew in twelve different directions and disappeared.

Besides, these twelve people only felt another burst of light from the stone platform of the Spirit Ruin. And then another whirlwind. After the light passed, he opened his eyes and appeared in twelve different places on the Dongli Continent. Li Mingren was luckier and was teleported to the place he knew, the same place where he had picked up the colorful phoenix eggs. This couldn't help but surprise him a little. Could it be that the clown thing was originally from the Spirit Ruin? But now is not the time to think about these things. See that there is no one else around. Hurriedly, he used the technique of shadow doppelganger, using the technique left on everyone's body, and came to them. He teleported them all to the Tianwu Army barracks.

Sui Qing doesn't think about tea these days. My heart is always worried about Li Mingren and others. However, he still comforted himself and said, "Since Li Xiaoyou said it so firmly, he must be completely sure." At the moment, he could only think so. At this moment, Li Mingren and his group of twelve suddenly appeared in the room. Sui Qing was stunned at first, and then overjoyed. Judging by the situation, Li Mingren caught the people of those organizations. Hurriedly walked a few steps quickly to Li Mingren and everyone. Looking at Xia Wan'er, it seemed that she was not injured. He looked at Li Mingren again, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Li Xiaoyou, I really have you." It's really good.

Li Mingren smiled slightly, "General Sui has won the award." Then he pointed to the four Gu Yuan and continued: "These four people have been sealed with aura, and I didn't kill them. I thought about coming out and leaving it to Marshal Xia to dispose of. "Good, good, good." Sui Qing nodded and said three yes in a row, and then turned his head to look at the four people coldly. Shouted outside the camp: "Come." A few soldiers of the Tianwu Army approached. Sui Qing pointed to the four people: "Take them into custody." Waiting for Marshal Xia to fall. Then another soldier was sent to congratulate Xiahouchuan.

Nan Wanrou and a few people, seeing that this matter is over. So she also wanted to leave, but she came to Li Mingren and first curtsed slightly to give a salute, and then spoke: "The little woman is thanks to Big Brother Li's care all the way, and there is no return, all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures harvested this time, elixir spirit jade." The little woman was willing to hand over ninety percent to Big Brother Li. Seeing

this, Chang Wei, Shen Yanqing, Chen Xing, and Di Huo also expressed their willingness to give a part to Li Mingren. Chang Wei and Shen Yanqing really thanked Li Mingren from the bottom of their hearts, while Chen Xing and Di Huo felt that they had to have a good relationship with Li Mingren. It is not impossible to hand over a part. No matter what they thought, Li Mingren didn't want these things, but seeing Ling Tian winking at himself vigorously. In the end, after resignation for half a day, he still accepted half of everyone's income. Later, after Nan Wanrou's five people said goodbye to everyone, they flew back to their respective places.

After a while, Xia Houchuan heard the news that Li Mingren and his party had returned and captured Gu Yuan's four lives. He quickly put down the matter at hand and rushed towards the Tianwu Army barracks. People arrive before laughter. "Hahaha." Xia Houchuan walked into the barracks with hearty laughter. First looked at Xia Wan'er, he loved Xia Wan'er very much. Seeing with my own eyes that she was not injured. I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart. Looking at Li Mingren again, at this time, he could only say that the more he looked at this young man, the more he liked it. It is quite like the feeling when I first met Sui Qing. It was another burst of praise for Li Mingren.

Li Mingren was a little embarrassed to hear it, and quickly pulled away the topic and said, "Marshal Xia, how to deal with the four people of Guyuan?" Xia Houchuan thought for a while but did not speak, and asked rhetorically: "Akihito, in your opinion, how should we deal with it?" Li Mingren really didn't expect Xia Houchuan to ask his opinion, but he still spoke: "Presumably, the eyeliner that the Minghao Empire has planted in the Tianduan Empire will not be only a few people, and it would be great if they could tell them about the other people who were hiding in the shadows." Xia Houchuan nodded, and then fell into deep thought.

Li Mingren then spoke: "Marshal Xia, the other most important thing, the kid has also done it." Saying that, she saw Xia Wan'er take out the box that Li Mingren handed over to her for safekeeping from her loot. Seeing this box, Xia Houchuan was excited. No matter what the organization was, he asked a little nervously: "Could it be that the artifact in the ancient tomb was found by you?" With that, he took the box. I opened it a little and looked at it. Then close it quickly.

Seeing that it was indeed that artifact, Xia Houchuan couldn't hide his excitement. Turning to Li Mingren, he said, "Akihito, I wonder what you want to do with this thing?" Li Mingren said with a righteous face: "Naturally, it is handed over to the state." Xia Houchuan was overjoyed: "Good!" That being said, tomorrow I will ask Your Majesty for your credit. Li Mingren smiled and said, "No hurry. Then he whispered a few words in Xiahouchuan's ear. Hearing this, Xia Houchuan frowned repeatedly.

After that, Xia Houchuan and Xia Wan'er returned to the Marshal's Mansion. After returning to the house, the two sat in the hall. Xia Houchuan is still full of praise for Li Mingren.

"Unexpectedly, Akihito's kid is indeed good, not only catching those thieves of the Minghao Empire. Also found that thing. Xia Houchuan sighed. And Xia Wan'er also nodded repeatedly: "That's it, Brother Mingren is powerful." Pack up those bad guys in the spiritual ruin. Grandpa, listen to me..."

So Xia Wan'er talked about what happened in the spirit ruin. Xia Houchuan nodded uncontrollably while listening. After Xia Wan'er finished talking about what happened inside, Xia Houchuan slapped the table and shouted: "Well, Mingren, this child will become a great tool in the future, if it is cultivated, presumably his future achievements will definitely not be lower than A Qing." Hearing

her grandfather praise Li Mingren, Xia Wan'er was also very happy. At this time, Xia Wan'er suddenly thought of something. Frowning and asking, "Grandpa, did you say that there wouldn't be any problems with putting that thing in the Tianwu Army Barracks?" Xia Houchuan said unimpressed: "It's okay, there is A Qing there." Moreover, this is the Imperial City. I don't believe anyone dares to be presumptuous here. As

soon as Xia Wan'er heard back, she was no longer worried. Humming the tune he had hummed in the spirit ruin, he happily went back to his room. Xia Houchuan looked at the bouncing Xia Wan'er, and shook his head fondly: "This child..."

And at the door of this hall, someone had already written down all the conversations between Xia Houchuan and the two just now.

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