After about half a day's journey, the two came to a village. I plan to have some food here before continuing on my journey. Walking quickly into a tavern, Li Mingren asked the little two in the store to serve a few dishes at random, intending to eat a bite casually. After all, he came to find the Blood Spirit Fruit, and he didn't come to travel. Just fill your stomach.

The little two answered, and soon served a few dishes. And Mu Tingting was also a little hungry at this time, and just wanted to move her chopsticks to eat, but was stopped by Li Mingren. Then he pointed to a red dish and frowned and asked Xiang Xiaoer: "What is this thing?" Xiao Er glanced at it and said with a nonchalant attitude: "Fried mushrooms." "Aren't red mushrooms poisonous?" Li Mingren said angrily.

That little two looked at Li Mingren with a foolish expression: "What you said is the mushroom of the mortal world, and this is the East Fence Continent." It's the True Cultivation Realm! A hillbilly who has never seen the world. Mu Tingting was also curious, and the red mushroom herself had not eaten. Apart from the poor taste, there are no side effects. I don't know what happened to Li Mingren.

Although Li Mingren listened to what the little two said righteously, Mu Tingting also looked like she should be. Still a little uneasy. He continued to say to the little two: "Then you eat a bite first. The little two looked impatient, picked up a pair of chopsticks, took a bite, put it in his mouth, and chewed it. But this little two soon felt that something was wrong... This...... How is this possible?

Sure enough, after eating the red umbrella, he quickly lay on the board, and the next process is estimated to be waiting for the whole village to come to eat and bury the mountains.

Mu Tingting was also afraid for a while when she saw that Xiao Er was really dead: "Strange, I have also eaten this mushroom, and it is not poisonous." Li Mingren replied, "It should have been non-poisonous, otherwise this little two would not dare to eat it." I must have done something to me. Mu Tingting was shocked after hearing this: "Could it be that they have already started to act?"

Meanwhile, a big man outside the village listened to the news sent back by a subordinate. He slapped one of his subordinates next to him fiercely, and said angrily: "Why did you step on the horse and put poison in that mushroom, although that kid's strength should not be underestimated." But at the same time, he is a mortal, don't you know that you can't use the ideas in the True Cultivation World to deal with him? And the beaten subordinate covered his hot cheeks but did not dare to speak, and felt a pang of grievances in his heart.

The remaining few dishes, the two did not dare to eat. After thinking about it, let's continue on your journey. As soon as they left the village, Li Mingren and Mu Tingting saw a big man blocking their way. He was followed by several black-clad subordinates. The big man saw Li Mingren and Mu Tingting walking towards Li Mingren and asked, "Just step on the horse, your name is Li Mingren."

Mu Tingting hurriedly came to Li Mingren's ear and said, "Hou Ye be careful, this person's name is Zuo Kang." The strength has reached the great consummation of the Transformation God Period, and he is the undercover leader who infiltrated the Tianduan Continent with Tang Qin. It's just that the area in charge is different..." After

listening to Mu Tingting's words, Li Mingren did not dare to be careless. The reason why he was able to kill Tang Qin last time was because Tang Qin was careless at the beginning of his move. The second is that when he killed Tang Qin himself, only Tang Qin himself. Now this big man is followed by several subordinates, and his strength also has the early realm of Transformation God. So he replied: "It's Xiao Ye, if there is any trick, just use it."

Zuo Kang saw that Li Mingren admitted, and laughed loudly: "Okay, in this case, Lao Tzu will send you down..." Li Mingren interrupted.

Zuo Kang was stunned, what is the dish? Lao Tzu is saying that he will send you to hell! But don't bother to talk nonsense with him. A thick green aura gathered in his hand. Countless thorns drilled out of the land. Rushed in the direction of Li Mingren. Li Mingren was happy when he saw it, and he thought how difficult you were. Unexpectedly, this big man turned out to be a wood cultivator. I don't know if playing Mudu Laozi is an ancestor compared to you.

Thinking about it, Li Mingren had the intention to tease this Zuo Kang, and learn from his appearance to also attract countless thorns. Soon the thorns on both sides were entangled. Zuo Condon was amazed. However, he is not only a Wood True Cultivator, but also has a Golden Spirit Root. Thinking that he summoned ten swords from behind his back, he slashed towards Li Mingren again. Li Mingren has a kind of learning. Secretly using the magnetic sword, he also gathered ten swords and collided with the opponent's sword.

Zuo Kang did not expect that this Li Mingren was the same as himself. Hurriedly shouted to the subordinates behind him: "Do it all!" Kill him! I saw that these subordinates behind him quickly pinched and chanted the mantra after hearing the order. Then a large fire spewed out of the mouth. Li Mingren looked at it and said behind him: "Do it all!" Kill him! Then a few Li Mingren doppelgangers appeared. And from the mouth spewed fire, the pair sprayed back.

Zuo Kang was completely dumbfounded. How Lao Tzu does what you do. Are you a parrot spirit root? Optics Lao Tzu!

I saw Li Mingren smiled and said, "Okay, I've finished learning you, it's time for you to learn me." Saying that, he Susanoo opened towards Zuo Kang, and he was a big mouth. Zuo Kang just wanted to say back to Lao Tzu to learn what you do, when he saw a skeleton slap over. Quickly held back the words he was about to say, and then took a few steps back and dodged. Li Mingren looked displeased: "Why don't you learn from me." Zuo Kang was going crazy: "Laozi won't!" "So, you lost!" Li Mingren said happily.

Aaa You came to play games and compete with you? Just wanted to refute Li Mingren, Zuo Kang froze. Although just now, this Li Mingren did not come out with any overwhelming strength. But it's clear that you're playing on yourself. For a while, I couldn't figure out the depth of this Li Mingren. I secretly thought that until I figured out the path of this kid, it was best not to do it. Then he changed his words: "Hahaha, not bad." Brother Li really had a good skill. Green mountains do not change green water for a long time. We'll see you another day. After saying that, he made a look at the group of subordinates, and then quickly flew away.

Seeing this, Li Mingren was also relieved and did not chase them. After all, the purpose of his trip was not for them. If you really push the other party to be anxious and fight hard, you will really have no way to solve them quickly for a while. It's enough to drive the other party away. After thinking about it, he took Mu Tingting and continued to hurry. In the next day or so, he really did not meet Zuo Kang and the others again. Soon they reached Red Blood Forest Island.

After coming to the Red Blood Forest, Li Mingren first found a flat place and built a small house with a wooden escape, and then listened to Mu Tingting describe the appearance of this blood spirit fruit to himself. Roughly what kind of tree grows on. After listening, Li Mingren silently noted down, and then came outside to perform a multiple shadow avatar technique, and divided hundreds of doppelgangers to go out to find fruits.

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