Han Qing frowned, in the past, Shixiong's child saw that he was a grandfather and a short grandfather. How did I see myself so unruly this time. But he didn't think about anything else. Seeing that Han Shixiong had come to his side, he looked at him dotingly. He asked, "My good grandson, I don't understand anything, grandpa came to sue..." Before he could finish speaking, Han Shixiong's eyes suddenly became murderous. Suddenly, a short knife fell out of his sleeve and stabbed towards Han Qing.

This knife came quickly and fiercely, although Han Qing was a medicine god, he was not good at attacking, but he also had the realm of the Mahayana period. Seeing that the knife secretly said badly, he hurriedly dodged. I saw that his waist twisted, and although this knife did not hit the point, it still cut a large hole in his waist. Blood stained his clothes red instantly. Han Qing was in pain, sweat broke out on his forehead, and then he also reacted. Shout: "You are not Shixiong! That Han Shixiong smiled, and then "boom" a puff of white smoke. Li Mingren appeared from the inside.

Han Qing had never seen Li Mingren and asked suspiciously: "Who are you, why did you assassinate me?" Without waiting for Li Mingren to reply, he entered through the hole in the roof, killed a person, and stabbed a long spear in the direction of Han Qing. Han Qing was shocked, this person he knew. It was Sui Qing, the great general of the Tianwu Army. Hurriedly took a few steps backwards to avoid this blow, and his heart was shocked. I wonder why Sui Qing appeared here. Immediately he figured it out, looked at Li Mingren and exclaimed, "You... You are Lee Ming-in! Seeing

that Han Qing guessed his identity, he smiled noncommittally. Han Qing couldn't help but be horrified in his heart, he suddenly remembered something. Turning to Li Mingren, he asked, "What about my grandson Shixiong?" Sui Qing sneered, "You will be able to see him soon." After speaking, the spear in his hand stabbed Han Qing again.

After Han Qing heard him say this, a sense of sadness arose. I am afraid that Han Shixiong has died at the hands of these two. Soon he turned this sadness into anger. I saw him roar: "Kill my grandson, I want you two to accompany him to the funeral!" Shouting, he waved his hands. Two green pills conjured up in his hand. I saw him squeeze hard, and strong poisonous smoke came out of his hand. Like two deadly poisonous snakes, they went straight to Sui Qing and Li Mingren.

Sui Qing had already come to Han Qing, and seeing that this Han Qing was poisoning again, he did not dare to be careless, and took a few steps back. Li Mingren's eyes widened unhurriedly, and a powerful aura emanated from him. A divine wind came out of his body. Dispersed the poisonous smoke rushing towards him and Sui Qing's eyes. At this time, Li Mingren had replaced the Konoha forehead on his arm with a sand hidden forehead. The power of the wind system has increased by 30%. Han Qing was a little shocked. This trick... This trick seems to be the trick of his grandson. Why would this Lee Ming-jin use it?

Sui Qing's side saw that the poisonous smoke dispersed, and secretly said a good opportunity, and quickly attacked that Han Qing with a few more shots. Looking at it again, Han Qing took advantage of the gap that Sui Qing had regressed just now and had already come to the door of the room. Seeing that Sui Qing came to kill himself again. Stumbled out of the room. I saw that Sui Qing's spear was almost wiped against the tip of Han Qing's nose.

Han Qing saw Sui Qing's power and did not dare to fight against him. Turn around and run. At this time, the people in the entire valley had already heard the killing shout just now. They also rushed over. Seeing that Sui Qing was chasing and killing Han Qing, he also showed his weapons one after another. He shouted in his mouth: "Master don't panic, we will save you." Then he killed Sui Qing. Sui Qing saw that many people from the valley came again, and the secret passage came well. These days, holding back can be regarded as finding a catharsis. It is also a series of moves against them. For a while, Sui Qing's golden spear was like a dragon out of the sea, flying up and down in his hand. It's good-looking. Every time the cold appeared, one person would vomit blood and fall to the ground.

Seeing this, Han Qing also hurriedly cast poisonous smoke, wanting to restrict Sui Qing's actions. However, every time he made a move, he was interrupted by that Li Mingren's kamikaze. The angry Han Qing jumped like thunder.

After a while, those subordinate disciples of Han Qing were killed by Sui Qing. Sui Qing looked at Han Qing, who had become the commander of the light rod. Sneer! Shouted: "Han Qing, your time to die has arrived!" Without saying a word, he threw the spear in his hand towards Han Qing.

"Presumptuous!" With a "dang" sound, the golden gun that stabbed at Han Qing flew in front of his eyes. As the voice fell. A man fell from the sky. This person is Tang Xuanyu, the prime minister of the Minghao Empire. One of the Seven Best! Seeing that Tang Xuanyu was coming, Han Qing, who had raised his heart to his throat, finally let go of his heart. The reason why he kept using poisonous smoke on Sui Qing when he knew that Li Mingren blocked him was to use the poisonous smoke to convey news to the outside world. Sure enough, after Tang Xuanyu heard about the strong poisonous smoke above the valley, he rushed over non-stop.

Seeing Sui Qing, although Tang Xuanyu didn't know how he quietly ran to the Minghao Empire. But since he was bumped into by himself, then he didn't want to go out today. At this time, Han Qing also quickly came to Tang Xuanyu's ear and whispered a few words. Tang Xuanyu frowned, looked at Li Mingren behind Sui Qing and asked, "You are Li Mingren?" Li Mingren nodded indifferently. Yes, it's Grandpa me. "

Tang Xuanyu is overjoyed, he is worried that he doesn't know how to get rid of this son, and this son actually came to the door by himself. The Dark Path is a godsend. Thinking about it, he took out five talismans from his arms. Under Tang Xuanyu's urging, those five spirit talismans slowly floated into the air. Then the five talisman sheets released a trace of spiritual energy and connected to each other. Form a huge Dharma array. The five rune sheets turned into five points of light.

Seeing this, Sui Qing hurriedly came to Li Mingren's side, and Li Mingren simultaneously performed the Water Concealment Technique, hiding his and Sui Qing's figures inside. Tang Xuanyu laughed loudly. Even with this trick, he also wanted to dodge his own blow. I'm afraid that if I blow down, even the valley will be destroyed. But it doesn't matter anymore, as long as you can kill Li Mingren, this loss is nothing at all.

Thinking about it, his body was full of spiritual energy, and his forehead was bruised. And that formation in mid-air seemed to have received a signal from Tang Xuanyu. It became brighter and brighter, as if it resonated with Tang Xuanyu. With Tang Xuanyu's voice: "Burst!" "That formation burst out five pillars of energy. They are metal, wood, water, fire and earth. Shoot towards the thick fog.

A strong explosion of "BOOM". The earth trembled, and the stone walls of the valley collapsed rapidly. At the same time, Han Qing beside Tang Xuanyu heard a scream, and then it directly turned into powder under Tang Xuanyu's gaze.

Tang Xuanyu's face was full of incredulity. He attacked against the thick fog, how did he die Han Qing. After the dust caused by the explosion dissipated, Tang Xuanyu saw a person crawling out of the ruins he attacked. It was Lee Ming-jin. And Sui Qing was teleported back to the Tianwu Army barracks by Li Mingren just after Li Mingren finished performing the Mist Concealment Technique. And he himself stood in the position he had long been prepared for.

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