"Drip, the current energy value of the S-grade Dooka is 301825."

Sure enough, the energy value of the cloak is really updated at twelve o'clock. The original 270,000, plus the more than 30,000 fans Guan Hu had accumulated for himself, had successfully scraped together enough 300,000 energy values. After the excitement, he drew again. Silently pray that the system must be powerful.

"Drip, congratulations to the host for drawing the Great Snake Pill Skill of the Organization - Dirt Rebirth."

This! The system is so powerful, this is simply an invincible skill! This technique is an otherworldly psychic S-class forbidden technique developed by the second generation Hokage Senjuma. It summons the souls of people who have long died back to earth and resurrects them in physical form.

It is necessary to extract a certain amount of the body of the deceased, use the body of the living person as a container for the soul of the deceased, and then summon the soul of the deceased from the pure land of the underworld to the present world, so that the soul of the deceased is attached to the container, and the body of the living person is covered with dust, so as to transform into the appearance of the deceased before death. Burying the engraved seal into the back of the deceased's head erases the consciousness of the killer, and whether or not to retain the emotional will is entirely up to the caster.

As for the object of the resurrection, don't say, Li Mingren really has such a candidate. When Li Mingren observed the three corpses in the Void Secret Realm before, Li Mingren extracted the flesh from the three corpses. And the person Li Mingren wants to resurrect is the corpse of the person in the middle who chose to die with Huangfuxuan. First, because the owner of that corpse must have a blood feud with Huangfu Xuan. The second is because he can choose to die with Huangfuxuan before Huangfuxuan's sneak attack, and his strength is needless to say.

Thinking about it, Li Mingren decided to go to the cell of the Tianwu Army Barracks in Huangtian City. Because the rebirth of filthy soil requires the body of a living person as a container, it is naturally impossible to use the body of a soldier of the Tianwu Army. He quickly thought of that Qin Lu, to deal with the Minghao Empire, naturally it was the best choice to use people from the Minghao Empire to perform this technique.

Thinking about it, Li Mingren left with a flying thunder god technique. It didn't take long for Le Zhengtong, who was fighting with Long Yuan, to feel Tang Mingjie's breath. Le Zhengtong was shocked, thinking to himself that Li Mingren had already encountered an accident? If he wanted to deal with two emperor-level powerhouses at the same time, he basically had no chance of victory. My heart sighed that the heavens died too.

Without thinking more, Tang Mingjie's figure had already come to Long Yuan's side. Long Yuan was also overjoyed when he saw Tang Mingjie, just now he had been fighting with this Le Zhengtong for a long time, secretly thinking that this Le Zhengtong's strength was one or two points higher than his own. However, with the arrival of Tang Mingjie, the disadvantage was instantly reversed. I thought that if the two of them worked together to deal with this Le Zhengtong, Xu would be able to kill him before dawn. At that time, this Eastern Fence Continent will not be in his pocket.

He and Tang Mingjie looked at each other. Gesture is about to step forward. And Xia Houchuan, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, couldn't help but flick his sleeves fiercely. A long sigh. The eyes of many Tianwu Jun were desperate. Could it be that today is the day of the fall of the Tianduan Empire? Xia Wan'er had tears in her eyes, and she was very worried about Li Mingren at the moment. Then tears flowed down her face. "Brother Akihito! Where are you? With her heart-wrenching voice came out. A figure suddenly appeared next to Le Zhengtong. When Xia Wan'er saw the figure clearly, she could no longer suppress her inner emotions. "Brother Akihito!"

Many Tianwu troops also saw clearly that the person who came was Li Mingren, and secretly said that he was safe and sound under Tang Mingjie. Although I don't know the process, I still hope that Li Mingren's arrival can bring miracles.

Le Zhengtong glanced at Li Mingren beside him, and also relaxed his heart. He nodded and said, "Akihito, are you all right?" Li Mingren replied with a faint smile that it was okay. Seeing Li Mingren's smile, Le Zhengtong felt a sense of peace for no reason. This teenager has repeatedly performed miracles. Hopefully, he can surprise himself this time. Immediately, he shouted, "Soldiers of the Tianduan Empire, at this moment, the Tianduan Empire has reached a critical moment of survival. You may live and die with this emperor and defend our land. All the soldiers roared in unison: "We are willing to advance and retreat with Your Majesty, and live and die together!" Le

Zhengtong looked at it and made up his mind. The lightsaber in his hand pointed forward and shouted: "Soldiers, follow this emperor!" With this shout. The Tianwu Army roared and began to rush towards the decisive camp.

This moment will definitely go down in history. The decisive battle between the Tianduan Empire and the Minghao Empire began completely. Seeing this, Long Yuan snorted softly: "Death is imminent, and he is still stubbornly resisting!" After that, he took the brunt of the attack and fought with Le Zhengtong again. However, Tang Mingjie did not move, he couldn't figure out how Li Mingren came back. Isn't he afraid of death? Or does he have something to rely on? Having fought with Li Mingren many times, he knows that Li Mingren's tricks are endless. Subconsciously be careful.

Thinking so, he tentatively shot a magic qi and rushed towards Li Mingren. At this moment, another figure appeared beside Li Mingren. As soon as this person appeared, he was so frightened that Long Yuan, who was fighting with Le Zhengtong on the side, took a few steps back. Just this figure was wearing a red cloud trench coat and a cloak, and a miserable white face was exposed. The man did not pause after appearing, and his hands slapped the ground at the same time. The next moment, a vertical coffin rose in front of Li Mingren. With a "bang", the demonic energy hit the coffin, setting off a puff of dust and smoke. And the coffin board also cracked directly with the attack of this demonic qi. The debris fell, revealing a dry and cracked face from the inside.

Long Yuan quickly turned around and shouted to Tang Mingjie: "Be careful, this person is one of the members of that Xiao Organization. Tang Mingjie was shocked. After all, I had only heard about it before, and it was still shocking to see it with my own eyes at this time. After all, the momentum emanating from that person's body was definitely the momentum of the great consummation of the Tribulation Period. "Hehe, it's so much fun." The man from the organization said with a smile. Then he lifted his cloak, and everyone saw his appearance. I saw this person with long black hair, golden longitudinal pupils, purple eye shadow extending to the wings of the nose, pale skin, and blue-blue jade-like earrings. It gives a sinister feeling.

After laughing, he continued to speak: "I am the big snake pill who is a member of the Xiao Organization, Long Yuan, why didn't you stay in Haotian City obediently?" Make it easy for me to find! "Long Yuan is going crazy, what evil have I made, how can I let such a terrifying organization target it. But before he could speak, his jaw dropped when his eyes glanced at the large coffin that the big snake pill had just summoned. Like him, there are Le Zhengtong and Tang Mingjie. Because they saw a person come out of the coffin summoned by the big snake pill. And this person is known to all three. Le Zhengtong was the first to find it difficult to suppress his feelings, and spoke: "Master, is it you!" "

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