"They are coming!" Ye Ying said involuntarily on the way back.

Although I don't want to panic the people of Konoha Village and other villages in this world, sooner or later this matter will be known to everyone.

And during the meeting, I already made it very clear, but I didn’t expect it to come so early.。

“Who is coming? who are they? "Tsunade slowed down her speed, turned to look at Ye Ying, and asked in a very serious tone.

She guessed that the people Ye Ying was talking about were the people who could hurt Ye Ying today.。

“Urashiki of the Otsutsuki family. "Ye Ying said coldly.。

“Although Urashiki doesn't know his status in the Otsutsuki family, his powerful chakra is definitely no worse than the Sage of Six Paths.。”

“What did you say? More than the Sage of Six Paths? "

Tsunade looked at Ye Ying in disbelief.。

“Did you see him today? Was there a fight with him? "Tsunade became worried and saw that Ye Ying's clothes were torn. He must have had a conflict with the Ura Shiki he was talking about.。

“No, I tried it with a clone today, but I didn’t expect that the clone’s technique would be transferred to my body. I should have been several kilometers away from the energy body at that time, but I really couldn’t figure out what technique he used. In this way, damage is transferred through clones! "

Ye Ying is still very interested in this.

You know, if according to today's situation, it means that in the future battle, if his own technique attacks Ura Shi and then suddenly transfers to himself, how will this happen? It's a big question, and the current Ushiki is still unfathomable. After all, the confidential documents do not explain Ushiki's abilities in detail. Ye Ying just knows that the people in that place are all very strong.。

“It came so quickly, how many people came, how should we deal with it! "Tsunade asked continuously。

“Today I only know that he is here alone, but he alone is very troublesome. I am not sure whether there will be people from the Otsutsuki family coming to this world. Anyway, we must seize the time to strengthen ourselves and cannot sit back and wait for death. In the end, It is best to move the battle to their world. Our world can no longer be destroyed. "

Ye Ying looked at this messy land. Just fighting with Madara, it was destroyed like this. If he really fought with Ura Shiki, then the world might be leveled, even if he defeated Ura Shiki then. Shiki doesn't mean much anymore, because behind Urashiki, there is a family, the super powerful Otsutsuki family.。

“How is your health? "Tsunade doesn't care about these problems now. She starts to worry about Ye Ying.。

“I'm fine, it was just a blow from the clone. I was unprepared. It has been repaired! "Ye Ying smiled and put on a completely good look.

Tsunade also felt relieved. Although from Ye Ying's mouth, she heard that Urashiki is very strong, Ye Ying is not a small character, and It doesn’t mean it hurts just because it hurts。

“A war has just ended, and now a new one has ushered in. When will this world become quiet?”

“Then when we completely eliminate the Otsutsuki family, no one will appear to destroy world peace! "

A look of anticipation appeared in Ye Ying's eyes._To

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