"You little brats, what are you doing here!"

A group of people from Kirigakure Village just left the village and didn't go far when they saw Naruto and the others from Konoha Village.。

“We are patrolling here. You should go to Konoha Village quickly. Teacher Ye Ying is looking for you!”

“Of course we know. Have your patrols reached our Kirigakure territory?”

“This is Teacher Ye’s order, we only listen to Teacher Ye! "

Naruto said without fear. The war has just ended. Looking at this situation, Kirigakure Village seems to be starting to divide its territory.。

“Okay, let's go to Konoha Village quickly. Ye Ying must have something important to look for us! "

After finishing speaking, he ignored Naruto and walked towards the direction of Konoha Village.

Because some distances are far away, we can't get here today. Ye Ying can only wait until tomorrow for this important meeting. Meeting, those who came here first today had no way of knowing why Ye Ying called them here. He just asked them to wait here tonight. Naruto was patrolling that place, and suddenly his brows wrinkled, and Shisui beside him

also Stunned on the spot。

“Did you feel it?”

“I felt that a powerful chakra force appeared in the north direction!”

“Could this be the Ura style that Teacher Ye was talking about? This chakra is indeed stronger than Teacher Ye. "

Although Teacher Ye is an idol in their hearts, to be honest, the Ura-style chakra they feel now is very domineering.。

“Let’s go back and inform Teacher Ye! "

Zhi Shui immediately made a decision. Of course, in this matter, we have to wait for Ye Ying to give the order before we can implement the specific plan.。

“OK, go back! ", Naruto suddenly changed his words: "You go back and inform Teacher Ye first, I will wait here, maybe this Urashiki is here to look for Konoha Village." Although Shisui knew that it was very

dangerous for Naruto to stay here alone. , but for the safety of the entire village, this is the only way to do it now。

“Okay, then please pay attention to safety. This Ushiki is very strong. He used strange tricks to hurt Ye Ying yesterday. You can't be his opponent! "

After finishing speaking, before Naruto could reply, Shisui flew away in the direction of Konoha Village.

Naruto waited there and saw that Shisui had already left a certain distance.。

“I, Uzumaki Naruto, will become Hokage in the future, how can I just sit here and wait for death! "

After saying this, Naruto headed in the direction of Ura Shiki.

Naruto had only heard about Ura Shiki from Teacher Ye Ying. He was very curious. Is this Ura Shiki really that strong? You know, Naruto's character is fearless, and he dares to fight no matter how strong the enemy is.

Not only that, but Naruto feels that Teacher Ye Ying has taught him so many things, and he is still For a moment, although Urashiki's chakra is very powerful, Naruto also knows that he has the Nine-Tails in his body, and this chakra cannot be underestimated.。

“Oops, another big chakra body appeared, but it doesn't seem to be as big as yesterday's one! "

On a piece of moist land in the distance, Ura Shiki stood there with a smile on his lips, seeming to be very interested in this matter.。

“This world is really amazing, full of moving medicinal materials! ”_To

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