Ye Ying knew Naruto's character and was not at all worried about him being there alone.。

“All those who can fight, follow me, Shisui, you follow.……”Ye Ying counted the people at the scene who could fight, with special emphasis on Shisui.

Because he saw that Urashiki has two powerful eyes. If he pulls Shisui, he has a better chance of winning.。

“What is happening! "Those people who had just arrived from other villages were confused, but seeing the solemn expression on Ye Ying's face, something important must have happened. They also joined the team and were ready to go out to find Naruto.。

“Teacher, I don't think you need to worry, Naruto can also feel the powerful chakra, he won't take such risks!”

“That's not necessarily true. Don't you understand Naruto's character? Although he works hard, he is easily impulsive. Faced with a guy like Urashiki, he might chase after him on his own!”

“No way!”

“Let's go quickly, Shisui, you lead the way, where were you just now! "

Ye Ying doesn't want his students to get hurt. He knows that Naruto himself will not be Urashiki's opponent at all. Mainly, what he is most worried about is that he has not played against Urashiki before, and he doesn't know Urashiki's character. , what will happen to Naruto if he loses, that's not yet certain.

And Naruto himself is now less than 500 meters away from Urashiki. He has already felt that powerful aura, and it seems that When I walked to this place, even the space felt compressed.。

“What ability is this? Why do I feel like my body is so heavy? "Naruto frowned. There was no one here. He could only ask Kyuubi.

Kyuubi had never been in contact with Ura Shiki, but he had a hunch that this Ura Shiki was very powerful and almost impossible to deal with alone. possible。

“Naruto, don't go there. It's still too late to leave. Even if you have to deal with this guy, it's best to stay with Ye Ying and wait for Ye Ying's plan! "

Naruto didn't speak, but stopped and looked forward, but there was nothing in front of

him, just a forest. At this time, Urashiki also stopped and stood there smiling.。

“Why is this moving fruit not moving? You were obviously coming towards me, why did you stop? "

Urashiki was very surprised, but this feeling made him very excited, and he immediately headed in the direction of Naruto。

“No, I can't leave, he's coming! "

Naruto could feel the change in Chakra's stance. Urashiki was already very close to him.。

“Naruto, I'm going into hibernation, you can handle it yourself!”

“Hey, what's going on, are you going to run away? "

Naruto didn't understand what Kyuubi said. He clearly promised to provide him with chakra, but now he said that he was going to sleep.。

“What the hell, you fox who ran away from battle! "Naruto no longer cares about so much, and now he can only fight with his last resort, because he has seen a strange figure appear in his sight.。

“Who are you? "Naruto asked tentatively.。

“So interesting? There was obviously a powerful ball of chakra here just now, why did it suddenly disappear! "

Urashiki looked at Naruto with a surprised look.

Naruto murmured in his heart that this is also because the Nine-Tails has entered a dormant state, so the outside world can no longer feel the powerful chakra of the Nine-Tails._Read the novel without

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