Ye Ying was not nervous when he saw this scene, but laughed. He felt that today would definitely be a big battle, so let's have a good time!

“Playing against Madara is not as fun as this, I want to have a lot of fun today!”

“Naruto, turn on sage mode, Shisui is ready to fight! "

After Ye Ying expressed his excitement, he gave the order.

Things like Dao-seeking jade are very out of reach. As long as they are touched, they will inevitably turn into ashes.

But they are not invincible. There are many ways to restrain them. That is, when Naruto is in sage mode, it doesn't matter if his senjutsu chakra comes into contact with the seeking jade. Then there is Kamui. Kamui uses the Mangekyou Sharingan to directly suck the seeking jade into a special space, and then dissolves it. Finally, Because the reincarnation of the dirty earth is an immortal body, he can ignore the seeking jade. At

this time, Naruto has entered the sage mode, a golden light appears on his body, and his whole appearance has changed.。

“It's really interesting that humans can still do this. "

The smile on Urashiki's face was even more exaggerated. He seemed to be very interested in the things in front of him.。

“do you know? In fact, I was very bored on the moon, and I haven't had a fight in a long time, but you guys who are flashy are too weak, I guess I can only play for a short time, and you will all die! "

There was a helpless expression on Urashiki's face.

Everyone in Konoha was very angry after hearing this. They simply didn't take them seriously. They were as crazy as Uchiha Madara.。

“Let us so-called people do it today! "Zhi Shui pointed at Ushiki and said.

More than a hundred Tao-seeking jade were spreading and flying towards them, as if they wanted to surround all these people.

Ushiki stood there and did nothing else. As if waiting for a good show.

Ye Ying suddenly formed a seal with one hand: Earth Reincarnation!" Just

after saying these four words, a coffin suddenly appeared on the ground, and a person walked out of the coffin, it was Madara.

When they saw this scene, they were very curious and didn't know what Ye Ying meant! Is Madara going to fight Urashiki? That’s too unreasonable.

As soon as Madara appeared, he felt the powerful chakra. He quickly glanced around and finally landed on Urashiki.。

“This is the guy you told me about the Otsutsuki family who uses us as a drug guide! "Ban himself has seen through everything in front of him.

Ye Ying said slowly: "Now you know I didn't lie to you. He has come to end this world now, the world you once dreamed of controlling! "

Madara first noticed hundreds of Dao-seeking jade floating in the air. He was very surprised. He once thought that he was the most powerful person in the world, but even he did not have the ability to summon so many jade at the same time. Looking at the direction in which the Dao-seeking Jade was flying, it was heading towards Ye Ying and the others. Madara understood that it was summoned by Ura Shiki in front of him. Moreover, Madara could still feel the powerful chakra on Ura Shiki's body,

so How much chakra do you have to be able to do this so easily?。

“Did you call me out just to show me this? "

Madara stared at Ye Ying with a calm face.

Although Madara said before that he was not interested in Ye Ying's plan, now, the blood in his heart seems to be surging again.

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