"Fire Release-Hao Fireball Technique!" After Madara used his divine power to turn away a few Taoist Orbs, he felt that the distance between him and Urashiki was almost the same.

At this time, activating the powerful fire ball technique can indeed cause a lot of damage. This time, when I was dealing with Konoha, I used it several times, and the effect was good every time.

But after seeing this technique, Ushiki stood where he was and didn't move at all.

The huge flames spit out from Madara Uchiha's mouth lit up the entire ground and burned towards where Urashiki was standing.

Ye Ying observed quietly, but he did not see Ushiki leaving the flames. This only shows that Ushiki is not afraid of this skill at all. Otherwise, with his strength, he would never be able to react. Come.

Madara consumed a little chakra and used it on the Go Fire Ball Technique. After more than ten seconds, he stopped. The reason why he stopped was that he couldn't see any reaction in the flames.

After the flames disappeared, everyone looked at Ushiki, as if they wanted to see Ushiki seriously injured.

But when the smoke cleared, Urashiki was still standing in the same position without any change.。

“It was pretty good, I just thought of it as watching a show, but you know what? This kind of pediatric stuff is really in line with the interesting personalities of you humans." No one could understand what Urashiki said.

After Urashiki finished with a smile, he suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out toward Uchiha Madara. There was a burst of flames.

Uchiha Madara reacted quickly and was already flying into the sky. However, he saw that the technique Ura Shiki used was his own Fire Ball Technique. Such a powerful person could throw hundreds of them out at will. Qiu Daodama, are you just using this technique to deal with yourself? Uchiha Madara doesn't believe it。

“This shouldn't be his technique, it should be copying Uchiha Madara." Ye Ying behind said with a serious face.。


“Yes, he copied it! "Zhishui also stopped, observed the situation in front, and said his guess.。

“No, it's not that simple. When Shiki released the Go Fireball Jutsu just now, I didn't feel the change in the chakra in his body. Moreover, when Uchiha Madara released the Jutsu just now, the chakra in Ushiki's body was even strengthened. How did he achieve this? "

Ye Ying was also a little surprised. He had never seen such a situation before.。

“Could it be?”

“Teacher Ye, what did you think of? "

Zhi Shui was very curious on the side.。

“He may be able to absorb the chakra of the jutsu we release, then re-engrave it and give it back to us! "

Hearing Ye Ying's words, Zhishui was stunned on the spot. He had never seen this kind of ability. He had never heard of it. Is this Ura style so strong? No wonder Ye Ye The Kage Club felt that this was a new war, and after seeing today's scene, it was indeed the case.

Although Uchiha Madara couldn't figure out what was going on in front of him, Uchiha just returned all his moves. If it weren't for Ye Ying The barrier, then the powerful fire ball technique that was bounced back just now will not make things easier for those coming from Konoha.

No matter what, Uchiha Madara continues to attack, this kind of standing still and waiting for others Come to perform, but the style of Uchiha Madara before has been changed, and Uchiha Madara has become the attacker.

However, the purposes of Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Madara are different._Feilu

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