Everyone at the scene saw this scene and were very surprised. Even if they have super strong chakra, they cannot be able to repair it so quickly.

Urashiki also heard what they said, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with these people's understanding, and immediately said sarcastically。

“You ignorant humans, fix it? Do you think this ant in front of me can cause harm to me? I am God, and you cannot understand the world of God. "

Of course, no one can understand what Ushiki is saying. According to what he just said, it's not repair, so what else is it? And just now, Ushiki's body was indeed penetrated by Ye Ying, and a hole was made. Doesn't matter if you are

. As for the repair, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't bear it any longer. He immediately took out his stick and jumped to Urashiki's side at a very fast speed. The stick grew bigger in an instant and hit Urashiki's head.。

“You monster, where did you get all this nonsense? If you fight against us, you will be dead! "

This move of Sarutobi Hiruzen is very powerful and everyone has seen it.

But when Yuan Fei's stick was almost close to Urashiki's head, everyone was surprised because the stick was suddenly in his hand. Disappeared。

“Where's my stick? "Sarutobi Hiruzen has never encountered such a situation. Even if the attack fails, he will not lose his stick. No matter what,

even if the stick is gone, the person in front of him It must be removed。

“Sarutobi Hiruzen, who asked you to come here? I haven't had enough fun yet! "Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was about to attack again, was stopped by Ye Ying's words. Sarutobi Hiruzen was helpless and asked himself to stop at this time. He glanced at Ye Ying and retreated back. The meaning conveyed to Ye Ying in his eyes was that he must get my stick back.

Although Ura Shiki is a very powerful person, since Ying had given the order, they had no choice but to obey, which happened to answer Fugaku's question. , Fugaku wanted to swarm him just now.

Ye Ying frowned slightly because he felt the strange change on his arm, and Ura Shiki didn't make any move at this time, just looked at Ye quietly, as if waiting Something happened.

After a few seconds, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in the sky at the position where Cai Yeying stayed. The energy of this explosion was very large. If Ye Ying hadn't used chakra to create a barrier around Mu, Then the air wave just now will blow all these people away.。

“How is this going?”

“Where is Teacher Ye?”

“How could it explode! "

After the flames of the explosion disappeared, they could no longer see Ye Ying's figure. After several searches, they could not find it.

Everyone frowned. "Teacher Ye? "

They didn't want to imagine that Teacher Ye was killed by the bomb.

Three seconds later, Pu Shi's expression changed. Instead of the smile just now, it became flat.

A figure suddenly appeared next to Pu Shi, it was Ye Ying.。

“Teacher Ye is okay! "

The people who were worried about Ye Ying just now were relieved when they saw Ye Ying's appearance.

But they still didn't understand the explosion just now. How did it happen that there was no contact between Pu Shi and Ye Ying?

“What exactly is going on? "

Naruto and Shisui frowned tightly, but there was a little more smile on Ye Ying's face._

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