It is clear that Urashiki is regarded as the biggest threat, and the purpose of uniting the entire ninja world is to deal with the Otsutsuki family.

But today, Pu Shi appeared here, and Ye Ying actually started a one-on-one duel. So, should they regard the strength they have united as just decoration?

No one understood what Ye Ying did, and now they could only stand there and watch Ye Ying's performance.

At this time, they noticed a black halo appearing on Ye Ying's body, almost covering his entire body.

Even Urashiki was slightly moved when he saw this scene.。

“What is this interesting thing? "Ura Shiki asked subconsciously.

This black halo doesn't look like chakra, but some kind of special ability. That mysterious black light looks full of power.。

“Armed and domineering?”

“The teacher actually used Armament Haki, and it was all over his body? "

Maitkai watched at the scene, and his whole body couldn't help but boil.。

“Wow, teacher, is this the limit of physical skills? So passionate, so crazy, teacher, I, the blue beast, admire you! "

Metkai shook his pot lid head and jumped up and down in place.

Although it was a serious occasion, Kakashi, who liked to tease Metkai, suddenly said coldly: "If you don't speak, there will be no one. Treat you like a fool!”

“Are you still my good brother? If you can say this, let the teacher show you the strongest physical skills next! "

It's not just Metkai. In fact, everyone is very surprised. They have also seen Ye Ying use armed haki in battle, but they have never seen the armed haki directly covering the entire body like today.

Ushiki Although he was very familiar with the existence of chakra and the scope of its use, what the man in front of him showed was something he had never seen before.。

“Armed color domineering, what is it? "Ura Shiki heard other people's conversations and muttered in his heart.

However, as the master of several worlds, Ura Shiki still has no emotion towards this kind of thing.。

“All the bells and whistles are useless in the face of absolute strength! "

Pu Shi looked at Ye Ying confidently, without any defensiveness.。

“The power of God? This god is what you call yourself, so I will use my strength to tell you today that I am the god! "

Ye Ying still replied domineeringly to Pu Shi.。

“Teacher, you are really cool. Teacher, you are so strong, you can crush that pretty boy! "There was only one person at the scene who was excited. He didn't seem to be here to fight today, but to watch the fight! Staring at the shadow of the

leaf in the sky, the figure suddenly blurred and then disappeared.

Not only that, but also The chakra disappeared.

Urashiki frowned slightly, because even he couldn't grasp the location of the chakra.。

“Rizu, where is Ye Ying? "

Those who currently don't know the location of Ye Ying can only ask their questions to the Uchiha family with Oil Sharingan and the Hyuga family with Byakugan.。

“No, I can’t see clearly. Ye Ying’s speed was too fast. I didn’t see clearly how he disappeared! "

Even Uchiha Itachi shook his head and said that he thought all this was too incredible. Under normal circumstances, even space ninjutsu like Flying Thunder God could not escape his tracking, but with Ye Ying's speed, he gave

up._Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share!

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