"I admit that you are indeed very strong, but you seem to have forgotten something!"

Ye Ying stood opposite Ushiki and said calmly.

Pu Shi glanced at Ye Ying very disdainfully.

When he was about to speak, he suddenly frowned.

A space passage appeared in front of Ushiki. Without any hesitation, he walked towards the space passage. When the shadow ended, he said: "I will deal with you when I come back!" Ushiki said

. disappeared, and Ye Ying also breathed a sigh of relief. He turned around and glanced at the people present, and found that no one was seriously injured, so he felt relieved.。

“Is this the end? "Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the scene in front of him with a look of disbelief. From the beginning of the battle to the end now, he seemed to have done nothing to help. It was always Ye Ying who was fighting Ura Shi. It's not just Saru

. Hiruzen, even Fugaku and the others were very embarrassed. Indeed, in the battle just now, they did not help much. The huge Jade of Seeking the Way and Ura Shiki were all taken care of by Ye Ying.。

“Urashiki will come again! "

Although they don't understand why Urashiki suddenly opened the space channel and left, there was such a big conflict today, and they feel that Urashiki will never let it go. Ye Ying walked to the crowd, and Tsunade came first, with a worried look on his face

. Looking at him, "Are you okay?”

“What can happen to me? "

Ye Ying said very relaxedly, but then he tightened his tone.。

“The reason why Urashiki is leaving now is because in the previous few probing attacks, I found that the reason why Urashiki was able to create so much space did not appear instantly, it always existed, and when we attacked him, He just used a small amount of chakra to connect the passage. I just established a small space and connected it to the space he created. Although I don't know what is on the other end of his space connection, but it should be It's very important, otherwise if I move Qiudaoyu to the other end of the space, he won't leave so nervously! "

After hearing what Ye Ying said seriously, everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that Ye Ying could come up with such a way. Wasn't this using U Shi's power to give U Shi back? But the battle just now was very thrilling

. , if Ye Ying hadn’t crushed Qiudao Yu, they would definitely not have been able to escape.。

“Now you have all seen how powerful Urashiki of the Otsutsuki family is. Besides, let me tell you, there are at least ten people as powerful as him in the Otsutsuki family. In our world, the strongest one is me. , but I just want to tell you that in the duel with Urashiki just now, Urashiki didn't even use one-tenth of his strength, but I used up half of it! "

Although Ye Ying said something serious on the surface, it was actually just to exaggerate and make these people work harder and unite. He had only used one-tenth of his power in the battle with Ura Shih. Who would be able to fight together?" Just throw Wang Zha out from the beginning.

However, even one-tenth of Ye Ying's power is already a legendary existence in the minds of these people, but they don't know that Ye Ying hides many more powerful powers. Unless it is the most critical moment, Ye Ying will never use his trump card._To

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