Ye Ying glanced at the people present, and the meaning in his eyes seemed to be, what I say next is very important, and you all must listen carefully.

Of course, they themselves did not dare to ignore every word Ye Ying said.。

“Now that Urashiki has appeared, let me tell you everything I know about the Otsutsuki family. There is no need to hide it! "

After hearing his words, everyone in the audience was shocked. Concealing it? Could it be that Ye Ying is hiding something?

“The existence of the Otsutsuki family is not accidental. They regard themselves as gods and there is no exaggeration. Around the moon, there are many planets under the control of the Otsutsuki family, but in our world, Kaguya, who was sent by the Otsutsuki family to produce chakra, wanted to stay in this world, so she What happened next。”

“What? You mean? In the Otsutsuki family, Kaguya is just a minor character?”

“Kaguya is so powerful, but she is just a small character. How powerful must Otsutsuki's master be! "

Everyone was very interested in analyzing Ye Ying's words, and they were also very surprised. This world is really too small, and they all thought that the peak of strength was just like that. Only now do they understand, what are they doing? None.

Seeing the disappointed expressions on everyone's faces, Ye Ying is the best at taking advantage of the opportunity to give him candy.。

“You don’t need to be pessimistic. The reason why we can control chakra is also because of Princess Kaguya. Chakra is not something that the Otsutsuki family can use. We can too, and we are not bad! "

Compared with the previous words that disparaged him, he heard Ye Ying praising human beings. For a while, there were many people who agreed, nodding their heads.

However, Tsunade and Hiruzen who were listening on the side were dumbfounded by what Ye Ying said. , why in the same world, Ye Ying can actually know so much. Now that he has told them so much, how much more has not been told to them? No one knows. They can only wait for Ye Ying to tell it.。

“The only shortcoming is that I don’t know how much fighting power the Otsutsuki family has, and I can tell you clearly that the Urashiki you saw today, although very strong, is not the strongest in the Otsutsuki family. It is very difficult to deal with the Otsutsuki family! "

Ye Ying has said so many words for the first time, but now no one understands what Ye Ying is trying to explain.。

“We are waiting here, very passive, so I want to lead all our elite forces to hit the moon directly. I have found the passage to the moon, but opening the moon passage requires huge chakra, and this is what I The reason why Madara Uchiha stayed today! "

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that Ye Ying's intention today was here.。

“Teacher Ye, but Uchiha Madara……”Fugaku was interrupted by Ye Ying just in the middle of what he said.

Fugaku is his student, and of course Ye Ying understands him and already guessed what he said, so he immediately replied: "He will come back on his own!”

“What? You mean he'll come back on his own? "

Ye Ying nodded with certainty.

Although Fugaku couldn't think of the reason why Uchiha Madara came back on his own initiative, the teacher's judgment has always been accurate._

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