Everyone present held their breath and listened carefully to Ye Ying's speech.。

“Here I want to propose a new idea. Although we have cooperated in previous wars, various types of ninjas cooperate with each other to achieve the greatest effect. "

Everyone nodded.。

“But we usually don’t specifically train for such cooperation. However, whether we are dealing with the Otsutsuki family or Urashiki this time, we cannot fight alone. We must form a combined force to win. By then, many people will not be able to fight. Any tacit understanding will not be effective in combat, and may even hinder us. Therefore, our next step is to train this kind of tacit understanding! "

After hearing Ye Ying's words, Fugaku, Shisui, Itachi, and Sarutobi Hiruzen all looked at Ye Ying in disbelief. This was the first time they had heard of this concept, but from Ye Ying's words , they did understand the truth. If they were not comrades in the same team, it would be difficult to have a tacit understanding on the battlefield.。

“But? this?”

“Is this really possible? "

There were several village senior officials who were a little reluctant on the spot.

Of course, Ye Ying knew what these old guys were thinking about, and immediately said coldly: "If you don't do this, the Otsutsuki family will definitely Tear you to pieces! "

You know, the most powerful eyes in the world are now in Konoha, Shisui and the others. If their ninjas are allowed to come to Konoha to participate in exercises, then their loopholes will be quickly discovered. , let alone attacking Otsutsuki, once these loopholes are known to Konoha, their situation will be very passive!

“Do you think, even now, I want to destroy Yi? "Ye Ying's very strong words directly pointed out the problems they were worried about.

Everyone underestimated in their hearts: "As expected of Ye. He even knows what they are thinking. "

Now that the matter is over, Ye Ying has also seen everything about them. They do know that Ye Ying's current strength is already the overlord of this world.。

“Okay, tomorrow I will select the best people in our village, and they will all come to you!”

“mine too! "

After another burst of agreement, Ye Ying laughed with satisfaction.。

“In this way, we can have a chance of winning. However, you must also keep them on guard during this period. Once Urashiki appears again, you must first inform me. Urashiki disappeared this time and left with anger. If there is any oversight, , he can wipe out your whole village in an instant! "

After hearing Ye Ying's words, they broke out in cold sweat. A village was transformed in an instant. What kind of strength is that? However, from the moment they felt the powerful chakra on Ura Shiki's body, they did not have any doubts about this statement.。

“That's it for now, I don't have anything to add, you all go back! "

Ye Ying stood up. A flying thunder god didn't know where he went.

And these people, after Ye Ying's brainwashing, have deeply realized that if they don't unite all their forces, they will die.。

“This bastard flew away by himself again. Isn’t he going to have dinner? "Tsunade stood there looking out the window angrily.。

“Don't be angry, this is an office, don't mess around! ”

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share!

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