The next morning, after Ye Ying woke up, he walked outside as a habit.

Because the door that was kicked to pieces by Tsunade yesterday had not yet been repaired, Ye Ying walked into the passage and saw a person printed in the door frame.。

“Teacher, you finally woke up! "Maitkai looked very excited, swinging the black oily pot lid back and forth, and his white teeth could even reflect the sunlight into Ye Ying's eyes.

Ye Ying slowly walked out of the door . , I looked at the sun in the sky. It had just risen and the sky had just dawned.。

“When did you come? "Ye Ying asked as he looked around. Seeing that the ground was dented, he must have been kneeling here for a long time.。

“Teacher, I was here after dinner last night! "

Maitkai said seriously.。

“This guy is so persistent! "Ye Ying was a little helpless, muttering in his heart, but it seems that he was really tired yesterday. Metkai was here all night, and he didn't know anything.。

“Teacher, please teach me what kind of armed domineering force can put the whole body in a crazy fighting state. That is what the blue beast of Konoha should have!”

“Why are you making so much noise? You can't let anyone sleep! "

Tsunade walked out angrily. When Ye Ying saw this scene, he was very glad that he didn't repair the door yesterday, otherwise he would be kicked away by Tsunade today, which would be like repairing in vain.。

“Tsunade-sama, I……”Metkai realized his mistake and didn't know how to explain it for a while.。

“It's Metkai, it was true just now, in order to punish you, you will be responsible for today's breakfast! "

As soon as Tsunade finished speaking, Metkai stood up and made a no-questions-asked gesture that disappeared from their eyes in two seconds.

Ye Ying had a black line on his face and said softly: "Guy! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Metkai ran back with two breakfasts.。

“Why so fast? "Ye Ying and Tsunade were both very surprised!

“Teacher, give you breakfast! "Matekai handed over the breakfast, but at this time, two middle-aged men ran in!

“This is the guy who stole our breakfast! beat him! "The two middle-aged men said.

Ye Ying was very helpless. It was obvious that Metkai had robbed someone's breakfast and came back. No wonder it happened so quickly.。

“Yes, it's Ye Ying and Lady Tsunade!”

“It turns out that breakfast is in the hands of Ye Ying and Tsunade-sama! "

Seeing that their breakfast belonged to the two strongest people in the village, they had nothing to say and had to accept their fate.

The two middle-aged men walked back out of the door with a smile and left quickly.。

“Teacher, eat quickly. When you are full, you will teach me! "Metka didn't give any explanation for what happened just now.。

“You guy, hey! "Ye Ying let out a long sigh and ate the breakfast in his hand. No matter how he came here, he couldn't care about it now. Although Tsunade said yesterday that she would cook for him, but... Ye Ying thought about the unpalatable meal yesterday, and it was a bit...

After eating a few bites of breakfast, Ye Ying walked to Matkai's side, "Flying Thunder God! "

When the two figures appeared, they were already in a strange place. There was nothing here except big trees!

“Teacher, what did you bring me here for? "Matekai was a little surprised.。

“Do you want to destroy my house? ”_To

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