“You two brats, leave quickly. This kind of power is something that only I, the blue beast of Konoha, deserve to possess!”

Metkai stood in front of the two of them, cursing with his mouth wide open, while Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi ignored Metkai's words as if they were mentally retarded.。

“Okay, be quiet!”

“Yes, teacher!”

He didn't dare to disobey Ye Ying's words. If he wanted to learn this kind of power, only Ye Ying could teach him. No one else had this kind of power.。

Last time I fought Ura Shiki, I used the second stage of black armed color Haki. The three levels at the bottom stage are purple, black, and red, and the highest level is colorless.。

“Wow, teacher, I want to learn the highest level, I want to learn! "Metkai can no longer suppress the enthusiasm in his heart, and is very much looking forward to possessing this kind of power. Under the control of his own very powerful power, if he cooperates with this kind of armed domineering when opening the eight gates, a powerful force will be formed. He really couldn't imagine what kind of power he could grow.。

Hearing this, even Uchiha Shisui and Itachi were very surprised. They originally thought that Ye Ying only used a unique ability, and there was no way to improve this ability. But now, there are so many levels listed. The two of them really couldn't imagine how many things Ye Ying had mastered.。

Moreover, in the battle between Ye Ying and Uchiha Madara, or Ura Shiki, it was obvious that Ye Ying did not use his true strength at all.。

“Teacher, is this thing useful to us?”

Uchiha Itachi was the first to raise his question. He felt that his teacher must have wanted him to become stronger, but he had never let him and Shisui learn this. So there must be his own reason for it.。

“Of course it's useless for you two to learn it. Your physical skills are so weak! "Metkay suddenly stood up and pointed at the two guys and said。

Uchiha Itachi and Shisui admitted that Metkai's physical skills were indeed very strong, but it was not his turn to make an evaluation. Ye Ying still needed to tell them everything in person to be convinced.。

“To be honest, it is really not suitable for the two of you to learn, so I did not let you practice, because according to my understanding of this power, the existence of armed haki will limit the application of one's own chakra, just like It's like adding a seal that cannot be broken through. The reason why I can use it now is because I have mastered the highest stage, but this process is very difficult. I have disappeared for more than 20 years. Do you think I am just playing?”

Ye Ying's expression was very serious. After hearing this, the two smart people immediately understood what Ye Ying meant. This was indirectly telling them that they were not suitable for cultivation.。

But Metkai looked at Ye Ying with excitement, "Teacher, according to this, only I can practice, that's great, I can have the same power as the teacher!”

Ye Ying had no choice but to teleport to the back.。

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui said with some disappointment: "Teacher, let's go back first!”


“Teacher, do you have any instructions?”

“You give Metka a good beating.。”

“What? Teacher, did I hear it wrong?”

Uchiha Itachi and Shisui looked at each other。

“That’s okay, teacher, you’re welcome! "

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