While the two of them were talking, a barrier suddenly appeared in the village.。

“what happened?”

“That seems to be Tsunade's house!”

“Let's go over and see if something happened!”

“Whoosh whoosh!”

As soon as the two people finished speaking, their figures disappeared from the place. When they appeared again, they were already standing in front of the barrier.。

This kind of enchantment is visible and easy to identify.。

The scope of the barrier is not that big, it just covers Tsunade's home.。

“Tsunade-sama! "Uchiha Fugaku shouted there。

At this moment, Tsunade suddenly came over and stared at the two of them across the barrier, "Don't bother me today.。”

After finishing speaking, Tsunade walked into the room and closed the door heavily.。

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Fugaku who stayed behind looked confused.。

“What's going on? She came back today, and she didn't seem very happy!”

“Is it Master Ye Ying?……”

“I don’t know, let’s not worry about it for now, but you and I both know Tsunade’s temper, so it’s best not to provoke her today!”

After talking, the two people left quickly。

As for Tsunade, there are a lot of strange medicinal materials piled up at home, and she is using the fire condensed by chakra to refine the medicinal materials.。

That kind of pill was taught to her by Ye Ying. Although it is very powerful, the refining process is also troublesome. It requires microscopic control of chakra to make the pill effective.。

The pills that were refined before have been handed over to Ye Ying today, and she also knows that in future battles, a lot of pills will be needed, so she can only continue to refine them here.。

Naruto, Shisui, and Sasuke who were sitting on the shadow rock were also very curious about the barrier created by Tsunade.。

“What is Tsunade-sama doing? She's blocking herself off!”

“I don’t know. Could it be that I’m taking a shower?……”

“Shisui, you……”

“no, not me……”

“Do you want me to see with my eyes?”

“Are you looking for death? If Tsunade-sama knows, you will definitely be killed!”

“Hahaha, don’t dare!”

“By the way, I just heard them say that Ye Ying defeated a hundred of them in today's training!”

“Ye Ying is really terrifying. It is really our honor for us in Konoha to have such a powerful person!”

“The next enemy we have to face is the Otsutsuki family. Ye Ying is fully prepared. I think we can win!”

At this time, a few people suddenly ran over from the entrance of the village. They were from Kirigakure Village. The people who came looked panicked and ran in front of Uchiha Fugaku and asked to see Lord Ye Ying!

“What's going on? Tell me slowly! "Fugaku saw this man's expression and realized that something big had happened. Could it be Urashiki?

“Mr. Fugaku, there are a few rebel ninjas not far from our village and they killed our people. Now we have sent all the elites to you for training. We want to tell them to go back!”

Fugaku paused for a few seconds and said: "No, I just need to send people there. Lord Ye Ying is training them now and they can't leave."。”

“Uchiha Shisui, Sasuke, Naruto, you guys go there!”

Fugaku pointed at the three people on the shadow rock, and their figures immediately appeared in front of them.

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