When it comes to the use of fire escape, Shisui is one of the best in the Uchiha family.。

How could this pirated Fire Release hurt him?。

“Art fire escape ho fireball!”

Zhisui immediately condensed part of the chakra on his body, and appeared in front of the man in white in an instant, and released a powerful technique. How could the man in white expect that Zhishui could be so fast? In case, it turned into ashes。

Putting away his technique, Zhisui walked towards the last man in white and said slowly: "If you can tell us where you came from and what you are doing here, I can let you go!”

The last man in white was trembling all over and his eyes were full of fear. The man standing in front of him was enough to kill him ten times. He no longer had the desire to resist.。

“Spare your life, we are just rebellious ninjas who were driven out of the Kingdom of Sand. We have been hiding in the mountains for several years. Now we have no place to go, so we came out. Moreover, I heard that your Ye Ying is training recently and all the elites have been transferred away. , so we thought……”

The man in white explained sincerely。

“Oh, since you all know that they are our allies in Konoha, you are still looking for trouble and death! " Before the man in white could finish his words, Sasuke hit the man in white with a thunder blow in the heart, killing him immediately.。

Zhisui stepped on the body of the man in white, walked over, and came to the people who were knocked to the ground in Kirigakure Village. After observing them, he found that they were not really killed, but they were ordinary people who were affected by chakra magic. Knocked out。

Shisui used a simple healing technique, and the three people woke up immediately.。

The three people knew Zhisui, and immediately woke up and knelt on the ground, "Master Zhisui, thank you!”

Zhisui did not speak, turned around and walked up to the old man, and said slowly: "These few days are a special period. If there is any danger, you can come to Konoha to find us. Our more powerful enemies may appear at any time.。”

“By the way, aren't there genin patrolling your village? Why haven't you seen these people here? "Naruto suddenly thought of this matter and asked!

“I don’t know, we are also very surprised about this matter. The genin are very densely distributed, how could they let a few of them come in!”

“Could it be? "Zhisui's brows wrinkled.。

When this happens, he thinks there is only one possibility, that is, those genin have been killed by these people。

“Oh, it’s nothing, you go back to the village first, we are going back too!”

After Shisui finished speaking, he took Sasuke and Naruto away.。

“Brother Zhisui, what were you going to say just now?”

“I don’t know either. Let’s not go back to the village yet. Let’s go to the patrol area of Kirigakure Village to have a look!”


After a while, they came to the warning range of Kirigakure Village. At this place, according to Ye Ying's order, Kirigakure Village sent some genin to guard here. If those people just entered Kirigakure from other places, Those who are hiding at the entrance of the village will definitely pass by this place, so why can't they be discovered?

As soon as Shisui arrived here, he found the answer to the question。

A look of shame。

Naruto had already walked over at this time and beat several sleeping genin awake.

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