The sun has set half of the sky, and the afterglow shines on the Shadow Rock of Konoha Village。

Inside the coalition camp, smoke rose from the kitchen. It was dinner time, but Ye Ying and the others had not returned yet.。

“Ye Ying hasn't come back yet, why don't we go take a look! "Shisui, Naruto and the others who have returned said slowly.。

They were not worried that something would happen to Ye Ying. With Ye Ying's strength, there was basically no one on this continent who could hurt him.。

However, I have been training all day today and did not come back at noon. Even if my physical strength is supported by chakra, it will be difficult to meet a person's psychological needs.。

As soon as they finished speaking, they felt a figure suddenly appear on Yingyan. The resolute figure was obviously Ye Ying himself.。

“No need to go, Ye Ying is back!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure on Shadow Rock disappeared instantly, and the next second, he appeared in front of them.。

“Teacher is worthy of being a teacher. My teleportation technique is actually used by the teacher dozens of times better than me!”

Uchiha Shisui couldn't help but praise。

“Ah! "Ye Ying snorted coldly.。

“Where have you guys been today? "Ye Ying noticed that several people had leaves attached to their clothes. This kind of leaves can only be found in Kirigakure Village.。

“It seems that nothing can be hidden from the teacher! "Zhishui said with a surprised look on his face. Immediately, the three of them told what happened today.。

However, a few of them believed that what they did today was a good thing and there was nothing unspeakable.。

But the result was unexpected。

“Who asked you to leave the village? You guys, there's no dinner today!”

Ye Ying looked at them seriously。

“Teacher...this...ok! "Uchiha Shisui looked confused. He didn't know why Ye Ying was angry, but the order had been issued and they had to listen.。

Naruto jumped up unhappily, and Ye Ying stopped Naruto on the ground with a kick.。

“You guys, you are not allowed to leave our village again without my order. Now is the critical moment. If you go out again and are killed by Ura Shiki alone, or even transferred to the moon space and imprisoned, then you know……”

Ye Ying explained his reasons。

Naruto, Sasuke and Shisui realized what Ye Ying said after hearing what Ye Ying said, and Ye Ying's starting point was to worry about them and had no intention of targeting them.。

What Ye Ying said makes sense.。

Although the three of them are very strong in themselves, there is still a gap compared with Urashiki. If they are caught, it will be really difficult.。

“Ye Ying, where are those people! "At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen came over and said again by the way: "How was today's training!”

Ye Ying turned his head and glanced at Sarutobi, "You guy, shouldn't you be sitting in the house drinking tea or something, why did you run out again!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen had a black line on his face. This Ye Ying always spoke so directly no matter what the occasion.。

However, Ye Ying also knows that Sarutobi Hiruzen also views this matter very much, so there is no harm in telling him.。

“The training effect is not bad. They have worked together and found some temporary flaws. However, those flaws were deliberately exposed to them by me. In the next few days, they will train in this way.。”

Ye Ying said seriously, with a very resolute expression on his face.

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