However, under the night sky, several figures had already arrived at the peak.。

“This is probably where the people who attacked Master Wife are, so the next step is to eliminate them!”

Naruto looked at the tall and vast mountain peaks, feeling the scents above, and said coldly。

“Let’s do it!”

Shisui and Itachi didn't talk nonsense. The two of them disappeared, and then suddenly there was an explosion halfway up the mountain.。

“Earth escape...ah……”

Some rebellious nin tried to resist, but were immediately killed.。

“Damn it, I can't fall behind!”

Naruto also flew up and rushed towards the place where the aura of rebellious ninja was present.。

“Rasengan shuriken!”

Naruto dropped a huge Rasengan, directly killing dozens of rebel ninjas.。

Kimimaro and Shiro also rushed forward, killing the rebellious ninja who were about to escape.。

“Damn it, who are you?”

“Fire escape. Streaming light!”

“Fire escape. Fire dragon roars!”

Screams and explosions continued to erupt on the quiet mountain peaks。

“These guys are really making a big splash!”

Under the peaks, Ye Ying's figure was hiding in the night, looking at the riots above the peaks with some emotion.。

However, they have restrained themselves. After all, they haven't found the space stone yet. Otherwise, with their ability, they can definitely defeat Luan Feng easily.。

The screams of many rebel ninjas on the mountain peaks were loud, and each ninjutsu continued to erupt with light and sound, which woke up many unsuspecting rebel ninjas.。

“Someone is attacking Luanfeng!”

Every hand of these rebellious ninjas is covered with blood. They are afraid that their enemies will come to take revenge, or that they will launch a large-scale clearing of the ninja village.。

In the cave dwelling, the two people who owned the Space Stone had already stood up and were lurking in the mountains.。

“Brother, are you from Konoha?”

One of them looked at the boss in horror, terrified。

“How is it possible? As far as I know, the Sandaime Hokage is a weak old man. How could he launch an attack?”

The other person was also a little scared. He originally thought that even if he offended the Third Hokage, it would be fine, but unexpectedly, Luan Feng was attacked at night.。

“Let's go quickly!”

The two realized how powerful their opponent was and hurriedly fled back.。

There are so many rebellious ninjas who can't stop the opponents attacking the mountain, and there's definitely nothing they can do。

“Where do you want to escape to?”

Just then, a cold voice came。

The two looked up and found that two young men from Konoha were blocking their way.。

It's indeed Konoha!

The two of them were shocked, but seeing that there were only two of them, they didn't feel much fear anymore.。

“We have no enmity with Konoha, why can't we leave!”

The two of them looked at the two people in front of them, and they both began to prepare ninjutsu secretly, preparing for a surprise attack.。

“Okay, keep the space stone!”

It was Shisui and Itachi who blocked these two people. Their Sharingan could feel the existence of the space stone. They discovered it as soon as the two people came out.。

“You actually know about the space stone, damn it, go to hell!”

The leading ninja fired a thunderbolt. Through his spatial ability, this thunderbolt hit Shisui's head directly.。

“Playing time and space ninjutsu, our Uchiha family has ancestors!”

Itachi and Shisui's Sharingan dodged the attack, and then the genjutsu covered them.。


When they heard that the other party turned out to be a member of the Uchiha family, the two people were immediately frightened and hid in the space, trying to escape quickly.

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