If Ye Ying hadn't found the will left by the Immortal of Six Paths first, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to guess the origin of this stone tablet.。

“What, this is actually something left by the Immortal of Six Paths!”

Everyone was shocked when they heard Ye Ying's words.。

Six Paths Immortal!

That was the founder of the ninja sect, and the legend of the entire ninja world originated from him. Each of his relics has become the top item in the ninja world, and countless people are fighting for it.。

This stone tablet was left by the Sage of Six Paths specifically to prepare for the catastrophe in the ninja world. Its significance and power are probably extraordinary.。

Although Ye Ying is now also striving to be the best in the ninja world, compared to the Sage of Six Paths, the people present still have more respect for the Sage of Six Paths.。

His relics, things left specifically for the war, no one is not moved by at this moment。

At this moment, everyone present was breathing rapidly and staring at the stone tablet.。

There are words that cannot be parsed, at least such words have never appeared in the ninja world.。

If it had been the time when the shinobi villages were tied together, they would have been fighting over this stone monument by now.。

But now although everyone is greedy, no one will take action。

Grab something in front of Ye Ying, unless you are tired of living。

“Lord Ye Ying, what is the purpose of this stone tablet!”

Luo Sha looked at Ye Ying. Although it was said to be a relic of the Six Paths Immortal, it seemed that it had no function.。

Of course, just by the strong chakra aura on it, we can conclude that this thing is definitely useful, but the words on it have never appeared in the ninja world, and there is no way to check it.。

Others also focused their attention on Ye Ying. If they want to unlock the secret of the stone tablet, they may have to rely on Ye Ying.。

“Where is the space stone you took before?”

Ye Ying's eyes stayed on the stone tablet for a while and then moved away, looking at Zhishui and the others.。

“Teacher, there are four space stones in total!”

Zhisui took out the captured space stone. Those rebel ninjas got the space stone in the cave, and the stone tablet was under the rock. I think there is definitely a close relationship between the two.。

Ye Ying took the space stone and walked to the stone tablet.。

The stone tablet as tall as one person exudes amazing chakra energy. At this moment, everyone is staring at Ye Ying, wanting to see the secret hidden in this stone tablet.。

Ye Ying pressed the space stone under the stone tablet. Only then did everyone notice that there were two space stones under the space stone that had been wrapped in moss.。

At this moment, the six space stones returned to their positions, forming a complex and profound pattern.。

“This is a bit like a whirlpool!”

“It looks like the Uchiha family's pattern to me!”

Everyone frowned. The pattern formed by the space stone was something they had never seen before.。

Ye Ying took a few steps back and did not approach the stone tablet.。

Originally, he wanted to use the space stone to create a space base, because they wanted to enter the moon to start a war, and it was not easy to enter.。

Although there is a passage left by Hamura Otsutsuki, it would take a very powerful space passage for an entire ninja army to enter the moon.。

But I didn’t expect that the secret of the Immortal of Six Paths would be unearthed in the end. It was an accident within an accident.。

He only hopes that the stone tablet of the Sage of Six Paths can bring him a surprise this time. No matter what, Ye Ying also hopes that Naruto and Sasuke can reach the level in the original work.。

If the two of them stand up, they will be more effective in future battles.。

After all, the two of them sealed Kaguya Otsutsuki in the original work.

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