The chakra body of the Six Paths Sage appeared again in the sky.

"This Mizuki's method is really weird."

"That technique of invading the human body and absorbing vitality after liquefaction is very similar to the ability of the sacred tree."

The Six Paths Sage had doubts in his heart.

"When I was young, I heard from my mother that the Otsutsuki clan would bring the young body of the sacred tree to the life planet, let the young body of the sacred tree devour the vitality of the entire planet, and bear the fruit of the sacred tree when it grows up. After the Otsutsuki clan eats the fruit of the sacred tree, they will evolve and become stronger."

"My mother didn't say what the young body of the sacred tree looks like, but from the Ten Tails, we can see that the young body of the sacred tree is a living creature that can move."

Thinking of this, the Six Paths Sage had a flash of inspiration.

"Could it be that Shuimu is a wild young sacred tree?"

"Or is he occupied by a young sacred tree?"

Combined with the clue that Shuimu can devour vitality, the Six Paths Sage felt that his guess was probably right.

"He used the Reincarnation Technique several times but did not die because he devoured a lot of vitality. He didn't care about the consumption of the Reincarnation Technique at all."

After sorting out the past and the present, the Six Paths Sage's worries became more and more serious.

Recalling the destruction and disaster caused by the sacred tree to the earth, he felt that he had to do something.

"I am dead, and what is left is only the chakra body, which is an illusory spiritual existence and cannot directly participate in the battle."

"Besides, I have long been tired of fighting."

"Forget it, let's go to the old friend to discuss it and see if he has anything to say."

He looked in the direction where Shuimu left, and his body slowly dissipated.

In the temple of Myoboku Mountain, the Great Toad Sage closed his eyes and slept.

Suddenly it opened its eyes and said, "Long time no see, old friend!"

The old toad had clear eyes and spoke fluently, not like the sleepy and confused appearance it usually showed.

Chakra condensed, and the Six Paths Sage appeared.

"Yes, long time no see!"

The Six Paths Sage had no intention of reminiscing with the toad, but directly stated his purpose.

"Gamamaru, there is a new crisis reward in the Ninja World, can you foresee it?"

The old toad frowned: "New crisis? What do you mean? The previous prophecy has already covered the next thirty years of the Ninja World."

"Could it be that, Yuyi, you already know what will happen thirty years later?"

The Six Paths Sage said: "I seem to have discovered a new juvenile of the Divine Tree."

"What?" The big toad was shocked.

"Are you sure?"

The Six Paths Sage shook his head and said, "It's impossible to be 100% sure, so I'm here to seek your help to see if your prediction can provide any useful clues."

The big toad looked solemn and said, "Tell me what you know."

The Six Paths Sage nodded.

"Have you heard about the Phoenix Village that appeared in the Land of Birds recently?"

The big toad said, "I heard from the little toads below that a Konoha ninja named Mizuki killed the Third Hokage and the Fourth Kazekage, and founded a new village in the Land of Birds after defecting."

"Even the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki of Konoha Village was taken away from Konoha by him."

"Is there anything wrong with this Mizuki?"

The Six Paths Sage nodded again.

"In fact, Mizuki died a few months ago, and his soul has entered the Pure Land."

The big toad frowned.

"Has it been replaced by someone else's soul?"

"The new Hokage of Konoha, named Snake Maru, seems to know this trick."

Six Paths Sage: "Yes, the soul has been replaced, and I can conclude that the soul in Mizuki's body now is from outside."

"Like your mother, did you come from an alien planet?"

How could the two know that Mizuki was not from an alien planet at all, but from the outside world.

"However, even if he came from an alien planet, he is not necessarily from the Otsutsuki clan."

Six Paths Sage said: "He is not a descendant of my bloodline, and there is no other possibility except the Otsutsuki to awaken the Sharingan and Samsara Eye."

Hearing this, Gamamaru's face became serious and he became serious.

Indeed, the Sharingan and Samsara Eye are not original products of the ninja world.

Instead, they were brought by the Otsutsuki clan after they came, and Kaguya passed them on to Hagoromo, who then passed them on to his descendants.

Therefore, the Sharingan and Samsara Eye, tracing back to their origins, still have to return to the Otsutsuki bloodline.

This is enough to prove that Mizuki is definitely related to Otsutsuki.

There is a "wood" character in the name, who would believe that there is no relationship?

"But what made me conclude that he is the young of the sacred tree is another piece of evidence."

Gamamaru asked:

What evidence?"

Six Paths Sage said in a heavy tone: "He has mastered the method of devouring vitality."

"Are you sure!" Gamamaru's voice suddenly rose.

This time it was really shocked.

At this time, it also believed, like the Six Paths Sage, that Mizuki was the young of the sacred tree.

If it can devour vitality, isn't it the sacred tree?

When Isshiki Otsutsuki and Kaguya Otsutsuki descended on the ninja world and planted the sacred tree, the roots spread to every corner of the planet, and even Mount Myoboku was not spared.

Gamamaru still remembers the scene of all living things losing their vitality.

At that time, with its support, the Six Paths Sage cultivated the sacred tree in Mount Myoboku. Only after practicing immortal arts and becoming an immortal can one have the power to seal Kaguya.

The sacred tree was also differentiated into a tailed beast, completely losing its threat to the ninja world.

After finally chopping down a sacred tree, now there is another young sacred tree.

Is the disaster that happened again?

At this time, Gamamaru said that he was so tired!

He was old and couldn't enjoy his old age without any worries.

"Wait a moment, I will go into the dream immediately and predict the future of this Mizuki to see what plans he has for the ninja world."

After saying that, he closed his eyes and soon snored.

The Six Paths Sage waited quietly, and half an hour later, Gamamaru finally woke up.

Looking at Gamamaru's puzzled eyes, the Six Paths Sage felt bad.

But he still asked: "How is it, what is the result? "

Gamamaru shook his head, frowned, and said nothing.

Even though the Six Paths Sage had thousands of years of cultivation and was as steady as an old dog, he was also anxious at this time.

As the saying goes, the shorter the report, the bigger the matter.

Now you are silent, could it be that the ninja world is hopeless?

"What did you see, tell me!" The Six Paths Sage urged.

Gamamaru finally spoke: "I didn't see anything. That Mizuki doesn't seem to be in destiny. I can't see anything about his future."

It was confused itself. It had lived for thousands of years and had never encountered such a situation.

Even for Isshiki Otsutsuki and Kaguya Otsutsuki, it could see some of their future.

But Mizuki, it couldn't see anything.

"How could this be?" The Six Paths Sage was also confused.

Gamamaru said: "I could see the future of the sacred tree that your mother brought back."

"So I can conclude that this Mizuki is definitely not as simple as the young form of the sacred tree. "

"His origins are definitely greater."

It advised: "Hagoromo, such a person is beyond my understanding."

"He has not done anything too harmful to the ninja world now. I think, maybe we are too worried."

"Maybe he has no intention of harming the ninja world?"

Six Paths Sage shook his head.

His eyes were firm.

"Gamamaru, you and I were born in the ninja world. This is our home. Although I am dead, my chakra has not dissipated. I am determined to protect the peace of the ninja world."

"I will not watch the ninja world destroyed."

Gamamaru frowned and retorted: "He has not done anything detrimental to the ninja world."

Six Paths Sage: "His current strength has not reached the level of fearlessness. Maybe he is forbearing."

He said earnestly: "Gamamaru, we can't sit idly by and watch the threat grow. It is safest to destroy him while he is still weak."

"It is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go. ”

“Even if he is found to be wronged in the end, at least this is the safest way.”

The words of the Six Paths Sage make a lot of sense.

Gamamaru was persuaded.

“So, what are you going to do?”

Six Paths Sage: “The reincarnation of Ashura, who is now the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, find a way to get him to Myoboku Mountain, tell him the true identity of Mizuki, and teach him the magic.”

Gamamaru nodded, then shook his head and said, “I’m afraid it won’t be very useful to rely solely on the reincarnation of Ashura.”

Six Paths Sage: “I will also arrange for the reincarnation of Indra.”

Gamamaru said, “It seems that you want to teach them that trick, and that trick is enough.”

“But in this way, many things will be advanced.”

“In the future, time and space will change, and there may be new crises. Hey, I have to be busy again.”

At the same time, Mizuki has been wandering around Konoha and then went to the hospital.

“Rock Lee? He has been discharged from the hospital. "

"His body has recovered miraculously. I heard that he practiced some ninjutsu."

"It's strange. What kind of ninjutsu can make a comminuted fracture heal so quickly!"

After receiving the news, Shuimu suddenly realized.

"It seems that Xiao Li has already mastered the Earth Grudge."

"I thought that with his talent for ninjutsu, even if he mastered it, it would take a long time.

It's been a long time, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. "

"If Xiao Li is discharged from the hospital, it won't be so easy to find him."

"Let's go find Xiao Ying first."

Then, when Mizuki found Xiao Ying's house, he found that no one was at home.

After asking the neighbors, the result was beyond Mizuki's expectations.

Xiao Ying's parents died in the previous explosion of the Hokage Building.

And Xiao Ying died during a mission!

"No, what happened?"

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